This is a 2D ptychography dataset recorded on the id01 beamline of the ESRF. It can be analysed e.g. with the following quick script: data=ResultsScan0013/data.cxi probe=focus,60e-6x200e-6,0.09 defocus=200e-6 algorithm=analysis,ML**100,DM**200,nbprobe=3,probe=1 liveplot saveplot Or to also optimise the positions (as done in the output files): data=ptycho-siemens-star-id01.cxi algorithm=analysis,ML**100,AP**200,positions=1,AP**50,DM**200,probe=1,nbprobe=3 probe=focus,60e-6x200e-6,0.09 defocus=200e-6 liveplot saveplot The description of the CXI format can be found at To create a CXI file you can look at the code in pynx.ptycho.runner.runner.PtychoRunner.save_data_cxi()