Source code for XRStools.xrs_utilities

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import range
# Filename:

# The XRStools software package for XRS spectroscopy
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# This file is part of the XRStools XRS spectroscopy package developed at
# the ESRF by the DEC and Software group and contains practical functions, 
# most of which are translated from Matlab functions from the University of
# Helsinki Electronic Structure Laboratory.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__author__ = "Christoph J. Sahle - ESRF"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"

import os
import math
import copy

import numpy as np
import array as arr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
import traceback
import sys

from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor
from itertools import groupby
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy import interpolate, signal, integrate, constants, optimize
from re import findall
from scipy.ndimage import measurements
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, fmin, fsolve, minimize, nnls
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf, RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.integrate import odeint

# data_installation_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),"..","..","..","..","share","xrstools","data")
# data_installation_dir = os.path.abspath('.')

# whne you test the file from its source directory you, /data sits on level above. In this case you can
# work around it by creating a link in ./ to ../data
data_installation_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),"resources",  'data')

# os.path.join(getattr(install_cmd, 'install_lib'),"xrstools"+version,"..","..","..","..","share","xrstools","data")

[docs]def diode(current, energy, thickness=0.03): """ **diode** Calculates the number of photons incident for a Si PIPS diode. Args: * current (float): Diode current in [pA]. * energy (float): Photon energy in [keV]. * thickness (float): Thickness of Si active layer in [cm]. Returns: * flux (float): Number of photons per second. Function adapted from Matlab function by S. Huotari. """ t = thickness # thickness of diode in cm # Total cross-section of absorbed energy for Si (Storm & Israel) sx = np.array([2,3,4,5,6,8,10,15,20,30,40,50,60,80,100,150,200]) s = np.array([125000,44600,20600,11000,6600,2890,1510,448,186, \ 53.3,21.9,11.2, 6.61,3.18,2.06,1.41,1.34]) my = np.exp(np.interp(energy, sx , np.log(s))) my = (0.02144*2.32)*my n_ph= energy*(1.0-np.exp(-tauphoto(14,energy)*2.32*t)) n_ph=n_ph + (energy)*(1.0-np.exp(-sigmainc(14,energy)*2.32*t)) n_ph=n_ph/0.0036 n_ph = energy*(1.0-np.exp(-my*t))/0.0036 # number of electrons/photon n_pA = current/1.6022e-7 # number of electrons per pA print('The photon flux is: %E'%(n_pA/n_ph)) return n_pA/n_ph
[docs]def cshift(w1, th): """ **cshift** Calculates Compton peak position. Args: * w1 (float, array): Incident energy in [keV]. * th (float): Scattering angle in [deg]. Returns: * w2 (foat, array): Energy of Compton peak in [keV]. Funktion adapted from Keijo Hamalainen. """ return w1/(1+w1/510.967*(1-np.cos(th/180*np.pi)))
[docs]def tauphoto(Z, energy, logtablefile=os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'logtable.dat')): """ **tauphoto** Calculates Photoelectric Cross Section in cm^2/g using Log-Log Fit. Args: * z (int or string): Element number or elements symbol. * energy (float or array): Energy (can be number or vector) Returns: * tau (float or array): Photoelectric cross section in [cm**2/g] Adapted from original Matlab function of Keijo Hamalainen. """ en = np.array([]) en = np.append(en,energy) logtable = np.loadtxt(logtablefile) # find the right places in logtable if not isinstance(Z,int): Z = element(Z) try: ind = list(logtable[:,0]).index(Z) except: print( 'no such element in logtable.dat') c = np.array(logtable[ind:ind+5,:]) # 5 lines that corresponds to the element tau_i = np.zeros((4, len(en))) for ii in range(4): for jj in range(4): tau_i[ii,:] = tau_i[ii,:] + c[jj+1,ii]*np.log(en)**(jj) tau2 = np.zeros(len(en)) tau2 = (en<c[0,1])*1*tau_i[0,:] + \ np.logical_and(en>=c[0,1] , en<c[0,2])*1*tau_i[1,:] + \ np.logical_and(en>=c[0,2] , en<c[0,3])*1*tau_i[2,:] + \ (en>=c[0,3])*1*tau_i[3,:] return np.exp(tau2)*0.6022/c[0,4]
[docs]def sigmainc(Z, energy, logtablefile=os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'logtable.dat')): """ **sigmainc** Calculates the Incoherent Scattering Cross Section in cm^2/g using Log-Log Fit. Args: * z (int or string): Element number or elements symbol. * energy (float or array): Energy (can be number or vector) Returns: * tau (float or array): Photoelectric cross section in [cm**2/g] Adapted from original Matlab function of Keijo Hamalainen. """ en = np.array([]) en = np.append(en,energy) logtable = np.loadtxt(logtablefile) # find the right places in logtable if not isinstance(Z,int): Z = element(Z) try: ind = list(logtable[:,0]).index(Z) except: print( 'no such element in logtable.dat') c = np.array(logtable[ind:ind+5,:]) # 5 lines that corresponds to the element sigmai=0 for jj in range(4): sigmai = sigmai + c[jj+1,5]*np.log(energy)**(jj) return np.exp(sigmai)*0.6022/c[0,4]
[docs]def Rx(chi, degrees=True): """ **Rx** Rotation matrix for vector rotations around the [1,0,0]-direction. Args: * chi (float) : Angle of rotation. * degrees(bool) : Angle given in radians or degrees. Returns: * 3x3 rotation matrix. """ if degrees: chi = np.radians(chi) return np.array([[1,0,0],[0, np.cos(chi), -np.sin(chi)], [0, np.sin(chi), np.cos(chi)]])
[docs]def Ry(phi, degrees=True): """ **Ry** Rotation matrix for vector rotations around the [0,1,0]-direction. Args: * phi (float) : Angle of rotation. * degrees(bool) : Angle given in radians or degrees. Returns: * 3x3 rotation matrix. """ if degrees: phi = np.radians(phi) return np.array([[np.cos(phi), 0, np.sin(phi)],[0, 1, 0],[-np.sin(phi), 0, np.cos(phi)]])
[docs]def Rz(omega, degrees=True): """ **Rz** Rotation matrix for vector rotations around the [0,0,1]-direction. Args: * omega (float) : Angle of rotation. * degrees(bool) : Angle given in radians or degrees. Returns: * 3x3 rotation matrix. """ if degrees: omega = np.radians(omega) return np.array([[np.cos(omega), -np.sin(omega), 0],[np.sin(omega), np.cos(omega), 0],[0,0,1]])
[docs]def Phi(phi, degrees=True): """ rotation around (0,1,0), neg sense """ if degrees: phi = np.radians(phi) return np.array([[np.cos(phi), 0, np.sin(phi)],[0, 1, 0],[-np.sin(phi), 0, np.cos(phi)]])
[docs]def Chi(chi, degrees=True): """ rotation around (1,0,0), pos sense """ if degrees: chi = np.radians(chi) return np.array([[1,0,0],[0, np.cos(chi), -np.sin(chi)], [0, np.sin(chi), np.cos(chi)]])
[docs]def Omega(omega, degrees=True): """ rotation around (0,0,1), pos sense """ if degrees: omega = np.radians(omega) return np.array([[np.cos(omega), -np.sin(omega), 0],[np.sin(omega), np.cos(omega), 0],[0,0,1]])
