CDI example loading data from a CXI file

%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import h5py
from numpy.fft import fftshift
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# This imports all necessary operators. GPU will be auto-selected
from pynx.cdi import *
from pynx.utils.math import smaller_primes


Change to your CXI file

filename = "/Users/vincent/data/201702-BraggCDI-Pt/alignment_S2280.cxi"

Extract data

cxi = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
if '/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/energy' in cxi:
    nrj = cxi['/entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/energy'][()] / 1.60218e-16
    wavelength = 12.384 / nrj * 1e-10
    print("  CXI input: Energy = %8.2fkeV" % nrj)
    wavelength = None
if '/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance' in cxi:
    detector_distance = cxi['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance'][()]
    print("  CXI input: detector distance = %8.2fm" % detector_distance)
    detector_distance = None
if '/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size' in cxi:
    pixel_size_detector = cxi['/entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size'][()]
    print("  CXI input: detector pixel size = %8.2fum" % (pixel_size_detector * 1e6))
    pixel_size_detector = None
print("  CXI input: loading iobs")
if 'entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/data' in cxi:
    iobs = cxi['entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/data'][()].astype(np.float32)
    iobs = cxi['entry_1/data_1/data'].value.astype(np.float32)
# This is the detector mask
if 'entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/mask' in cxi:
    mask = cxi['entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/mask'][()].astype(np.int8)
    nb = mask.sum()
    print("  CXI input: loading mask, with %d pixels masked (%6.3f%%)" % (nb, nb * 100 / mask.size))
    mask = None

  CXI input: Energy =     0.00keV
  CXI input: loading iobs
  CXI input: loading mask, with 1582092 pixels masked ( 2.312%)

Centre & crop data

You can skip this if your data is already centred and if the arrays dimensions already have a prime factor decomposition with factors not larger than 7.

You can also change max_size to a larger value.

max_size = 256
if iobs.ndim == 3:
    nz0, ny0, nx0 = iobs.shape
    # Find center of mass
    z0, y0, x0 = center_of_mass(iobs)
    print("Center of mass at:", z0, y0, x0)
    iz0, iy0, ix0 = int(round(z0)), int(round(y0)), int(round(x0))
    # Max symmetrical box around center of mass
    nx = 2 * min(ix0, nx0 - ix0)
    ny = 2 * min(iy0, ny0 - iy0)
    nz = 2 * min(iz0, nz0 - iz0)
    if max_size is not None:
        nx = min(nx, max_size)
        ny = min(ny, max_size)
        nz = min(nz, max_size)
    # Crop data to fulfill FFT size requirements
    nz1, ny1, nx1 = smaller_primes((nz, ny, nx), maxprime=7, required_dividers=(2,))

    print("Centering & reshaping data: (%d, %d, %d) -> (%d, %d, %d)" % (nz0, ny0, nx0, nz1, ny1, nx1))
    iobs = iobs[iz0 - nz1 // 2:iz0 + nz1 // 2, iy0 - ny1 // 2:iy0 + ny1 // 2,
                ix0 - nx1 // 2:ix0 + nx1 // 2]
    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask[iz0 - nz1 // 2:iz0 + nz1 // 2, iy0 - ny1 // 2:iy0 + ny1 // 2,
                    ix0 - nx1 // 2:ix0 + nx1 // 2]
    ny0, nx0 = iobs.shape
    # Find center of mass
    y0, x0 = center_of_mass(iobs)
    print("Center of mass at:", y0, x0)
    iy0, ix0 = int(round(y0)), int(round(x0))
    # Max symmetrical box around center of mass
    nx = 2 * min(ix0, nx0 - ix0)
    ny = 2 * min(iy0, ny0 - iy0)
    if max_size is not None:
        nx = min(nx, max_size)
        ny = min(ny, max_size)
        nz = min(nz, max_size)
    # Crop data to fulfill FFT size requirements
    ny1, nx1 = smaller_primes((ny, nx), maxprime=7, required_dividers=(2,))

    print("Centering & reshaping data: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)" % (ny0, nx0, ny1, nx1))
    iobs = iobs[iy0 - ny1 // 2:iy0 + ny1 // 2, ix0 - nx1 // 2:ix0 + nx1 // 2]
    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask[iy0 - ny1 // 2:iy0 + ny1 // 2, ix0 - nx1 // 2:ix0 + nx1 // 2]

Center of mass at: 128.36392729369913 228.5233212385262 293.2362391873246
Centering & reshaping data: (257, 516, 516) -> (256, 256, 256)

Create & initialise the CDI object

cdi = CDI(fftshift(iobs), obj=None, support=None, mask=fftshift(mask), wavelength=wavelength,
cdi = InitFreePixels() * cdi

Init the object support & a random object

For Bragg CDI (without a beamstop) you can usually rely on auto-correlation to get a first estimate of the object support. Calling ScaleObj() is only necessary if a mask is used.

There are several options for the object random initialisation, use InitObjRandom? for details.

cdi = AutoCorrelationSupport(threshold=0.1) * cdi

cdi = ShowCDI() * ScaleObj() * InitObjRandom(src="support",amin=0.8,amax=1, phirange=0.5) * cdi

Solve the object using RAAR & ER

The important parameters below which can affect the reconstruction are the support update ones. You can try: * SupportUpdate(threshold_relative=0.12, method='max', smooth_width=(2,0.5,600)) * SupportUpdate(threshold_relative=0.3, method='rms', smooth_width=(2,0.5,600))

both should work in this case, but depending on datasets one may work better than the other

See the other support update options by typing SupportUpdate?

