%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (9, 6) # Figure size for inline display
import numpy as np
import timeit
from pynx.wavefront import *
if False:
# The following is only using on multi-GPU, multi-user (e.g. Amazon) machines
# Select a device number (0..15) to avoid resource conflict with other participants
from pynx.processing_unit.cuda_device import has_cuda
if has_cuda:
from pynx.processing_unit.cuda_device import cu_drv
import pyopencl as cl
from pynx.wavefront.cl_operator import FreePU, PropagateNearField, PropagateFarField, PropagateFRT, default_processing_unit_wavefront
# Only useful to select GPu on multiple-GPU machines (e.g. Amazon EC2)
# Near field propagation of a simple 20x200 microns slit
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
a = 20e-6 / 2
x, y = w.get_x_y()
w.set((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6))
w = PropagateNearField(0.5) * w
w = ImshowAbs(fig_num=1,title="Near field propagation (0.5m) of a 20x200 microns aperture") * w
# Activate live display
%matplotlib notebook
# Near field propagation of a simple 40x200 microns slit, displaying the propagated wavefront by steps
# of 0.2 m propagation
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
a = 40e-6 / 2
x, y = w.get_x_y()
w.set((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6))
# Perform 15 near field propagation of 0.2m steps, displaying the complex wavefront each time
# the **15 expression allows to repeat the series of operators 15 times.
w = (ImshowRGBA(fig_num=1) * PropagateNearField(0.2))**15 * w
#Fractional Fourier transform propagation (3m) of a 43x200 microns slit
%matplotlib inline
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1.3e-6, wavelength=1.e-10)
a = 43e-6 / 2
x, y = w.get_x_y()
w.set((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6))
# w = FromPU() * PropagateNearField(3) * w
w = PropagateFRT(3) * w
# w = FromPU() * PropagateFarField(20) * w
# w = FromPU() * PropagateNearField(-3) * PropagateNearField(3) * w
# w = FromPU() * PropagateFRT(3, forward=False) * PropagateFRT(3) * w
# w = FromPU() * PropagateFarField(100, forward=False) * PropagateFarField(100) * w
w = ImshowAbs(title="Fractional Fourier transform propagation (3m) of a 43x200 microns slit") * w
# Jacques et al 2012 single slit setup - here with simulated 1 micron pixel
# Compare with figure 7 for a=43,88,142,82 microns
figure(figsize=(15, 10))
for a in np.array([22, 43, 88, 142, 182]) * 1e-6 / 2:
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=np.complex64), wavelength=1e-10, pixel_size=1.3e-6)
x, y = w.get_x_y()
d = w.get()
d[:] = (abs(y) < (a)).astype(np.complex64)
# w = PropagateNearField(3) * w
w = PropagateFRT(3) * w
# w = PropagateFarField(3) * w
icalc = np.fft.fftshift(abs(w.get())).mean(axis=1) ** 2
x, y = w.get_x_y()
plot(np.fft.fftshift(y) * 1e6, icalc, label='a=%5.1f µm' % (a * 2e6))
text(0, icalc[len(icalc) // 2], 'a=%5.1f µm' % (a * 2e6))
print('a=%5.1fum, dark spot at a^2/(2pi*lambda)=%5.2fm, I[0]=%5.2f' % (
2 * a * 1e6, (2 * a) ** 2 / (2 * pi * w.wavelength), icalc[len(icalc) // 2]))
title("Propagation of a slit at 3 meters, wavelength= 0.1nm")
xlim(-100, 100)
xlabel('X (µm)')
# propagation of a stack of A x 200 microns apertures, varying A
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((16, 512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
x, y = w.get_x_y()
d = w.get()
for i in range(16):
a = 5e-6 / 2 * (i + 1)
d[i] = ((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6)).astype(np.complex64)
w = PropagateFRT(1.2) * w
figure(figsize=(15, 10))
x, y = w.get_x_y()
x *= 1e6
y *= 1e6
for i in range(16):
subplot(4, 4, i + 1)
imshow(abs(fftshift(w.get()[i])), extent=(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), origin='lower')
title("A=%dµm" % (10 * (i + 1)))
if i >= 12:
xlabel('X (µm)')
if i % 4 == 0:
ylabel('Y (µm)')
xlim(-150, 150)
ylim(-100, 100)
suptitle("Fractional Fourier propagation (0.5m) of a A x 200 µm aperture")
# Time propagation of stacks of 1024x1024 wavefronts
for nz in [1, 1, 10, 50, 100, 200]: # First size is repeated to avoid counting initializations
t0 = timeit.default_timer()
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((nz, 512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
x, y = w.get_x_y()
a = 20e-6 / 2
print("####################### Stack size: %4d x %4d *%4d ################" % d.shape)
d[:] = ((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6)).astype(np.complex64)
t1 = timeit.default_timer()
print("%30s: dt=%6.2fms" % ("Wavefront creation (CPU)", (t1 - t0) * 1000))
w = PropagateFRT(1.2) * w
default_processing_unit_wavefront.synchronize() # Make sure calculations are finished
t2 = timeit.default_timer()
print("%30s: dt=%6.2fms" % ("Copy to GPU + Propagation", (t2 - t1) * 1000))
w = PropagateFRT(1.2) * w
default_processing_unit_wavefront.synchronize() # Make sure calculations are finished
t3 = timeit.default_timer()
print("%30s: dt=%6.2fms" % ("Propagation", (t3 - t2) * 1000))
junk = w.get() # We use FreeFromPU() to make sure we release GPU memory
t4 = timeit.default_timer()
print("%30s: dt=%6.2fms" % ("Copy from GPU", (t4 - t3) * 1000))
# Display one wavefront (i=..) in the stack
# Load one wavefront from a previous ptychography experiment, propagate all modes
d = np.load('data/201606id01-FZP-S0013-result.npz')
w = Wavefront(d=np.fft.fftshift(d['probe']), pixel_size=d['pixelsize'], wavelength=1.5e-10)
print("Number of modes in the probe:", len(w.get()))
w = ImshowRGBA(i=1) * w # For some reason in this file the strongest mode is #1
w = ImshowRGBA(i=1) * PropagateNearField(-200e-6) * w
# Activate live display
%matplotlib notebook
# Near field propagation of a simple 40x200 microns slit, displaying the propagated wavefront by steps
# of 0.2 m propagation
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
a = 40e-6 / 2
x, y = w.get_x_y()
w.set((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6))
# Perform 15 near field propagation of 0.2m steps, displaying the complex wavefront each time
# the **15 expression allows to repeat the series of operators 15 times.
w = ImshowRGBA(fig_num=1) * PropagateNearField(2) * w
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
w.set((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < 100e-6))
# Perform 15 near field propagation of 0.2m steps, displaying the complex wavefront each time
# the **15 expression allows to repeat the series of operators 15 times.
w = ImshowRGBA(fig_num=2) * PropagateFRT(2) * w