[docs]def get_UB_Q(tthv, tthh, phi, chi, omega, **kwargs): """ **get_UB_Q** Returns the momentum transfer and scattering vectors for given FOURC spectrometer and sample angles. U-, B-matrices and incident/scattered wavelength are passed as keyword-arguments. Args: * tthv (float): Spectrometer vertical 2Theta angle. * tthh (float): Spectrometer horizontal 2Theta angle. * chi (float): Sample rotation around x-direction. * phi (float): Sample rotation around y-direction. * omega (float): Sample rotation around z-direction. * kwargs (dict): Dictionary with key-word arguments: * kwargs['U'] (array): 3x3 U-matrix Lab-to-sample transformation. * kwargs['B'] (array): 3x3 B-matrix reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation. * kwargs['lambdai'] (float): Incident x-ray wavelength in Angstrom. * kwargs['lambdao'] (float): Scattered x-ray wavelength in Angstrom. Returns: * Q_sample (array): Momentum transfer in sample coordinates. * Ki_sample (array): Incident beam direction in sample coordinates. * Ko_sample (array): Scattered beam direction in sample coordinates. """ U = kwargs['U'] B = kwargs['B'] Lab = kwargs['Lab'] beam_in = kwargs['beam_in'] lambdai = kwargs['lambdai'] lambdao = kwargs['lambdao'] # scattering vectors in laboratory frame Ki_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdai * beam_in/np.linalg.norm(beam_in) Ko_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdao * Rz(tthh).dot(Ry(tthv)).dot(beam_in/np.linalg.norm(beam_in)) # h_lab = Omega*Chi*Phi*U*B*h_cryst (Busing equ. 19) # invert # h_cryst = B_inv*U_inv*Phi_inv*Chi_inv*Omega_inv*h_lab Q_test = Ko_test - Ki_test Phi_inv = Phi(phi).T #np.linalg.inv(Phi(phi)) print(Phi_inv) Chi_inv = Chi(chi).T #np.linalg.inv(Chi(chi)) Omega_inv = Omega(omega).T #np.linalg.inv(Omega(omega)) U_inv = np.linalg.inv(U) B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B) Q_sample = np.matmul(B_inv ,np.matmul(U_inv , np.matmul( Phi_inv , np.matmul(Chi_inv, np.matmul( Omega_inv, Q_test))))) Ki_sample = np.matmul(B_inv ,np.matmul(U_inv , np.matmul( Phi_inv , np.matmul(Chi_inv, np.matmul( Omega_inv, Ki_test))))) Ko_sample = np.matmul(B_inv ,np.matmul(U_inv , np.matmul( Phi_inv , np.matmul(Chi_inv, np.matmul( Omega_inv, Ko_test))))) return Q_sample, Ki_sample, Ko_sample
[docs]def find_diag_angles(q, x0, U, B, Lab, beam_in, lambdai, lambdao, tol=1e-8, method='BFGS'): """ **find_diag_angles** Finds the FOURC spectrometer and sample angles for a desired q. Args: * q (array): Desired momentum transfer in Lab coordinates. * x0 (list): Guesses for the angles (tthv, tthh, chi, phi, omega). * U (array): 3x3 U-matrix Lab-to-sample transformation. * B (array): 3x3 B-matrix reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation. * lambdai (float): Incident x-ray wavelength in Angstrom. * lambdao (float): Scattered x-ray wavelength in Angstrom. * tol (float): Toleranz for minimization (see scipy.optimize.minimize) * method (str): Method for minimization (see scipy.optimize.minimize) Returns: * ans (array): tthv, tthh, phi, chi, omega """ # put UB matrix and energies into keyword argument for minimization kwargs = {'U': U, 'B': B, 'Lab': Lab, 'beam_in':beam_in, 'lambdai': lambdai, 'lambdao': lambdao} # least square minimization between wanted and guessed q fitfctn = lambda x: np.sum(( q - get_UB_Q(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], \ **kwargs)[0] )**2) ans=minimize(fitfctn, x0, bounds=((0.,0.),(-10.,110.),(-7.,7.),(-7.,7.),(None,None)), tol=tol, method=method) print( ans ) return ans.x
[docs]def get_gnuplot_rgb( start=None, end=None, length=None ): """ **get_gnuplot_rgb** Prints out a progression of RGB hex-keys to use in Gnuplot. Args: * start (array): RGB code to start from (must be numbers out of [0,1]). * end (array): RGB code to end at (must be numbers out of [0,1]). * length (int): How many colors to print out. """ if start==None and end==None and length==None: rgb = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0.2353, 0.7647], \ [0, 0.4706, 0.5294], [0, 0.7059, 0.2941], \ [0, 0.9412, 0.0588], [0.1765, 0.8235, 0 ], \ [0.4118, 0.5882, 0 ], [0.6471, 0.3529, 0 ], \ [1, 0, 0 ] ] else: rgb = np.zeros((length,3)) rgb[:,0] = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], length) rgb[:,1] = np.linspace(start[1], end[1], length) rgb[:,2] = np.linspace(start[2], end[2], length) # for ii in range(len(rgb)): print( 'set style line %d lt -1 lc rgb \'#%02x%02x%02x\' lw 1.5'%(ii+1, rgb[ii][0]*255., rgb[ii][1]*255., rgb[ii][2]*255.) )
[docs]def hex2rgb( hex_val ): return tuple( int(hex_val.lstrip('#')[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4) )
[docs]class maxipix_det: """ Class to store some useful values from the detectors used. To be used for arranging the ROIs. """ def __init__(self,name,spot_arrangement): = name assert spot_arrangement in ['3x4','vertical'], 'unknown ROI arrangement, select \'3x4\' or \'vertical\'.' self.spot_arrangement = spot_arrangement self.roi_indices = [] self.roi_x_indices = [] self.roi_y_indices = [] self.roi_x_means = [] self.roi_y_means = [] self.pixel_size = [256,256] self.PIXEL_RANGE = {'VD': [0,256,0,256], 'VU': [0,256,256,512], 'VB': [0,256,512,768], 'HR': [256,512,0,256],'HL': [256,512,256,512],'HB': [256,512,512,768]}
[docs] def get_pixel_range(self): return self.PIXEL_RANGE[]
[docs] def get_det_name(self): return
[docs]class bragg_refl: """ Dynamical theory of diffraction. """ def __init__(self, crystal, hkl, alpha=0.0 ): # constants self.hc = constants.h*constants.c self.C = 1.0 self.r0 = constants.e**2/ \ (4.0*np.pi*constants.epsilon_0* \ constants.m_e*constants.c**2)* \ 1.0e10 # classical electron radius expressed in Angstrom self.P = 1 # polarization factor self.alpha = alpha # params self.hkl = hkl self.crystal = crystal self.dspace = dspace( self.hkl, self.crystal ) self.ff_energy, self.f1_energy, self.f2_energy = \ self.get_nff()
[docs] def get_reflectivity_bent(self, energy, delta_theta, R): # refl,e,dev,e0 = taupgen( energy, self.hkl, crystals=self.crystal, R=R, dev=delta_theta, alpha=self.alpha ) return refl, theta_B*180/np.pi
[docs] def get_reflectivity(self, energy, delta_theta, case='sigma'): energy = energy*1e3 wavelength = self.hc/(energy*constants.e)*1e10 print(wavelength) theta_B = np.arcsin(wavelength/(2.0*self.dspace)) # Bragg angle theta_inc = theta_B + np.radians(self.alpha) # incidence angle theta_ref = theta_B - np.radians(self.alpha) # reflection angle b = -np.sin(theta_ref)/np.sin(theta_inc) # asymmetry factor # polarization factor P = self.get_polarization_factor(2.*theta_B, case=case) # chi chi_0, chi_h, chi_hbar = self.get_chi(energy, self.crystal, self.hkl) # index of refraction n = 1 + chi_0/2 n_delta = 1 - np.real(n) n_beta = -np.imag(n) # linear absorption coefficient mu = -2*np.pi*np.imag(chi_0)/wavelength # Bragg angle correction theta_B_correction = -chi_0*(1 - b)/(2*np.sin(2*theta_B)) # width of the total reflection domain delta = np.abs(P)*np.sqrt(np.abs(b)*chi_h*chi_hbar)/np.sin(2*theta_B) Darwin_width = 2*np.real(delta) lambda_B = wavelength*np.abs(np.sin(theta_inc))/ \ (2*np.pi*np.real(delta)*np.sin(2*theta_B)) delta_theta = delta_theta/1e6 # delta_theta is input in microrad eta = (delta_theta - theta_B_correction)/delta # deviation parameter # reflectivity curve reflectivity_curve = np.abs(eta - np.sign(np.real(eta))* \ np.sqrt(eta**2 - 1))**2 return reflectivity_curve, theta_B*180/np.pi, theta_B_correction
