Source code for XRStools.xrs_imaging

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Filename:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import io
from itertools import groupby
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf, RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, fmin
import scipy
import scipy.ndimage
from . import xrs_rois

from .helpers import *
#from xrs_read import rois

from . import xrs_read

import PyMca5.PyMcaIO.specfilewrapper as SpecIO
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip

[docs]class oneD_imaging(xrs_read.read_id20): """ **oneD_imaging** Class to construct images using the 1D piercing mode. """ def __init__(self,absfilename,energycolumn='sty',monitorcolumn='kapraman', monitor_divider = 1.0, edfName=None,single_image=True, sumto1D = 1, recenterings=None ): self.sumto1D = sumto1D try: self.path = os.path.split(absfilename)[0] + '/' self.filename = os.path.split(absfilename)[1] except IOError: print('IOError! No such SPEC file, please check SPEC-filename.') if not edfName: self.edfName = os.path.split(absfilename)[1] else: self.edfName = edfName self.single_image = single_image self.scannumbers = [] self.EDF_PREFIXh = 'edf/h_' self.EDF_PREFIXv = 'edf/v_' self.EDF_PREFIX = 'edf/' self.EDF_POSTFIX = '.edf' self.DET_PIXEL_NUMx = 768 self.DET_PIXEL_NUMy = 512 self.DET_PIXEL_NUM = 256 self.encolumn = energycolumn.lower() self.monicolumn = monitorcolumn.lower() self.monitor_divider = monitor_divider self.eloss = [] # common eloss scale for all analyzers = [] # common energy scale for all analyzers self.signals = [] # signals for all analyzers self.errors = [] # poisson errors self.qvalues = [] # for all analyzers self.groups = {} # dictionary of groups (such as 2 'elastic', or 5 'edge1', etc.) self.cenom = [] # list of center of masses of the elastic lines self.E0 = [] # energy value, mean value of self.cenom self.tth = [] # list of scattering angles (one for each ROI) self.VDtth = [] self.VUtth = [] self.VBtth = [] self.HRtth = [] self.HLtth = [] self.HBtth = [] self.resolution = [] # list of FWHM of the elastic lines for each analyzer self.signals_orig = [] # signals for all analyzers before interpolation self.errors_orig = [] # errors for all analyzers before interpolation # TTH offsets from center of V and H modules # tth offsets in one direction (horizontal for V-boxes, vertical for H-boxes) self.TTH_OFFSETS1 = np.array([5.0, 0.0, -5.0, 5.0, 0.0, -5.0, 5.0, 0.0, -5.0, 5.0, 0.0, -5.0]) # tth offsets in the other direction (horizontal for H-boxes, vertical for V-boxes) self.TTH_OFFSETS2 = np.array([-9.71, -9.75, -9.71, -3.24, -3.25, -3.24, 3.24, 3.25, 3.24, 9.71, 9.75, 9.71]) # input self.roi_obj = [] # an instance of the roi_object class from the xrs_rois module (new) # images self.twoDimages = {} # dictionary: one entry per scan, each scan has a list of one image per ROI self.motorDict = {} # additional dictionary : for every scan a dictionary with values associated to motor names self.recenterings = recenterings
[docs] def loadscan_2Dimages(self, scannumbers,scantype='sty', isolateSpot = 0): print( " SONO IN loadscan_2Dimages monicolumns ", self.monicolumn) edfmat = self.read_just_first_scanimage(scannumbers[0]) if edfmat.shape[1] != self.DET_PIXEL_NUMx : self.DET_PIXEL_NUMy ,self.DET_PIXEL_NUMx = edfmat.shape # check if there are ROIs defined if not self.roi_obj: print( 'Please define some ROIs first.') return # make sure scannumbers are iterable (list) if not isinstance(scannumbers,list): scannums = [] scannums.append(scannumbers) else: scannums = scannumbers maxvalue = 0 for number in scannums: # go through all scans scanname = 'Scan%03d' % number data, motors, counters, edfmats = self.readscan(number) if