.. _tutorial-nonregression: Non Regression Tests ==================== * get the datasets archive from http://ftp.esrf.fr/scisoft/PYHST2/TEST_PYHST2.tgz and untar it somewhere. Let's say that you copy the tar file in directory named /DATA and you untar it there. * Now go into directory TEST_PYHST and edit the script non regression.py You have to edit three variables there : * LAUNCHING_INSTRUCTION * outputprefix * PREFIX * casi The variable LAUNCHING_INSTRUCTION determine how the program is launche. The following setup will launch one process of the PyHST2_2016c version and it will use GPU number 0 of the host sciosft12, this suppose that you are on scisoft12. Change the line according to you machine and to your pyhst version :: LAUNCHING_INSTRUCTION = "echo 'localhost\n' > machinefile ; time PyHST2_2016a input.par scisoft12,0" The following instruction determine where the results will be written :: outputprefix="/data/scisofttmp/mirone/TEST_PYHST/RESULTS/2017c/tests" Where datasets can be found is given by PREFIX, assuming that you have untarred the data in /DATA :: PREFIX="/DATA/DATASETS/" finally by variable *casi* you can select which cases will be run. By default all the one distributed with the data archive will be runned. Finally you can launch the tests :: python nonregressions.py