[docs] def get_nff(self, nff_path = os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'atomic_form_factors')): fname = os.path.join(nff_path, self.crystal.lower()+'.nff') table = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack = True, skiprows = 1) table = np.transpose(table) ff_energy = table[:,0] f1_energy = table[:,1] f2_energy = table[:,2] return ff_energy, f1_energy, f2_energy
[docs] def get_chi(self, energy, crystal=None, hkl=None): path = os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'chitable_') hkl_string = str(int(hkl[0])) + str(int(hkl[1])) + str(int(hkl[2])) filestring = path + crystal.lower() + hkl_string + '.dat' self.chi = np.loadtxt(filestring) self.chi_0 = complex(np.interp(energy, self.chi[:,0], self.chi[:,1]), \ np.interp(energy, self.chi[:,0],self.chi[:,2])) self.chi_h = complex(np.interp(energy, self.chi[:,0], self.chi[:,3]), \ np.interp(energy, self.chi[:,0], self.chi[:,4])) self.chi_hbar = np.conj(self.chi_h) return self.chi_0, self.chi_h, self.chi_hbar
[docs] def get_polarization_factor(self, tth, case='sigma'): """ Calculate polarization factor. """ if case == 'sigma': P = 1.0 self.P = P return P elif case == 'pi': P = np.cos(tth)**2 self.P = P return P elif case == None: P = (1 + np.cos(tth)**2)/2.0 self.P = P return P
[docs]class dtxrd: """ class to hold all things dynamic theory of diffraction. """ def __init__(self, hkl, energy, crystal='Si', asym_angle=0.0, angular_range=[-0.5e-3, 0.5e-3] , angular_step=1e-8 ): # constants self.hc = 12.3984191 self.C = 1.0 # params self.hkl = hkl = energy self.lam = self.hc/ self.crystal = crystal self.dspace = dspace( self.hkl, self.crystal ) # load Chi from tables: path = os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'chitable_') hkl_string = str(int(hkl[0])) + str(int(hkl[1])) + str(int(hkl[2])) filestring = path + crystal.lower() + hkl_string + '.dat' self.chi = np.loadtxt(filestring) self.chi0 = complex(np.interp(, self.chi[:,0], self.chi[:,1]), \ np.interp(, self.chi[:,0],self.chi[:,2])) self.chih = complex(np.interp(, self.chi[:,0], self.chi[:,3]), \ np.interp(, self.chi[:,0], self.chi[:,4])) self.chihbar = np.conj(self.chih) # set Bragg angle: self.thetab = float( bragg( hkl, energy , xtal=crystal ) ) self.thetabd = float( braggd( hkl, energy , xtal=crystal ) ) # set asymmetry: self.set_asymmetry(asym_angle) # set reduced deviation parameter self.angular_range = angular_range self.angular_step = angular_step self.get_eta(angular_range, angular_step) self.lam_ext = None self.mu0 = None self.mus = None self.R = None self.omega_h = None self.omega_0 = None
[docs] def set_asymmetry(self, alpha): """ negative alpha -> more grazing incidence """ self.alpha = alpha self.gammah = -np.sin(self.thetab + alpha) # Krisch et al. convention self.gamma0 = np.sin(self.thetab - alpha) # Krisch et al. convention self.gamma = self.gamma0/np.abs(self.gammah) self.beta = self.gammah/self.gamma0
[docs] def set_hkl(self, hkl): self.hkl = hkl
[docs] def set_energy(self, energy): = energy
[docs] def get_reflectivity(self, angular_range=None, angular_step=None): if not angular_range: angular_range = self.angular_range if not angular_step: angular_step = self.angular_step self.get_eta(angular_range, angular_step) pre_factor = (np.sqrt(self.chih*self.chihbar))/(self.chihbar) * \ 1.0/np.sqrt(np.abs(self.gamma)) * self.gammah/np.abs(self.gammah) * self.C/np.abs(self.C) self.R = np.abs(pre_factor * np.piecewise(self.eta, self.eta.real>0, \ [lambda x: x - np.sqrt( x**2 + self.gammah/np.abs(self.gammah) ) , \ lambda x: x + np.sqrt( x**2 + self.gammah/np.abs(self.gammah) ) ]))
[docs] def get_eta(self, angular_range, angular_step=1e-8): self.theta = np.arange( self.thetab+angular_range[0], self.thetab+angular_range[1], angular_step ) self.eta = ( (self.theta-self.thetab)*np.sin(2.*self.thetab) + self.chi0/2.0*(1-self.gamma) ) / \ (np.abs(self.C)*np.sqrt(np.abs(self.gamma))* np.sqrt(self.chih*self.chihbar))
[docs] def get_anomalous_absorption(self, energy=None): if not energy: energy = # photoelectric absorption mu0 = myprho( energy, self.crystal )[0][0][0]*0.602252/ \ myprho( energy, self.crystal )[2] omega = np.arctan( (1.0 - np.abs(self.R)**2) / (1.0 + np.abs(self.R)**2) * np.tan(self.thetab) ) mus = mu0 * np.cos(omega)/np.cos(self.thetab) * ( 1.0 + 2.0*np.abs(self.C) * \ self.chih.imag/self.chi0.imag * self.R.real/(1.0 + np.abs(self.R)**2) ) self.mus = mus
[docs] def get_extinction_length(self, energy=None): if energy: lam = energy/self.hc else: lam = self.lam kappa = -np.abs( (self.chih.imag)/(self.chih.real) ) self.lam_ext = (lam*np.sqrt(self.gamma0 * np.abs(self.gammah))* np.cos(kappa) ) / \ (2.0*np.pi*np.abs(self.C) * np.sqrt( np.abs(self.chih.real*self.chihbar.real) ))
[docs] def get_reflection_width(self): if not self.lam_ext: self.get_extinction_length() self.omega_h = self.lam*np.abs(self.gammah)/( np.pi*self.lam_ext*np.sin(2.0*self.thetab) ) self.omega_0 = self.lam*self.gamma0/( np.pi*self.lam_ext*np.sin(2.0*self.thetab) )
[docs]def dtxrd_reflectivity( energy, hkl, alpha=0.0, crystal='Si', angular_range=np.arange(-0.5e-3, 0.5e-3) ): # constants hc, lam, dsp, thetab, alpha, C = \ get_dtxrd_constants( energy, hkl, crystal=crystal, alpha=alpha ) # theta scale theta = np.arange( thetab+angular_range[0], \ thetab+angular_range[1], 1e-8 ) # load chi chi0, chih, chihbar = get_dtxrd_chi( energy, hkl, crystal=crystal ) # asymmetry parameter gamma, gamma0, gammah, beta = get_dtxrd_assymmetry_params(thetab, alpha) # calculate eta eta = get_dtxrd_eta(theta, thetab, chi0, chih, chihbar) # calculate reflectivity pre_factor = (np.sqrt(chih*chihbar))/(chihbar) * \ 1.0/np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma)) * gammah/np.abs(gammah) * C/np.abs(C) r = pre_factor * np.piecewise(eta, eta.real>0, \ [lambda x: x - np.sqrt( x**2 + gammah/np.abs(gammah) ) , \ lambda x: x + np.sqrt( x**2 + gammah/np.abs(gammah) ) ]) return theta, r
[docs]def dtxrd_anomalous_absorption( energy, hkl, alpha=0.0, crystal='Si', angular_range=np.arange(-0.5e-3, 0.5e-3) ): # constants hc = 12.3984191 lam = hc/energy * 1e-10 dsp = dspace(hkl, crystal) thetab = float( bragg( hkl, energy , xtal=crystal ) ) alpha = np.radians(alpha) C = 1.0 # theta scale theta = np.arange( thetab+angular_range[0], \ thetab+angular_range[1], 1e-8 ) # load chi path = os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'chitable_') hkl_string = str(int(hkl[0])) + str(int(hkl[1])) + str(int(hkl[2])) filestring = path + crystal.lower() + hkl_string + '.dat' chi = np.loadtxt(filestring) chi0 = complex(np.interp(energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,1]), np.interp(energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,2])) chih = complex(np.interp(energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,3]), np.interp(energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,4])) chihbar = np.conj(chih) # asymmetry parameter gammah = -np.sin(thetab + alpha) # Krisch et al. convention gamma0 = np.sin(thetab - alpha) # Krisch et al. convention beta = gamma0/np.abs(gammah) gamma = gammah/gamma0 # calculate eta eta = ( (theta-thetab)*np.sin(2.*thetab) + chi0/2.0*(1-gamma) ) / \ (np.abs(C)*np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma))* np.sqrt(chih*chihbar)) # calculate reflectivity pre_factor = (np.sqrt(chih*chihbar))/(chihbar) * \ 1.0/np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma)) * gammah/np.abs(gammah) * C/np.abs(C) r = pre_factor * np.piecewise(eta, eta.real>0, \ [lambda x: x - np.sqrt( x**2 + gammah/np.abs(gammah) ) , \ lambda x: x + np.sqrt( x**2 + gammah/np.abs(gammah) ) ]) # photoelectric absorption mu0 = myprho( energy, crystal )[0][0][0]*0.602252/ \ myprho( energy, crystal )[2] mus = mu0 * np.cos(omega)/np.cos(thetab) * ( 1.0 + 2.0*np.abs(C) * chih.imag/chi0.imag * r.real/(1.0 + np.abs(r)**2) ) return theta, mus