self.monicolumn in counters: intensities = counters[self.monicolumn] np.multiply( edfmats, (self.monitor_divider/np.array(intensities))[:,None,None],edfmats ) monitor = intensities else: monitor = np.ones( edfmats.shape[0],"f") self.monitor_divider = 1.0 maxvalue = max(maxvalue, edfmats.max()) position = counters[scantype.lower()] self.twoDimages[scanname] = [] ####### fn = self.path + self.filename spc = SpecIO.Specfile(fn) spcscn = motodict=dict( list(zip(spcscn.allmotors(), list(map( spcscn.motorpos, spcscn.allmotors())))) ) self.motorDict[scanname] = motodict ####### for ii in range(len(self.roi_obj.x_indices)): # go through all ROIs # construct the image if len( self.roi_obj.x_indices[ii]): roixinds = self.roi_obj.x_indices[ii] roiyinds = self.roi_obj.y_indices[ii] minx = np.amin(roixinds) miny = np.amin(roiyinds) if self.recenterings is not None: if self.recenterings[ii].shape ==(2,2): ## to be refined by comparaison : zb,xb is the gol for new baricenter [[zb, za],[xb,xa]] = self.recenterings[ii] sx = xb-xa sz = zb-za else: ## good shift is known in advance sz,sx = self.recenterings[ii] if sx != 0.0: print( " SHIFTO DI " , sx) isx = int(1000+sx)-1000 dsx = sx-isx edfmats2use = (1.0-dsx) * np.roll(edfmats , isx , axis=-1) + dsx * np.roll(edfmats , isx+1 , axis=-1) if sz != 0.0: isz = int(1000+sz)-1000 dsz = sz-isz edfmats2use = (1.0-dsz) * np.roll(edfmats2use , isz , axis=-2) + dsz * np.roll(edfmats2use , isz+1 , axis=-1) tmp = np.zeros_like(edfmats2use) tmp[:,roixinds,roiyinds] = edfmats2use[:,roixinds,roiyinds] print( " ENERGIA adesso " , tmp.sum()) print( " ENERGIA prima " ,edfmats[:,roixinds,roiyinds] .sum()) # # When recentering.shape ==(2,2) it contains the previously measure (bari_Y, bari_X) of the reference scan ( with the reference ROI) in the first column # while the second columns is the previously measured baricenter of the sample scan ( with the sample ROI). # The goal now is to have a shift ( confirmed shift) which brings the sample baricenter ( with the reference ROI) over the scan baricenter if self.recenterings[ii].shape ==(2,2): dimz,dimy,dimx = tmp.shape BX = (tmp*np.arange(dimx)).sum()/tmp.sum() print( " original barix for zone ", ii, " : " , xa) print( " actual / goal : ", BX, xb) sx = xb-xa + xb-BX if sx != 0.0: print( " SHIFTO DI " , sx) isx = int(1000+sx)-1000 dsx = sx-isx edfmats2use = (1.0-dsx) * np.roll(edfmats , isx , axis=-1) + dsx * np.roll(edfmats , isx+1 , axis=-1) tmp = np.zeros_like(edfmats2use) tmp[:,roixinds,roiyinds] = edfmats2use[:,roixinds,roiyinds] print( "E ENERGIA adesso " , tmp.sum()) dimz,dimy,dimx = tmp.shape BX = (tmp*np.arange(dimx)).sum()/tmp.sum() print( " original barix for zone ", ii, " : " , xa) print( " NOW actual / goal : ", BX, xb) ############################################################# BY = (tmp*(np.arange(dimy)[:,None])).sum()/tmp.sum() print( " original bariy for zone ", ii, " : " , za ) print( " actual / goal : ", BY, zb) sz = zb-za + zb-BY if sz != 0.0: print( " SHIFTO DI " , sz) isz = int(1000+sz)-1000 dsz = sz-isz edfmats2use = (1.0-dsz) * np.roll(edfmats2use , isz , axis=-2) + dsz * np.roll(edfmats2use , isz+1 , axis=-2) shifts = np.array([sz,sx]) self.recenterings[ii] = shifts tmp = np.zeros_like(edfmats2use) tmp[:,roixinds,roiyinds] = edfmats2use[:,roixinds,roiyinds] print( "E ENERGIA adesso " , tmp.sum()) dimz,dimy,dimx = tmp.shape BX = (tmp*np.arange(dimx)).sum()/tmp.sum() BY = (tmp*(np.arange(dimy)[:,None])).sum()/tmp.sum() print( " original barix for zone ", ii, " : " , xa, za) print( " NOW actual / goal : ", BX, xb ," and ", BY, zb ) else: edfmats2use = edfmats axesrange = [0,roiyinds[-1],position[-1],position[0]] inset = np.zeros([edfmats2use.shape[0], np.amax(roixinds)+1-minx, np.amax(roiyinds)+1-miny ]) inset [:,roixinds-minx, roiyinds-miny ] =edfmats2use[:, roixinds , roiyinds ] if self.sumto1D: imageMat = (np.sum(inset,axis=1)) else: if isolateSpot: imageLines = np.sum(inset,axis=1) imageLines =imageLines- scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter( imageLines ,[0,isolateSpot],mode='constant',cval=0) poss = np.argmax(imageLines,axis=1) for i in range(len(poss)): inset[i,:, : max(0,poss[i]-isolateSpot) ]=0 inset[i,:, poss[i]+isolateSpot : ]=0 imageMat = inset imageInst = LRimage(imageMat,position, roiyinds, cornerpos = (minx, miny), monitor = monitor ) self.twoDimages[scanname].append(imageInst) else: imageInst = LRimage([],[],[], monitor = monitor) self.twoDimages[scanname].append(imageInst) return maxvalue
[docs] def save_state_hdf5(self, filename, groupname, comment="", myrank=0, factor = 1.0, save_also_roi = False): import h5py h5 = h5py.File(filename,"a") if (myrank==0): if groupname in h5: print( " levo " , groupname) del h5[groupname] h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = h5py.File(filename,"a") h5.require_group(groupname) h5group = h5[groupname] if(myrank==0): h5group["README"] = " Some metadata concerning the way data have been extracted \n" "comment : contains the containt of input file give to XRS_swissknife\n" "path : the path to the aquisition ditrectory \n" "filename : the spec file \n" "encolumn : the spec column with the scan energy\n" "monicolumn : the column containing the beam reference (not used if not found) \n" "edfName : the prefix of edf files contained in edf directory ( the aquired images)\n" h5group["path"] = self.path h5group["filename"] = self.filename h5group["edfName"] = self.edfName h5group["monicolumn"] = self.monicolumn h5group["encolumn"] = self.encolumn h5group["comment"] = comment h5group.require_group("scans") h5group = h5group["scans"] if save_also_roi and self.roi_obj is not None: xrs_rois.write_rois_toh5(h5group , self.roi_obj.red_rois ) elif save_also_roi=="for_resynth" : print(" dovre salvare ", h5group , self.roi_obj.red_rois ) xrs_rois.write_rois_toh5_for_resynth(h5group , self.roi_obj.red_rois ) for scanname, imageInst in self.twoDimages.items(): h5group.require_group(scanname) h5group_scan = h5group[scanname] if scanname in self.motorDict: h5_md = h5group_scan.require_group("motorDict") for mn, mv in self.motorDict[scanname].items(): h5_md[mn] = mv for ii, ima in enumerate(imageInst): print(" ii ima ", ii, ima) if ima is not None and ima.matrix !=[]: h5group_scan.require_group( str(ii) ) h5group_scan_ii = h5group_scan[ str(ii) ] h5group_scan_ii["README"]=("barix : the x(fast index) component of the baricenter. May be used to change displacement relative to the roi. \n" "bariy : the y component of the baricenter. May be used to change displacement relative to the roi. \n" "monitor : by what the data have been divided. The denominator. If the monitor name was not given correctly it is a list of ones\n" "monitor_divider : a renormalisation for the monitor. Can be used to avoid numerically extreme situations where the monitor is huge or too small.\n" "matrix : the stack of image roi data.\n" "cornerpos : where in the image the roi begins.\n" "xscale : may have several meaning. In general the variable which changes during the scan\n" "yscal : a variable which changes inside each image of the scan. For example the pixel horizontal position\n") h5group_scan_ii["name"] = h5group_scan_ii["matrix"] = ima.matrix*factor h5group_scan_ii["xscale"] = ima.xscale h5group_scan_ii["yscale"] = ima.yscale h5group_scan_ii["tth"] = ima.tth h5group_scan_ii["cornerpos"] = ima.cornerpos barix = ( ( ima.matrix*np.arange(ima.matrix.shape[-1] ) ).sum() )/( ima.matrix.sum() ) h5group_scan_ii["barix"] = barix bariy = ( ( ima.matrix* ( np.arange(ima.matrix.shape[-2])[:,None] ) ).sum() )/( ima.matrix.sum() ) h5group_scan_ii["bariy"] = bariy h5group_scan_ii["monitor_divider"] = self.monitor_divider h5group_scan_ii["monitor"] = ima.monitor h5.flush() h5.close()