You can make more complex combinations of algorithms simply by multiplying the operators (ER, HIO, RAAR, SupportUpdate, CF,…) as you see fit.

Note that the recipe below should work on a majority of trials, but will sometimes fail. You can restart from a random object.

sup = SupportUpdate(threshold_relative=0.3, method='rms', smooth_width=(2,0.5,600))
cdi = (sup * RAAR(beta=0.9, calc_llk=50, show_cdi=50)**20)**40 * cdi
cdi = (sup * ER(calc_llk=50, show_cdi=50)**20)**10 * cdi

RAAR #  0 LLK=   7.227[free=  1.501](p), nb photons=2.179479e+06, support:nb=210945 ( 1.257%) <obj>=      3.21 max=   1179.13, out=58.622% dt/cycle=5.7350s
RAAR # 50 LLK=   0.947[free=  0.356](p), nb photons=2.932234e+07, support:nb=194218 ( 1.158%) <obj>=     12.29 max=   1314.53, out=8.186% dt/cycle=0.0168s
RAAR #100 LLK=   1.010[free=  0.360](p), nb photons=2.977872e+07, support:nb=183784 ( 1.095%) <obj>=     12.73 max=   1282.94, out=8.846% dt/cycle=0.0186s
RAAR #150 LLK=   1.003[free=  0.418](p), nb photons=2.962149e+07, support:nb=160305 ( 0.955%) <obj>=     13.59 max=   1269.48, out=8.823% dt/cycle=0.0177s
RAAR #200 LLK=   0.822[free=  0.423](p), nb photons=2.887883e+07, support:nb=127109 ( 0.758%) <obj>=     15.07 max=   1236.75, out=7.826% dt/cycle=0.0187s
RAAR #250 LLK=   0.698[free=  0.328](p), nb photons=2.860738e+07, support:nb=113786 ( 0.678%) <obj>=     15.86 max=   1244.48, out=5.599% dt/cycle=0.0177s
RAAR #300 LLK=   0.714[free=  0.334](p), nb photons=2.878732e+07, support:nb=112895 ( 0.673%) <obj>=     15.97 max=   1243.28, out=5.733% dt/cycle=0.0178s
RAAR #350 LLK=   0.714[free=  0.319](p), nb photons=2.877460e+07, support:nb=112568 ( 0.671%) <obj>=     15.99 max=   1242.78, out=5.607% dt/cycle=0.0178s
RAAR #400 LLK=   0.740[free=  0.320](p), nb photons=2.908311e+07, support:nb=112756 ( 0.672%) <obj>=     16.06 max=   1240.86, out=5.705% dt/cycle=0.0187s
RAAR #450 LLK=   0.727[free=  0.312](p), nb photons=2.888538e+07, support:nb=112447 ( 0.670%) <obj>=     16.03 max=   1240.93, out=5.574% dt/cycle=0.0178s
RAAR #500 LLK=   0.762[free=  0.314](p), nb photons=2.928423e+07, support:nb=111626 ( 0.665%) <obj>=     16.20 max=   1237.93, out=5.755% dt/cycle=0.0177s
RAAR #550 LLK=   0.756[free=  0.297](p), nb photons=2.915630e+07, support:nb=111377 ( 0.664%) <obj>=     16.18 max=   1238.50, out=5.603% dt/cycle=0.0176s
RAAR #600 LLK=   0.814[free=  0.298](p), nb photons=2.981764e+07, support:nb=111229 ( 0.663%) <obj>=     16.37 max=   1234.73, out=5.779% dt/cycle=0.0188s
RAAR #650 LLK=   0.782[free=  0.291](p), nb photons=2.935410e+07, support:nb=111182 ( 0.663%) <obj>=     16.25 max=   1236.16, out=5.630% dt/cycle=0.0182s
RAAR #700 LLK=   0.821[free=  0.295](p), nb photons=2.990288e+07, support:nb=110975 ( 0.661%) <obj>=     16.42 max=   1234.33, out=5.776% dt/cycle=0.0181s
RAAR #750 LLK=   0.783[free=  0.288](p), nb photons=2.939798e+07, support:nb=111037 ( 0.662%) <obj>=     16.27 max=   1236.30, out=5.602% dt/cycle=0.0178s
  ER #800 LLK=   0.825[free=  0.296](p), nb photons=2.994033e+07, support:nb=111173 ( 0.663%) <obj>=     16.41 max=   1234.34, out=5.768% dt/cycle=0.0185s
  ER #850 LLK=   0.194[free=  0.202](p), nb photons=2.499268e+07, support:nb= 99371 ( 0.592%) <obj>=     15.86 max=   1239.46, out=3.224% dt/cycle=0.0173s
  ER #900 LLK=   0.193[free=  0.200](p), nb photons=2.499960e+07, support:nb= 98171 ( 0.585%) <obj>=     15.96 max=   1236.96, out=3.268% dt/cycle=0.0170s
  ER #950 LLK=   0.193[free=  0.200](p), nb photons=2.500156e+07, support:nb= 97815 ( 0.583%) <obj>=     15.99 max=   1235.99, out=3.265% dt/cycle=0.0167s

Save result in a CXI file

Type cdi.save_obj_cxi? to get the full documentation about the function

# cdi.save_obj_cxi("result.cxi")