[docs]def dtxrd_extinction_length( energy, hkl, alpha=0.0, crystal='Si' ): pass
[docs]def delE_dicedAnalyzerIntrinsic(E, Dw, Theta): """Calculates the intrinsic energy resolution of a diced crystal analyzer. Args: E (float): Working energy in [eV]. Dw (float): Darwin width of the used reflection [microRad]. Theta (float): Analyzer Bragg angle [degree]. Returns: Intrinsic energy resolution of a perfect analyzer crystal. """ Dw = Dw/1000000.0 # conversion to radians return E * (Dw)/(np.tan(np.radians(Theta)))
[docs]def delE_JohannAberration(E, A, R, Theta): """Calculates the Johann aberration of a spherical analyzer crystal. Args: E (float): Working energy in [eV]. A (float): Analyzer aperture [mm]. R (float): Radius of the Rowland circle [mm]. Theta (float): Analyzer Bragg angle [degree]. Returns: Johann abberation in [eV]. """ return E/2.0 * ((A)/(2.0*R*np.tan(np.radians(Theta))))**2
[docs]def delE_pixelSize(E, p, R, Theta): """Calculates the pixel size contribution to the resolution function of a diced analyzer crystal. Args: E (float): Working energy in [eV]. p (float): Pixel size in [mm]. R (float): Radius of the Rowland circle [mm]. Theta (float): Analyzer Bragg angle [degree]. Returns: Pixel size contribution in [eV] to the energy resolution for a diced analyzer crystal. """ return E * (p/(2.0*R*np.sin(np.radians(Theta))))/(np.tan(np.radians(Theta)))
[docs]def delE_sourceSize(E, s, R, Theta): """Calculates the source size contribution to the resolution function. Args: E (float): Working energy in [eV]. s (float): Source size in [mm]. R (float): Radius of the Rowland circle [mm]. Theta (float): Analyzer Bragg angle [degree]. Returns: Source size contribution in [eV] to the energy resolution. """ return E * (s/(R*np.sin(np.radians(Theta))))/(np.tan(np.radians(Theta)))
[docs]def delE_offRowland(E, z, A, R, Theta): """Calculates the off-Rowland contribution of a spherical analyzer crystal. Args: E (float): Working energy in [eV]. z (float): Off-Rowland distance [mm]. A (float): Analyzer aperture [mm]. R (float): Radius of the Rowland circle [mm]. Theta (float): Analyzer Bragg angle [degree]. Returns: Off-Rowland contribution in [eV] to the energy resolution. """ return E * (z*A)/( (R*np.sin(np.radians(Theta)) + z)**2 ) * (1.0)/(np.tan(np.radians(Theta)))
[docs]def delE_stressedCrystal(E, t, v, R, Theta): """Calculates the stress induced contribution to the resulution function of a spherically bent crystal analyzer. Args: E (float): Working energy in [eV]. t (float): Absorption length in the analyzer material [mm]. v (float): Poisson ratio of the analyzer material. R (float): Radius of the Rowland circle [mm]. Theta (float): Analyzer Bragg angle [degree]. Returns: Stress-induced contribution in [eV] to the energy resolution. """ return E * t/R * np.absolute((1.0)/(np.tan(np.radians(Theta))**2) - 2.0*v)
[docs]def get_num_of_MD_steps(time_ps,time_step): """Calculates the number of steps in an MD simulation for a desired time (in ps) and given step size (in a.u.) Args: time_ps (float): Desired time span (ps). time_step (float): Chosen time step (a.u.). Returns: The number of steps required to span the desired time span. """ return time_ps / time_step /1.0e12 / 2.418884326505e-17
[docs]def nonzeroavg(y=None): dim1 = y.shape[0] yavg = np.zeros(dim1,float) for ii in range(dim1): length = 0 rowsum = 0. for ij in range(y.shape[1]): if (not np.isnan(y[ii, ij])): length += 1 rowsum += y[ii, ij] yavg[ii] = rowsum / float(length) yavg = yavg * y.shape[1] return(yavg)
[docs]def fermi(rs): """ **fermi** Calculates the plasmon energy (in eV), Fermi energy (in eV), Fermi momentum (in a.u.), and critical plasmon cut-off vector (in a.u.). Args: * rs (float): electron separation parameter Returns: * wp (float): plasmon energy (in eV) * ef (float): Fermi energy (in eV) * kf (float): Fermi momentum (in a.u.) * kc (float): critical plasmon cut-off vector (in a.u.) Based on Matlab function from A. Soininen. """ au = 27.212 alfa = (9.0*np.pi/4.0)**(1.0/3.0) kf = alfa/rs ef = kf*kf/2.0 wp = np.sqrt(3.0/rs/rs/rs) kc = kf * (np.sqrt(1.0+wp/ef)-1.0) wp = wp*au ef = ef*au return wp, ef, kf, kcem
[docs]def lindhard_pol(q,w,rs=3.93,use_corr=False, lifetime=0.28): """ **lindhard_pol** Calculates the Lindhard polarizability function (RPA) for certain q (a.u.), w (a.u.) and rs (a.u.). Args: * q (float): momentum transfer (in a.u.) * w (float): energy (in a.u.) * rs (float): electron parameter * use_corr (boolean): if True, uses Bernardo's calculation for n(k) instead of the Fermi function. * lifetime (float): life time (default is 0.28 eV for Na). Based on Matlab function by S. Huotari. """ if type(w) in [float, int]: w = np.array([w]) wp, ef, kf, kc = fermi(rs) ef = ef/27.212 gammal = lifetime/27.212 # lifetime (0.28 eV for Na) th = np.arange( 0.0, np.pi, np.pi/700.0 ) k = np.arange( 0.0, 2.0*kf, kf/1000.0 ) [K,TH] = np.meshgrid(k,th) ek = K**2/2.0 ekq = ( K**2+q**2+2*q*K*np.cos(TH) )/2.0 if not use_corr: fek = np.zeros(np.shape(ek)) fek[ek<=ef]=1.0 fekq=np.zeros(np.shape(ekq)) fekq[ekq<=ef] = 1.0 if use_corr: print('Not implemented yet!') x = np.zeros_like(w, dtype='complex') for ii in range(len(w)): y=np.sin(TH)*(fek-fekq)/(w[ii]+ek-ekq+np.complex(0,1)*gammal) y=np.trapz( y, th, axis=0 ) y=np.trapz( k**2.0*y, k, axis=0 ) x[ii]=y x = 4.0*np.pi*x x = x/(2.0*np.pi)**3 return x
[docs]def energy(d,ba): """ % ENERGY Calculates energy corrresponing to Bragg angle for given d-spacing % function e=energy(dspace,bragg_angle) % % dspace for reflection % bragg_angle in DEG % % KH 28.09.93 """ hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 return (2.0*d*np.sin(ba/180.0*np.pi)/hc)**(-1)
[docs]def dspace(hkl=[6,6,0],xtal='Si'): """ % DSPACE Gives d-spacing for given xtal % d=dspace(hkl,xtal) % hkl can be a matrix i.e. hkl=[1,0,0 ; 1,1,1]; % xtal='Si','Ge','LiF','InSb','C','Dia','Li' (case insensitive) % if xtal is number this is user as a d0 % % KH 28.09.93 % SH 2005 % """ # create a database of lattice constants (could be a shelf) xtable = {} xtable['SI'] = 5.43102088 xtable['GE'] = 5.657 xtable['SIXOP'] = 5.430919 xtable['SIKOH'] = 5.430707 xtable['LIF'] = 4.027 xtable['INSB'] = 6.4784 xtable['C'] = 6.708 xtable['DIA'] = 3.57 xtable['LI'] = 3.41 xtable['TCNE'] = 9.736 xtable['CU'] = 3.61 xtable['PB'] = 4.95 xtable['NA'] = 4.2906 xtable['AL'] = 4.0495 if isinstance(xtal,str): try: a0 = xtable[xtal.upper()] except KeyError: print( 'Lattice constant is not in database') return else: a0 = xtal # if number is provided, it's taken as lattice constant return a0/np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(hkl)**2.0))
[docs]def bragg(hkl,e,xtal='Si'): """ % BRAGG Calculates Bragg angle for given reflection in RAD % output=bangle(hkl,e,xtal) % hkl can be a matrix i.e. hkl=[1,0,0 ; 1,1,1]; % e=energy in keV % xtal='Si', 'Ge', etc. (check dspace.m) or d0 (Si default) % % KH 28.09.93 % """ hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 recommended value, return np.real(np.arcsin((2.0*dspace(hkl,xtal)*e/hc)**(-1.0)))