[docs] def load_state_hdf5(self, filename, groupname): import h5py h5 = h5py.File(filename,"r") h5group = h5[groupname] self.path = h5group["path" ] self.filename = h5group["filename" ] self.edfName = h5group["edfName" ] self.monicolumn = h5group["monicolumn" ] self.monitor_divider = h5group["monitor_divider"] self.encolumn = h5group["encolumn" ] h5group = h5[groupname+"/scans"] self.twoDimages = {} self.motorDict = {} for scanname, group in h5group.items(): if "motorDict" in group: h5group_scan = group["motorDict"] md = {} for mn, mv in h5group_scan.items(): md[mn] = mv self.motorDict[ scanname ] = md iis = np.array(list(map( int , list(group.keys())))) N = iis.max()+1 self.twoDimages[scanname]=N*["This items must be filled by load_state_hdf5 " +__file__ ] for i in iis: group_i = group[str(i)] name = np.array(group_i["name"]) matrix = np.array(group_i["matrix"]) xscale = np.array(group_i["xscale"]) yscale = np.array(group_i["yscale"]) tth = np.array(group_i["tth"]) cornerpos = np.array(group_i["cornerpos"]) ima = image(matrix, xscale, yscale, ) = name ima.tth = tth ima.cornerpos=cornerpos self.twoDimages[scanname][i] = ima h5.close()
[docs]class imageset: """ class to make SR-images from list of LR-images """ def __init__(self): self.list_of_images = [] self.xshifts = [] self.yshifts = [] self.shifts = [] self.srimage = [] self.srxscale = [] self.sryscale = [] self.refimagenum = []
[docs] def estimate_xshifts(self,whichimage=None): if not whichimage: ind = 0 # first image in list_of_images is the reference image else: ind = whichimage origx = self.list_of_images[ind].xscale origy = self.list_of_images[ind].yscale origim = self.list_of_images[ind].matrix xshifts = [] for image in self.list_of_images: newx = image.xscale newy = image.yscale newim = image.matrix xshifts.append(estimate_xshift(origx,origy,origim,newx,newy,newim)) self.refimagenum = ind self.xshifts = xshifts
[docs] def estimate_yshifts(self,whichimage=None): if not whichimage: ind = 0 # first image in list_of_images is the reference image else: ind = whichimage origx = self.list_of_images[ind].xscale origy = self.list_of_images[ind].yscale origim = self.list_of_images[ind].matrix yshifts = [] for image in self.list_of_images: newx = image.xscale newy = image.yscale newim = image.matrix yshifts.append(estimate_yshift(origx,origy,origim,newx,newy,newim)) self.refimagenum = ind self.yshifts = yshifts
[docs] def estimate_shifts(self,whichimage=None): if not whichimage: ind = 0 # first image in list_of_images is the reference image else: ind = whichimage origx = self.list_of_images[ind].xscale origy = self.list_of_images[ind].yscale origim = self.list_of_images[ind].matrix shifts = [] for image in self.list_of_images: newx = image.xscale newy = image.yscale newim = image.matrix shifts.append(estimate_shift(origx,origy,origim,newx,newy,newim)) self.refimagenum = ind self.shifts = shifts
[docs] def interpolate_xshift_images(self,scaling,whichimages=None): if not whichimages: inds = list(range(len(self.list_of_images))) elif not isinstance(whichimages,list): inds = [] inds.append(whichimages) else: inds = whichimages newim = np.zeros((len(inds),np.shape(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].matrix)[0]*scaling,np.shape(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].matrix)[1])) newx = np.linspace(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale[0]-self.xshifts[inds[0]],self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale[-1]-self.xshifts[inds[0]],len(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale)*scaling) newy = self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale for n in range(len(inds)): print( self.xshifts[inds[n]]) oldim = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].matrix oldx = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].xscale-self.xshifts[inds[n]] oldy = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].yscale newim[n,:,:] = interpolate_image(oldx,oldy,oldim,newx,newy) self.srimage = np.sum(newim,axis=0) self.srxscale = newx self.sryscale = newy
[docs] def interpolate_yshift_images(self,scaling,whichimages=None): if not whichimages: inds = list(range(len(self.list_of_images))) elif not isinstance(whichimages,list): inds = [] inds.append(whichimages) else: inds = whichimages newim = np.zeros((len(inds),np.shape(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].matrix)[0]*scaling,np.shape(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].matrix)[1])) newx = self.list_of_images[0].xscale newy = np.linspace(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale[0]-self.yshifts[inds[0]],self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale[-1]-self.yshifts[inds[0]],len(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale)*scaling) for n in range(len(inds)): oldim = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].matrix oldx = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].xscale oldy = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].yscale-self.yshifts[inds[n]] newim[n,:,:] = interpolate_image(oldx,oldy,oldim,newx,newy) self.srimage = np.sum(newim,axis=0) self.srxscale = newx self.sryscale = newy
[docs] def interpolate_shift_images(self,scaling,whichimages=None): if not whichimages: inds = list(range(len(self.list_of_images))) elif not isinstance(whichimages,list): inds = [] inds.append(whichimages) else: inds = whichimages if len(scaling)<2: scaling = [scaling, scaling] print( inds, self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale[0], self.shifts[inds[0]], self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale[-1]) newim = np.zeros((len(self.list_of_images),np.shape(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].matrix)[0]*scaling[0],np.shape(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].matrix)[1]*scaling[1])) newx = np.linspace(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale[0]-self.shifts[inds[0]][0],self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale[-1]-self.shifts[inds[0]][0],len(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].xscale)*scaling[0]) newy = np.linspace(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale[0]-self.shifts[inds[0]][1],self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale[-1]-self.shifts[inds[0]][1],len(self.list_of_images[inds[0]].yscale)*scaling[1]) for n in range(len(inds)): oldim = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].matrix oldx = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].xscale-self.shifts[inds[n]][0] oldy = self.list_of_images[inds[n]].yscale-self.shifts[inds[n]][1] newim[n,:,:] = interpolate_image(oldx,oldy,oldim,newx,newy) self.srimage = np.sum(newim,axis=0) self.srxscale = newx self.sryscale = newy
[docs] def plotSR(self): X,Y = pylab.meshgrid(self.srxscale,self.sryscale) pylab.pcolor(X,Y,np.transpose(self.srimage))
[docs] def plotLR(self,whichimage): if not isinstance(whichimage,list): inds = [] inds.append(whichimage) else: inds = list(whichimage) for ind in inds: X,Y = pylab.meshgrid(self.list_of_images[ind].xscale,self.list_of_images[ind].yscale) pylab.figure(ind) pylab.pcolor(X,Y,np.transpose(self.list_of_images[ind].matrix))
[docs] def save(self): pass
[docs] def load(self): pass
