gtxcupy 32-550 (N,N,N)Bluesteinfloat32inplaceTrue12024-01-30 22h43:02 +00h 22m 21s [ 374 tests] 0
pyvkfft-test --systematic --backend cupy --gpu gtx --max-nb-tests 0 --nproc 3 --ndim 3 --range 2 550 --dst 1 --bluestein --inplace --lut --norm 1 --range-mb 0 4100


test_systematic  (backend='cupy', shape=(537, 537, 537), ndim=3, dtype=dtype('float32'), norm=1, use_lut=True, inplace=True, r2c=False, dct=False, dst=1, fstride=False) [pyvkfft.test.test_fft.TestFFTSystematic]:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 125, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyvkfft/", line 584, in test_accuracy_kwargs
    return test_accuracy(**kwargs)
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyvkfft/", line 318, in test_accuracy
    app = cuVkFFTApp(d0.shape, d0.dtype, ndim=ndim, norm=norm, axes=axes,
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyvkfft/", line 199, in __init__
    check_vkfft_result(res, shape, dtype, ndim, inplace, norm, r2c, dct, dst, axes, "cuda")
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyvkfft/", line 419, in check_vkfft_result
    raise RuntimeError("VkFFT error %d: %s %s" % (res,, s))
RuntimeError: VkFFT error 4001: VKFFT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE DST1 (537,537,537) float32 3D inplace norm=1 [cuda]

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyvkfft/test/", line 1021, in test_systematic
    res = * r)
  File "/home/esrf/favre/.conda/envs/pyvkfft-test/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 873, in next
    raise value
RuntimeError: VkFFT error 4001: VKFFT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE DST1 (537,537,537) float32 3D inplace norm=1 [cuda]