[docs]def braggd(hkl,e,xtal='Si'): """ # BRAGGD Calculates Bragg angle for given reflection in deg # Call BRAGG.M # output=bangle(hkl,e,xtal) # hkl can be a matrix i.e. hkl=[1,0,0 ; 1,1,1]; # e=energy in keV # xtal='Si', 'Ge', etc. (check dspace.m) or d0 (Si default) # # KH 28.09.93 """ return bragg(hkl,e,xtal)/np.pi*180.0
[docs]def addch(xold,yold,n,n0=0,errors=None): """ # ADDCH Adds contents of given adjacent channels together # # [x2,y2] = addch(x,y,n,n0) # x = original x-scale (row or column vector) # y = original y-values (row or column vector) # n = number of channels to be summed up # n0 = offset for adding, default is 0 # x2 = new x-scale # y2 = new y-values # # KH 17.09.1990 # Modified 29.05.1995 to include offset """ n0=int(n0-np.fix(n0/n)*n) if n0<0: n0 = (n + n0) datalen = np.floor( (len(xold) - n0) / n) xnew = np.zeros(int(np.min([datalen,len(xold)]))) ynew = np.zeros(int(np.min([datalen,len(xold)]))) errnew = np.zeros(int(np.min([datalen,len(xold)]))) for i in range(int(datalen)): xnew[i] = np.sum(xold[i*n+n0:i*n+n+n0])/n ynew[i] = np.sum(yold[i*n+n0:i*n+n+n0])/n if np.any(errors): errnew[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(errors[i*n+n0:i*n+n+n0]**2.0)) return xnew, ynew, errnew return xnew, ynew
[docs]def fwhm(x,y): """ finds full width at half maximum of the curve y vs. x returns f = FWHM x0 = position of the maximum """ if x[-1] < x[0]: x = np.flipud(x) y = np.flipud(y) y0 = np.amax(y) i0 = np.where(y == y0)[0] if len(i0)>1: i0 = i0[0] x0 = x[i0] i1 = np.where(np.logical_and(y>y/3.0, x<x0))[0] i2 = np.where(np.logical_and(y>y/3.0, x>x0))[0] if len(y[i1])==0 or len(y[i2])==0: return 0,0 #f = interpolate.interp1d(y[i1],x[i1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) #x1 = f(y0/2.0) #f = interpolate.interp1d(y[i2],x[i2], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) #x2 = f(y0/2.0) x1 = np.interp(y0/2.0,y[i1],x[i1]) x2 = np.interp(y0/2.0,np.flipud(y[i2]),np.flipud(x[i2])) fwhm = x2 - x1 x0 = np.mean([x2, x1]) return fwhm, x0
[docs]def gauss(x,x0,fwhm): # area-normalized gaussian sigma = fwhm/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))); y = np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/2/sigma**2)/sigma/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) return y
[docs]def convg(x,y,fwhm): """ Convolution with Gaussian x = x-vector y = y-vector fwhm = fulll width at half maximum of the gaussian with which y is convoluted """ dx = np.min(np.absolute(np.diff(x))) x2 = np.arange(np.min(x)-1.5*fwhm, np.max(x)+1.5*fwhm, dx) xg = np.arange(-np.floor(2.0*fwhm/dx)*dx, np.floor(2.0*fwhm/dx)*dx, dx) yg = gauss(xg,0,fwhm) yg = yg/np.sum(yg) y2 = spline2(x,y,x2) c = np.convolve(y2,yg, mode='full') n = int( np.floor(np.max(np.shape(xg))/2)) c = c[n:len(c)-n+1] # not sure about the +- 1 here f = interpolate.interp1d(x2,c) return f(x)
[docs]def interpolate_M(xc, xi, yi, i0): """ Linear interpolation scheme after Martin Sundermann that conserves the absolute number of counts. ONLY WORKS FOR EQUALLY/EVENLY SPACED XC, XI! Args: xc (np.array): The x-coordinates of the interpolated values. xi (np.array): The x-coordinates of the data points, must be increasing. yi (np.array): The y-coordinates of the data points, same length as `xp`. i0 (np.array): Normalization values for the data points, same length as `xp`. Returns: ic (np.array): The interpolated and normalized data points. from scipy.interpolate import Rbf x = arange(20) d = zeros(len(x)) d[10] = 1 xc = arange(0.5,19.5) rbfi = Rbf(x, d) di = rbfi(xc) """ assert len(xi)==len(yi) and len(xi)==len(i0), "xi, yi, and i0 must have the same length." xc = np.array(xc) xi = np.array(xi) yi = np.array(yi) i0 = np.array(i0) dx = (xi-xc[:len(xi)])*(len(xc)-1)/(xc[-1]-xc[0]) yc = 0.0*xc ic = 0.0*xc for i in np.unique(np.floor(np.sort(dx))): dxi = [x-i if(((x-i)>0) and ((x-i)<1)) else -1 for x in dx] if((i>=0) and (i+i+len(xi)+1)<=len(xc)): # if yi and i0 lay inside the grid range add them yc[i:i+len(xi)] = yc[i:i+len(xi)] + yi*(1-np.absolute(dxi)) ic[i:i+len(xi)] = ic[i:i+len(xi)] + i0*(1-np.absolute(dxi)) yc[i+1:i+len(xi)+1] = yc[i+1:i+len(xi)+1] + yi*np.maximum(dxi,0) ic[i+1:i+len(xi)+1] = ic[i+1:i+len(xi)+1] + i0*np.maximum(dxi,0) else: if (min(i+len(xi),len(xc))-max(i,0)) >= 0: # if yi and i0 lay only partial inside the grid range add only the overlapping region yc[max(i,0):min(i+len(xi),len(xc))] = yc[max(i,0):min(i+len(xi),len(xc))] + (yi*(1-np.absolute(dxi)))[max(-i,0):len(xi)+min(len(xc)-i-len(xi),0)] ic[max(i,0):min(i+len(xi),len(xc))] = ic[max(i,0):min(i+len(xi),len(xc))] + (i0*(1-np.absolute(dxi)))[max(-i,0):len(xi)+min(len(xc)-i-len(xi),0)] if (min(i+len(xi)+1,len(xc))-max(i+1,0)) >= 0: yc[max(i+1,0):min(i+len(xi)+1,len(xc))] = yc[max(i+1,0):min(i+len(xi)+1,len(xc))] + (yi*np.maximum(dxi,0))[max(-i-1,0):len(xi)+min(len(xc)-i-len(xi)-1,0)] ic[max(i+1,0):min(i+len(xi)+1,len(xc))] = ic[max(i+1,0):min(i+len(xi)+1,len(xc))] + (i0*np.maximum(dxi,0))[max(-i-1,0):len(xi)+min(len(xc)-i-len(xi)-1,0)] return yc, ic
[docs]def spline2(x,y,x2): """ Extrapolates the smaller and larger valuea as a constant """ xmin = np.min(x) xmax = np.max(x) imin = x == xmin imax = x == xmax f = interpolate.interp1d(x,y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) y2 = f(x2) i = np.where(x2<xmin) y2[i] = y[imin] i = np.where(x2>xmax) y2[i] = y[imax] return y2
[docs]def pz2e1(w2,pz,th): """Calculates the incident energy for a specific scattered photon and momentum value. Returns the incident energy for a given photon energy and scattering angle. This function is translated from Keijo Hamalainen's Matlab implementation (KH 29.05.96). Args: * w2 (float): scattered photon energy in [keV] * pz (np.array): pz scale in [a.u.] * th (float): scattering angle two theta in [deg] Returns: * w1 (np.array): incident energy in [keV] """ pz = np.array(pz) w = np.array(np.arange(np.array(w2)/4.0,4.0*np.array(w2),np.array(w2)/5000.0)) p = e2pz(w,w2,th)[0] if ( p[1]-p[0] <0) : tck = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(p[::-1],w[::-1]) else: tck = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(p,w) w1 = tck(pz) return w1
[docs]def e2pz(w1,w2,th): """Calculates the momentum scale and the relativistic Compton cross section correction according to P. Holm, PRA 37, 3706 (1988). This function is translated from Keijo Hamalainen's Matlab implementation (KH 29.05.96). Args: * w1 (float or np.array): incident energy in [keV] * w2 (float or np.array): scattered energy in [keV] * th (float): scattering angle two theta in [deg] returns: * pz (float or np.array): momentum scale in [a.u.] * cf (float or np.array): cross section correction factor such that: J(pz) = cf * d^2(sigma)/d(w2)*d(Omega) [barn/atom/keV/srad] """ w1 = np.array(w1) # make sure arrays are used w2 = np.array(w2) m = constants.value('electron mass energy equivalent in MeV')*1e3 #511.003 # Mass in natural units th = math.radians(th) # th/180.0*np.pi # Angle to radians alp = constants.value('fine-structure constant') #1.0/137.036 # Fine structure constant r0 = constants.value('classical electron radius') #2.8179e-15 # Electron radius q = np.sqrt(w1**2.0 + w2**2.0-2.0*w1*w2*np.cos(th)) # Momentum transfer pz = q/2.0 - (w1-w2) * np.sqrt(1.0/4.0 + m**2.0/(2.0*w1*w2*(1.0-np.cos(th)))) # In natural units E = np.sqrt(m**2.0+pz**2.0) A = ((w1-w2)*E-w1*w2*(1.0-np.cos(th)))/q D = (w1-w2*np.cos(th))*A/q R = w1*(E-D) R2 = R-w1*w2*(1-np.cos(th)) chi = R/R2 + R2/R + 2.0*m**2.0 * (1.0/R-1.0/R2) + m**4.0 * (1.0/R-1.0/R2)**2.0 cf = 2.0*w1*q*E/(m**2.0*r0**2.0*w2*chi) cf = cf*(1.0e-28*(m*alp)) # Cross section now in barns/atom/keV/srad pz = pz/(m*alp) # pz to atomic units (a.u.) return pz, cf
