class MSTATUS : public Tango DeviceImpl

Class Description: A class which computes all alarms displayed on CTRM screens



Device properties
vector devices
List of sub device needed to compute the global state
string voice_warning_msg
Message sent to the speaker when the global state is ALARM
Tango::DevShort voice_fault_msg
Message sent to the speaker when the global state is FAULT
string python_seq
name of the python sequence used to translate sub device states
Tango::DevShort voice_state
Tell if messages must be sent to the speaker (0 or 1)
vector inhibited
To inhibit devices in the devices list
string voice_dev
Name of the speaker device
MSTATUS(Tango::DeviceClass *, string &)
Constructs a newly allocated Command object
MSTATUS(Tango::DeviceClass *, const char *)
Constructs a newly allocated Command object
MSTATUS(Tango::DeviceClass *, const char *, const char *)
Constructs a newly allocated Command object
The object desctructor
Miscellaneous methods
virtual void init_device()
Initialize the device
virtual void always_executed_hook()
Always executed method befor execution command method
MSTATUS methods prototypes
virtual Tango::DevState dev_state()
Command to read the device state
void get_device_property()
Read the device properties from database


Class Description: A class which computes all alarms displayed on CTRM screens
Attributs member data.

Device properties
Device properties member data.

vector devices
List of sub device needed to compute the global state

string voice_warning_msg
Message sent to the speaker when the global state is ALARM

Tango::DevShort voice_fault_msg
Message sent to the speaker when the global state is FAULT

string python_seq
name of the python sequence used to translate sub device states

Tango::DevShort voice_state
Tell if messages must be sent to the speaker (0 or 1)

vector inhibited
To inhibit devices in the devices list. one (0 or 1) per device

string voice_dev
Name of the speaker device

Miscellaneous constructors

MSTATUS(Tango::DeviceClass *, string &)
Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
cl - Class.
s - Device Name

MSTATUS(Tango::DeviceClass *, const char *)
Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
cl - Class.
s - Device Name

MSTATUS(Tango::DeviceClass *, const char *, const char *)
Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
cl - Class.
s - Device name
d - Device description.

Only one desctructor is defined for this class

The object desctructor

Miscellaneous methods

virtual void init_device()
Initialize the device

virtual void always_executed_hook()
Always executed method befor execution command method

MSTATUS methods prototypes

virtual Tango::DevState dev_state()
Command to read the device state. The method dev_state() override a DeviceImpl class virtual method.
State Code

void get_device_property()
Read the device properties from database

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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