[docs] def loadkimberlite(self,matfilename): data_dict = io.loadmat(matfilename) sorted_keys = sorted(data_dict.keys() , key = lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) ) sy = data_dict['sy'][0] allsx = [] for key in sorted_keys[3:12]: allsx.append(data_dict[key][0]) allmats = [] for key in sorted_keys[13:]: allmats.append(data_dict[key]) alllengths = [] for sx in allsx: alllengths.append(len(sx)) ind = np.where(alllengths == np.max(alllengths))[0][0] # spline everything onto longest sx-scale for n in range(len(allmats)): print( np.shape(allsx[n]), np.shape(sy), np.shape(allmats[n])) ip = RectBivariateSpline(allsx[n],sy,allmats[n]) allmats[n] = ip(allsx[ind],sy) allsx[n] = allsx[ind] allimages = [] for n in range(len(allmats)): allimages.append(image(allmats[n],allsx[n],sy)) self.list_of_images = allimages
[docs] def loadhe3070(self,matfilename): data_dict = io.loadmat(matfilename) sy = data_dict['det'][0][0]['sy'][0][0][0] allsx = [] allmats = [] for n in range(9): allsx.append(np.reshape(data_dict['det'][0][n]['sx'][0][0]-data_dict['det'][0][n]['sx'][0][0][0],len(data_dict['det'][0][n]['sx'][0][0],))) allmats.append(data_dict['det'][0][n]['img'][0][0]) alllengths = [] for sx in allsx: alllengths.append(len(sx)) ind = np.where(alllengths == np.max(alllengths))[0][0] for n in range(len(allmats)): print( np.shape(allsx[n]), np.shape(sy), np.shape(np.transpose(allmats[n]))) ip = RectBivariateSpline(allsx[n],sy,np.transpose(allmats[n])) allmats[n] = ip(allsx[ind],sy) allsx[n] = allsx[ind] allimages = [] for n in range(len(allmats)): allimages.append(image(allmats[n],allsx[n],sy)) self.list_of_images = allimages
[docs]class image: """ Container class to hold info of a single LR-image to be put togther in a SR-image by the imageset class """ def __init__(self,matrix,xscale,yscale): = [] self.matrix = matrix self.xscale = xscale self.yscale = yscale self.tth = []
[docs] def plotimage(self): pass
[docs] def shiftx(self): pass
[docs] def shifty(self): pass
[docs] def save(self): pass
[docs] def load(self): pass
[docs]def interpolate_image(oldx,oldy,oldIM,newx,newy): """ 2d interpolation """ interp = RectBivariateSpline(oldx,oldy,oldIM) return interp(newx,newy)
[docs]def estimate_xshift(x1,y1,im1,x2,y2,im2): """ estimate shift in x-direction only by stepwise shifting im2 by precision and thus minimising the sum of the difference between im1 and im2 """ funct = lambda a: np.sum((interpolate_image(x1,y1,im1,x1,y1) - interpolate_image(x2,y2,im2,x2+a,y2))**2.0) res = leastsq(funct,0.0) return res[0]
[docs]def estimate_yshift(x1,y1,im1,x2,y2,im2): """ estimate shift in x-direction only by stepwise shifting im2 by precision and thus minimising the sum of the difference between im1 and im2 """ funct = lambda a: np.sum((interpolate_image(x1,y1,im1,x1,y1) - interpolate_image(x2,y2,im2,x2,y2+a))**2.0) res = leastsq(funct,0.0) return res[0]
[docs]def estimate_shift(x1,y1,im1,x2,y2,im2): """ estimate shift in x-direction only by stepwise shifting im2 by precision and thus minimising the sum of the difference between im1 and im2 """ funct = lambda a: np.sum((interpolate_image(x1,y1,im1,x1,y1) - interpolate_image(x2,y2,im2,x2+a[0],y2+a[1]))**2.0) res = fmin(funct,[0.0,0.0],disp=0) return res
[docs]class LRimage: """ container class to hold info of a single LR-image to be put togther in a SR-image by the imageset class """ def __init__(self,matrix,xscale,yscale, cornerpos = [0,0], monitor = 1.0): = [] self.matrix = matrix self.xscale = xscale self.yscale = yscale self.tth = [] self.cornerpos = cornerpos self.monitor = monitor
[docs] def plotimage(self): pass
[docs] def shiftx(self): pass
[docs] def shifty(self): pass
[docs] def save(self): pass
[docs] def load(self): pass