def momtrans_au(e1,e2,tth): """ Returns the momentum transfer (in a.u.). Calculates the momentum transfer in atomic units for two given energies e1 and e1 (in keV) and the scattering angle tth (two theta). Args: *e1 (float or np.array): incident energy in [keV], can be a single value or a vector *e2 (float or np.array): scattered energy in [keV], can be a single value or a vector *tth (float): scattering angle two theta in [deg] Returns: * q (float or np.array): momentum transfer [a.u.], single value or vector depending on input """ e1 = np.array(e1*1.0e3/13.60569172/2.0) e2 = np.array(e2*1.0e3/13.60569172/2.0) th = math.radians(tth)#tth/180.0*np.pi hbarc = 137.03599976 q = 1/hbarc*np.sqrt(e1**2.0+e2**2.0-2.0*e1*e2*np.cos(th)); return q
[docs]def vrot(v,vaxis,phi): """ **vrot** Rotates a vector around a given axis. Args: * v (np.array): vector to be rotated * vaxis (np.array): rotation axis * phi (float): angle [deg] respecting the right-hand rule Returns: * v2 (np.array): new rotated vector Function by S. Huotari (2007) adopted to Python. """ h = vaxis[0] k = vaxis[1] l = vaxis[2] alpha = np.arctan2(k,h) if np.absolute(alpha)>np.finfo(float).eps: h2 = np.cos(alpha)*(h+k*np.tan(alpha)) else: h2 = h v2 = np.array([h2, 0.0, l]) ca = np.cos(alpha) sa = np.sin(alpha) R1 = np.array([[ca, sa, 0.0], [-sa, ca, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) beta = np.radians(vangle(v2,np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))) cb = np.cos(beta) sb = np.sin(beta) R2 = np.array([[cb, 0.0, -sb], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [sb, 0.0, cb]]) phi = np.radians(phi) cp = np.cos(phi) sp = np.sin(phi) R3 = np.array([[cp, -sp, 0.0], [sp, cp, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) v2 =,,,v))) v2 =,,v2)) return v2
[docs]def vrot2(vector1,vector2,angle): """ **rotMatrix** Rotate vector1 around vector2 by an angle. """ theta = np.radians(angle) R=np.array([[vector2[0]**2+(1.0-vector2[0]**2)*np.cos(theta), (1.0-np.cos(theta))*vector2[0]*vector2[1]-np.sin(theta)*vector2[2], (1.0-np.cos(theta))*vector2[0]*vector2[2]+np.sin(theta)*vector2[1]], [(1.0-np.cos(theta))*vector2[0]*vector2[1]+np.sin(theta)*vector2[2], vector2[1]**2+(1.0-vector2[1]**2)*np.cos(theta), (1.0-np.cos(theta))*vector2[1]*vector2[2]-np.sin(theta)*vector2[0]],[(1.0-np.cos(theta))*vector2[0]*vector2[2]-np.sin(theta)*vector2[1], (1.0-np.cos(theta))*vector2[1]*vector2[2]+np.sin(theta)*vector2[0], vector2[2]**2+(1.0-vector2[2]**2)*np.cos(theta)]]) return,vector1)
[docs]def vangle(v1, v2): """ **vangle** Calculates the angle between two cartesian vectors v1 and v2 in degrees. Args: * v1 (np.array): first vector. * v2 (np.array): second vector. Returns: * th (float): angle between first and second vector. Function by S. Huotari, adopted for Python. """ return np.arccos(,v2)/np.linalg.norm(v1)/np.linalg.norm(v2))/np.pi*180.0;
[docs]def convtoprim(hklconv): """ **convtoprim** converts diamond structure reciprocal lattice expressed in conventional lattice vectors to primitive one (Helsinki -> Palaiseau conversion) from S. Huotari """ return hklconv[2]*np.array([0.5,0.5,0.0]) + hklconv[1]*np.array([0.5,0.0,0.5]) + hklconv[0]*np.array([0.0,0.5,0.5])
[docs]def primtoconv(hklprim): """ **primtoconv** converts diamond structure reciprocal lattice expressed in primitive basis to the conventional basis (Palaiseau -> Helsinki conversion) from S. Huotari """ a = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 0.5]) b = np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.5]) c = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.0]) Gp = np.linalg.inv([a,b,c]).T ap = Gp[0,:] bp = Gp[1,:] cp = Gp[2,:] return hklprim[0]*ap + hklprim[1]*bp + hklprim[2]*cp
[docs]def householder(b,k): """ function H = householder(b, k) % H = householder(b, k) % Atkinson, Section 9.3, p. 611 % b is a column vector, k an index < length(b) % Constructs a matrix H that annihilates entries % in the product H*b below index k % $Id: householder.m,v 1.1 2008-01-16 15:33:30 mike Exp $ % M. M. Sussman """ n = len(b) d = b[k:n] if d[0] >= 0.0: alpha = -np.linalg.norm(d) else: alpha = np.linalg.norm(d) if alpha == 0.0: H = np.eye(n) return lenD = len(d) v = np.zeros(lenD) v[0] = np.sqrt(0.5*(1.0-d[0]/alpha)) p = -alpha*v[0] v[1:lenD] = d[1:lenD]/(2.0*p) w = np.append( np.zeros((k,1)) ,v).reshape(n,1) H = np.eye(n)-2.0 *,w.T) return H
[docs]def svd_my(M,maxiter=100,eta=0.1): sind = 0 import copy import scipy as sp # initialize U,S,V X = copy.deepcopy(M) m,n = np.shape(X) k = np.amin([m,n]) U = np.random.rand(m,k) V = np.random.rand(n,k) S = np.random.rand(k,k) # orthogonalize U,V #U = sp.linalg.orth(U) #V = sp.linalg.orth(V) # compute S #S =,X),V) # compute cost J0 J0 = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(X -,S),V.T) )**2 J = J0 dJ = J while sind <= maxiter: sind += 1 # update U and V U = U + eta*(,V) + ).dot(S) V = V + eta*(,U) + ).dot(S) # compute S S = # make S_ii positive V =,np.sign(S)) S = np.abs(S) Jnew = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(X -,S),V.T) )**2 dJ = Jnew - J J = Jnew print( Jnew) return U,S,V
[docs]def bidiag_reduction(A): """ function [U,B,V]=bidiag_reduction(A) % [U B V]=bidiag_reduction(A) % Algorithm 6.5-1 in Golub & Van Loan, Matrix Computations % Johns Hopkins University Press % Finds an upper bidiagonal matrix B so that A=U*B*V' % with U,V orthogonal. A is an m x n matrix """ import copy m,n = np.shape(A) B = copy.deepcopy(A) U = np.eye(m) V = np.eye(n) for k in range(n): # eliminate non-zeros below the diagonal H = householder(B[:,k],k) B =,B) U =,H) # eliminate non-zeros to the right of the # superdiagonal by working with the transpose if k<n-1: H = householder(B[k,:].T,k+1) B =,H.T) V =,V) return U, B, V
