Source code for XRStools.xrs_fileIO

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
# Filename:

__author__ = "Christoph J. Sahle - ESRF"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"

import numpy as np
import array as arr
import collections
import os

# # try to import the fast PyMCA parsers
# try:
#     import PyMca.EdfFile as EdfIO
#     # use as: data = EdfIO.EdfFile(fname,"r").GetData(0)
#     import PyMca.specfilewrapper as SpecIO
#     # use as:
#     # sf = SpecIO.Specfile(filename)
#     # sf.scanno() # returns the number of scans in the SPEC file
#     # scan ='1') # returns the first scan in the specfile
#     # # np.array of the data
#     # scan.alllabels() # Python list of all counter names
#     use_PyMca = True
# except:
#     use_PyMca = False

    import PyMca5.PyMcaIO.EdfFile as EdfIO
    import PyMca5.PyMcaIO.specfilewrapper as SpecIO
    import fabio
    from import SpecFile

    use_PyMca = True
    use_PyMca = False

    from import SpecFile
print( " >>>>>>>>  use_PyMca " , use_PyMca)

__metaclass__ = type # new style classes

SHOW_LOADED_FILES = False  # this is useful when you want to take home a limited number
                           # of files for an experiment : you run the analysis at the lab :
                           # you look a the filenames that are printed and the you tar gz
                           # that ones for home. This without having to bring home the 
                           # whole shift

if "SHOW_LOADED_FILES" in os.environ:

[docs]def dump_on_file_list(filename): f = open("list_of_used_files.txt","a") f.write( filename+"\n") f.close()
[docs]def SpecRead(filename,nscan): """Parses a SPEC file and returns a specified scan. Args: * filename (string): SPEC file name (inlc. path) * nscan (int): Number of the desired scan. Returns: * data (np.array): array of the data from the specified scan. * motors (list): list of all motor positions from the header of the specified scan. * counters (dict): all counters in a dictionary with the counter names as keys. """ scannid = '#S' countid = '#L' motorid = '#P' data = [] motors = [] counterss = [] f = open(filename,'r') if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(filename) while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[0:2] == scannid: if int(line.split()[1]) == nscan: line = '##'+line while line and line[0:2]!='#S': line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[0:2] == countid: cline = ' '+line[2:] counterss = [n.strip() for n in [_f for _f in cline.split(' ')[1:] if _f]] if line[0:2] == motorid: motors.append([float(n) for n in line.strip().split()[1:]]) if line[0] != '#': data.append([float(n) for n in line.strip().split()]) data.pop(-1) # the trailing empty line f.close() # put the data into a dictionary with entries from the counterss counters = {} for n in range(len(counterss)): counters[counterss[n].lower()] = [row[n] for row in data] # data[:,n] return data, motors, counters
[docs]def myEdfRead(filename): """ Returns EDF-data, if PyMCA is not installed (this is slow). """ # get some info from header f = open(filename,'rb').readlines() if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(filename) counter = 0 predata = [] for entry in f: counter += 1 if entry.strip().split()[0] == '}': break for entry in f[:counter]: if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Dim_1': dim1 = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Dim_2': dim2 = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Size': size = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) length = 0 for line in f: length += len(line) headerlength = (length-size)//2 # get the data f = open(filename,'rb') predata = arr.array('H') predata.fromfile(f,(headerlength+dim1*dim2)) data = np.reshape(predata[headerlength:],(dim2,dim1)) f.close() return data
[docs]def PyMcaSpecRead_my(filename,nscan): """ Returns data, counter-names, and EDF-files using PyMCA. """ if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(filename) sf = SpecIO.Specfile(filename) scan = data = lables = scan.alllabels() counters = {} cou = 0 for lable in lables: counters[lable.lower()] = data[cou,:] cou += 1 #motors = [np.array(ii.split()[1::]).astype(np.float) for ii in scan.header('P')] #motors = collections.OrderedDict( zip(scan.allmotors(), map( scan.motorpos, scan.allmotors())) ) motors = dict( list(zip(scan.allmotors(), list(map( scan.motorpos, scan.allmotors())))) ) return data.T, motors, counters, lables
[docs]def SilxSpecRead( filename, nscan ): """ Returns data, motors, counter-names, and labels using Silx. """ if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(filename) nscan -= 1 sf = SpecFile( filename ) data = nscan ) lables = sf.labels( nscan ) counters = {} cou = 0 for lable in lables: counters[lable.lower()] = data[:,cou] cou += 1 motors = dict( list(zip(sf.motor_names(nscan), list( map( sf.motor_position_by_name, [nscan]*len(sf.motor_names(nscan)), sf.motor_names( nscan ))))) ) return data, motors, counters, lables
[docs]def PyMcaSpecRead(filename,nscan): """ Returns data, counter-names, and EDF-files using PyMCA. """ sf = SpecIO.Specfile(filename) if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(filename) scan = data = lables = scan.alllabels() counters = {} cou = 0 for lable in lables: counters[lable.lower()] = data[cou,:] cou += 1 #motors = [np.array(ii.split()[1::]).astype(np.float) for ii in scan.header('P')] #motors = collections.OrderedDict( zip(scan.allmotors(), map( scan.motorpos, scan.allmotors())) ) motors = dict( list(zip(scan.allmotors(), list(map( scan.motorpos, scan.allmotors())))) ) return data.T, motors, counters
[docs]def PyMcaEdfRead(fname): """ Returns the EDF-data using PyMCA. """ if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(fname) data = EdfIO.EdfFile(fname,"r").GetData(0) return data
[docs]def FabioEdfRead(fname): """ Returns the EDF-data using FabIO. """ if SHOW_LOADED_FILES: dump_on_file_list(fname) return fabio.edfimage.EdfImage().read(fname).data
[docs]def ReadScanFromFile(fname): """ Returns a scan stored in a Numpy archive. """ try: print( 'Trying to load scan from file.') scanname = 'Scan%03d' % scannumber scan = np.load(fname) data = list(scan['data']) motors = list(scan['motors']) counters = scan['counters'].item() edfmats = scan['edfmats'] return data, motors, counters, edfmats except: print( 'Failed loading scan from file, will read EDF- and SPEC-file.') pass
[docs]def WriteScanToFile(fname,data,motors,counters,edfmats): """ Writes a scan into a Numpy archive. """ try: np.savez(fname, data=data, motors=motors, counters=counters, edfmats=edfmats) print( 'trying to save file in numpy-archive.') except: print( 'Could not write ' + fname + '.') pass