[docs]def cixsUBgetQ_primo(tthv, tthh, psi): """ returns the Q0 given the detector position (tthv, tth) and th crystal orientation. This orientation is calculated considering : the Bragg condition and the rotation around the G vector : this rotation is defined by psi which is a rotation around G """ G = np.array([-1.,-1.,-1.]) # incoming/outgoing energy/wavelength hc = 12.3984191 bragg_ang = 86.5 wo = energy(dspace([4., 4., 4.]),bragg_ang) lambdao = hc/wo wi = wo lambdai = hc/wi # lattice parameters lattice = np.array([5.43095, 5.43095, 5.43095]) angles = np.radians(np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0])) # in radians !!! a = np.array([lattice[0], 0, 0]) b = np.array([lattice[0]*np.cos(angles[2]), lattice[1]*np.sin(angles[2]), 0]) c = np.array([lattice[2]*np.cos(angles[1]), lattice[2]*(-np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])+np.cos(angles[0])*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))), lattice[2]/np.sqrt(2.0)*np.sqrt((1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))*((4.0*np.cos(angles[0])*np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])-(1.0 + np.cos(2.0*angles[0])+np.cos(2.0*angles[1])+np.cos(2.0*angles[2]))*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2])))))]) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U th = braggd(G,wo) xxx = vrot(np.array([0.0,-1.0, 1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) yyy = vrot(np.array([-2.0,1.0, 1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) zzz = vrot(G,np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #xxx = vrot(np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),th) #yyy = vrot(np.array([0.0,-1.0, 1.0]),np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),th) #zzz = vrot(G,np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),th) U = np.zeros((3,3)) U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation matrix a_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(b,c)/,np.cross(b,c)) b_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(c,a)/,np.cross(b,c)) c_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a,b)/,np.cross(b,c)) angles_star = np.array([np.arccos(,c_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)), np.arccos(,a_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)), np.arccos(,b_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star))]) B = np.zeros((3,3)) B[:,0] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(a_star), np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.cos(angles_star[2]), np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.cos(angles_star[1])]) B[:,1] = np.array([0.0, np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.sin(angles_star[2]), -np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.sin(angles_star[1])*np.cos(angles[0])]) B[:,2] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.norm(c)]) # laboratory reference frame X = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) Z = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # axis of rotation of psi v = np.array([-np.sin(np.radians(th)), 0.0, np.cos(np.radians(th))]) Ki_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdai*X Ko_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdao*vrot(vrot(X,Y,-tthv) ,Z, tthh) Q_test =,U)[0],vrot(Ki_test-Ko_test,v,-psi)) return Q_test, Ki_test, Ko_test
[docs]def cixsUBgetAngles_primo(Q): G = np.array([-1.,-1.,-1.]) # incoming/outgoing energy/wavelength hc = 12.3984191 bragg_ang = 86.5 wo = energy(dspace([4., 4., 4.]),bragg_ang) print( wo) lambdao = hc/wo wi = wo + 0.10 print( wi) lambdai = hc/wi # lattice parameters lattice = np.array([5.43095, 5.43095, 5.43095]) angles = np.radians(np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0])) # in radians !!! a = np.array([lattice[0], 0, 0]) b = np.array([lattice[0]*np.cos(angles[2]), lattice[1]*np.sin(angles[2]), 0]) c = np.array([lattice[2]*np.cos(angles[1]), lattice[2]*(-np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])+np.cos(angles[0])*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))), lattice[2]/np.sqrt(2.0)*np.sqrt((1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))*((4.0*np.cos(angles[0])*np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])-(1.0 + np.cos(2.0*angles[0])+np.cos(2.0*angles[1])+np.cos(2.0*angles[2]))*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2])))))]) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U for Si111-crystal th = braggd(G,wo) xxx = vrot(np.array([0.0,-1.0, 1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) yyy = vrot(np.array([-2.0,1.0, 1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) zzz = vrot(G,np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #xxx = vrot(np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),th) #yyy = vrot(np.array([0.0,-1.0, 1.0]),np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),th) #zzz = vrot(G,np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),th) U = np.zeros((3,3)) U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U for Si220-crystal #th = braggd(G,wo) #xxx = vrot(np.array([1.0,-1.0,-0.0]),np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) #yyy = vrot(np.array([0.0,0.0, 1.0]),np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) #zzz = vrot(G,np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) #U = np.zeros((3,3)) #U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) #U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) #U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U for Si1-11-crystal #th = braggd(G,wo) #xxx = vrot(np.array([2.0,1.0,-1.0]),np.array([0.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #yyy = vrot(np.array([0.0,1.0, 1.0]),np.array([0.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #zzz = vrot(G,np.array([0.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #U = np.zeros((3,3)) #U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) #U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) #U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation matrix a_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(b,c)/,np.cross(b,c)) b_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(c,a)/,np.cross(b,c)) c_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a,b)/,np.cross(b,c)) angles_star = np.array([np.arccos(,c_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)), np.arccos(,a_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)), np.arccos(,b_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star))]) B = np.zeros((3,3)) B[:,0] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(a_star), np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.cos(angles_star[2]), np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.cos(angles_star[1])]) B[:,1] = np.array([0.0, np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.sin(angles_star[2]), -np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.sin(angles_star[1])*np.cos(angles[0])]) B[:,2] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.norm(c)]) # laboratory reference frame X = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) Z = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # desired momentum in the laboratory reference system before any rotation is applied v_c =,Q) Q_lab = np.linalg.lstsq(U,v_c)[0] #$[angles,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = fsolve(@(x) UBfind(x, G, Q_lab), [0 45 0]); lab_angles = optimize.fsolve(cixsUBfind, [20.5, 15.0, 5.0], args=(G,Q_lab,wi,wo,lambdai,lambdao)) tthv = lab_angles[1] tthh = lab_angles[0] psi = lab_angles[2] return tthv, tthh, psi