[docs]def PrepareEdfMatrix_TwoImages(scan_length,num_pix_x,num_pix_y): """ Returns np.zeros for old data (horizontal and vertical Maxipix images in different files). """ edfmats_h = np.zeros((scan_length,num_pix_y//2,num_pix_x)) edfmats_v = np.zeros((scan_length,num_pix_y//2,num_pix_x)) edfmats = np.zeros((scan_length,num_pix_y,num_pix_x)) return edfmats_h, edfmats_v, edfmats
[docs]def PrepareEdfMatrix(scan_length,num_pix_x,num_pix_y): """ Returns np.zeros of the shape of the detector. """ edfmats = np.zeros((scan_length,num_pix_y,num_pix_x)) return edfmats
[docs]def ReadEdfImages_TwoImages(ccdcounter,num_pix_x,num_pix_y,path,EdfPrefix_h,EdfPrefix_v, EdfNmae, EdfPostfix): """ Reads a series of EDF-images and returs them in a 3D Numpy array (horizontal and vertical Maxipix images in different files). """ edfmats_h, edfmats_v, edfmats = PrepareEdfMatrix_TwoImages(len(ccdcounter),num_pix_x,num_pix_y) for m in range(len(ccdcounter)): ccdnumber = ccdcounter[m] edfnameh = path + EDF_PREFIXh + edfName + '_' + "%04d" % ccdnumber + EDF_POSTFIX edfnamev = path + EDF_PREFIXv + edfName + '_' + "%04d" % ccdnumber + EDF_POSTFIX if use_PyMca == True: edfmatsh[m,:,:] = PyMcaEdfRead(edfnameh) edfmatsv[m,:,:] = PyMcaEdfRead(edfnamev) edfmats[m,0:num_pix_y//2,:] = edfmatsv[m,:,:] edfmats[m,num_pix_y//2:,:] = edfmatsh[m,:,:] else: edfmatsh[m,:,:] = myEdfRead(edfnameh) edfmatsv[m,:,:] = myEdfRead(edfnamev) edfmats[m,0:num_pix_y//2,:] = edfmatsv[m,:,:] edfmats[m,num_pix_y//2:,:] = edfmatsh[m,:,:] return edfmats
[docs]def EdfRead(fname): if use_PyMca == True: # print " using pymca " edfmat = PyMcaEdfRead(fname) else: # print "NOT using pymca " edfmat = myEdfRead(fname) return edfmat
[docs]def ReadEdf_justFirstImage(ccdcounter, path, EdfPrefix, EdfName, EdfPostfix): m=0 ccdnumber = ccdcounter[m] fname = path + EdfPrefix + EdfName + '_' + "%04d" % ccdnumber + EdfPostfix if use_PyMca == True: print( " using pymca " ) edfmat = PyMcaEdfRead(fname) else: print( "NOT using pymca " ) edfmat = myEdfRead(fname) return edfmat
[docs]def ReadEdfImages(ccdcounter, num_pix_x, num_pix_y, path, EdfPrefix, EdfName, EdfPostfix): """ Reads a series of EDF-images and returs them in a 3D Numpy array (horizontal and vertical Maxipix images in different files). """ edfmats = PrepareEdfMatrix(len(ccdcounter),num_pix_x,num_pix_y) for m in range(len(ccdcounter)): ccdnumber = ccdcounter[m] fname = path + EdfPrefix + EdfName + '_' + "%04d" % ccdnumber + EdfPostfix print( " for file ", fname) if use_PyMca == True: print( " using pymca " ) edfmats[m,:,:] = PyMcaEdfRead(fname) else: print( "NOT using pymca " ) edfmats[m,:,:] = myEdfRead(fname) return edfmats
[docs]def ReadEdfImages_my(ccdcounter, path, EdfPrefix, EdfName, EdfPostfix): """ Reads a series of EDF-images and returs them in a 3D Numpy array (horizontal and vertical Maxipix images in different files). """ fname = path + EdfPrefix + EdfName + "%04d" % ccdcounter[0] + EdfPostfix xyShape = np.shape(myEdfRead(fname)) edfmats = PrepareEdfMatrix(len(ccdcounter),xyShape[1],xyShape[0]) for m in range(len(ccdcounter)): ccdnumber = ccdcounter[m] fname = path + EdfPrefix + EdfName + "%04d" % ccdnumber + EdfPostfix if SHOW_LOADED_FILES : dump_on_file_list(fname) print( " LEGGO ", fname) edfmats[m,:,:] = myEdfRead(fname) return edfmats
[docs]def ReadEdfImages_PyMca(ccdcounter, path, EdfPrefix, EdfName, EdfPostfix): """ Reads a series of EDF-images and returs them in a 3D Numpy array (horizontal and vertical Maxipix images in different files). """ fname = path + EdfPrefix + EdfName + "%04d" % ccdcounter[0] + EdfPostfix xyShape = np.shape(PyMcaEdfRead(fname)) edfmats = PrepareEdfMatrix(len(ccdcounter),xyShape[1],xyShape[0]) for m in range(len(ccdcounter)): ccdnumber = ccdcounter[m] fname = path + EdfPrefix + EdfName + "%04d" % ccdnumber + EdfPostfix if SHOW_LOADED_FILES : dump_on_file_list(fname) print( " LEGGO ", fname) edfmats[m,:,:] = PyMcaEdfRead(fname) return edfmats
[docs]def readbiggsdata(filename,element): """ Reads Hartree-Fock Profile of element 'element' from values tabulated by Biggs et al. (Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 16, 201-309 (1975)) as provided by the DABAX library ( input: filename = path to the ComptonProfiles.dat file (the file should be distributed with this package) element = string of element name returns: data = the data for the according element as in the file: #UD Columns: #UD col1: pz in atomic units #UD col2: Total compton profile (sum over the atomic electrons #UD col3,...coln: Compton profile for the individual sub-shells occupation = occupation number of the according shells bindingen = binding energies of the accorting shells colnames = strings of column names as used in the file """ elementid = '#S' sizeid = '#N' occid = '#UOCCUP' bindingid = '#UBIND' colnameid = '#L' data = [] f = open(filename,'r') istrue = True while istrue: line = f.readline() if line[0:2] == elementid: if line.split()[-1] == element: line = f.readline() while line[0:2] != elementid: if line[0:2] == sizeid: arraysize = int(line.split()[-1]) line = f.readline() if line[0:7] == occid: occupation = line.split()[1:] line = f.readline() if line[0:6] == bindingid: bindingen = line.split()[1:] line = f.readline() if line[0:2] == colnameid: colnames = line.split()[1:] line = f.readline() if line[0]== ' ': data.append([float(n) for n in line.strip().split()]) #data = np.zeros((31,arraysize)) line = f.readline() break length = len(data) data = (np.reshape(np.array(data),(length,arraysize))) return data, occupation, bindingen, colnames