[docs]def cixsUBgetAngles_secondo(Q): G = np.array([-2.,-2.,0.0]) # incoming/outgoing energy/wavelength hc = 12.3984191 bragg_ang = 86.5 wo = energy(dspace([4., 4., 4.]),bragg_ang) lambdao = hc/wo wi = wo lambdai = hc/wi # lattice parameters lattice = np.array([5.43095, 5.43095, 5.43095]) angles = np.radians(np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0])) # in radians !!! a = np.array([lattice[0], 0, 0]) b = np.array([lattice[0]*np.cos(angles[2]), lattice[1]*np.sin(angles[2]), 0]) c = np.array([lattice[2]*np.cos(angles[1]), lattice[2]*(-np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])+np.cos(angles[0])*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))), lattice[2]/np.sqrt(2.0)*np.sqrt((1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))*((4.0*np.cos(angles[0])*np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])-(1.0 + np.cos(2.0*angles[0])+np.cos(2.0*angles[1])+np.cos(2.0*angles[2]))*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2])))))]) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U for Si220-crystal th = braggd(G,wo) xxx = vrot(np.array([1.0,-1.0,0.0]),np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) yyy = vrot(np.array([0.0,0.0, 1.0]),np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) zzz = vrot(G,np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) U = np.zeros((3,3)) U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation matrix a_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(b,c)/,np.cross(b,c)) b_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(c,a)/,np.cross(b,c)) c_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a,b)/,np.cross(b,c)) angles_star = np.array([np.arccos(,c_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)), np.arccos(,a_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)), np.arccos(,b_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star))]) B = np.zeros((3,3)) B[:,0] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(a_star), np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.cos(angles_star[2]), np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.cos(angles_star[1])]) B[:,1] = np.array([0.0, np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.sin(angles_star[2]), -np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.sin(angles_star[1])*np.cos(angles[0])]) B[:,2] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.norm(c)]) # laboratory reference frame X = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) Z = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # desired momentum in the laboratory reference system before any rotation is applied v_c =,Q) Q_lab = np.linalg.lstsq(U,v_c)[0] #$[angles,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = fsolve(@(x) UBfind(x, G, Q_lab), [0 45 0]); lab_angles = optimize.fsolve(cixsUBfind, [25.5, 0.0, 0.0], args=(G,Q_lab,wi,wo,lambdai,lambdao), xtol=1.49012e-12,maxfev=1000000) tthv = lab_angles[1] tthh = lab_angles[0] psi = lab_angles[2] #if psi <= -360.0: # psi += 360.0 #if psi >= 360.0: # psi -= 360.0 return tthv, tthh, psi
[docs]def cixsUBgetQ_secondo(tthv, tthh, psi): G = np.array([-2.,-2.,0.0]) # incoming/outgoing energy/wavelength hc = 12.3984191 bragg_ang = 86.5 wo = energy(dspace([4., 4., 4.]),bragg_ang) lambdao = hc/wo wi = wo lambdai = hc/wi # lattice parameters lattice = np.array([5.43095, 5.43095, 5.43095]) angles = np.radians(np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0])) # in radians !!! a = np.array([lattice[0], 0, 0]) b = np.array([lattice[0]*np.cos(angles[2]), lattice[1]*np.sin(angles[2]), 0]) c = np.array([lattice[2]*np.cos(angles[1]), lattice[2]*(-np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])+np.cos(angles[0])*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))), lattice[2]/np.sqrt(2.0)*np.sqrt((1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))*((4.0*np.cos(angles[0])*np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])-(1.0 + np.cos(2.0*angles[0])+np.cos(2.0*angles[1])+np.cos(2.0*angles[2]))*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2])))))]) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U th = braggd(G,wo) xxx = vrot(np.array([1.0,-1.0, 0.0]),np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) yyy = vrot(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) zzz = vrot(G,np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]),th) U = np.zeros((3,3)) U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation matrix a_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(b,c)/,np.cross(b,c)) b_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(c,a)/,np.cross(b,c)) c_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a,b)/,np.cross(b,c)) angles_star = np.array([np.arccos(,c_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)), np.arccos(,a_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)), np.arccos(,b_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star))]) B = np.zeros((3,3)) B[:,0] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(a_star), np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.cos(angles_star[2]), np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.cos(angles_star[1])]) B[:,1] = np.array([0.0, np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.sin(angles_star[2]), -np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.sin(angles_star[1])*np.cos(angles[0])]) B[:,2] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.norm(c)]) # laboratory reference frame X = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) Z = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # axis of rotation of psi v = np.array([-np.sin(np.radians(th)), 0.0, np.cos(np.radians(th))]) Ki_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdai*X Ko_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdao*vrot(vrot(X,Y,-tthv) ,Z, tthh) Q_test =,U)[0],vrot(Ki_test-Ko_test,v,-psi)) return Q_test
[docs]def cixsUBgetAngles_terzo(Q): G = np.array([-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]) # incoming/outgoing energy/wavelength hc = 12.3984191 bragg_ang = 86.5 wo = energy(dspace([4., 4., 4.]),bragg_ang) lambdao = hc/wo wi = wo lambdai = hc/wi # lattice parameters lattice = np.array([5.43095, 5.43095, 5.43095]) angles = np.radians(np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0])) # in radians !!! a = np.array([lattice[0], 0, 0]) b = np.array([lattice[0]*np.cos(angles[2]), lattice[1]*np.sin(angles[2]), 0]) c = np.array([lattice[2]*np.cos(angles[1]), lattice[2]*(-np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])+np.cos(angles[0])*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))), lattice[2]/np.sqrt(2.0)*np.sqrt((1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))*((4.0*np.cos(angles[0])*np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])-(1.0 + np.cos(2.0*angles[0])+np.cos(2.0*angles[1])+np.cos(2.0*angles[2]))*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2])))))]) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U for Si220-crystal th = braggd(G,wo) #xxx = vrot(np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #yyy = vrot(np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #zzz = vrot(G,np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) xxx = vrot(np.array([0.0,1.0,-1.0]),np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),th) yyy = vrot(np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),th) zzz = vrot(G,np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),th) U = np.zeros((3,3)) U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation matrix a_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(b,c)/,np.cross(b,c)) b_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(c,a)/,np.cross(b,c)) c_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a,b)/,np.cross(b,c)) angles_star = np.array([np.arccos(,c_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)), np.arccos(,a_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)), np.arccos(,b_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star))]) B = np.zeros((3,3)) B[:,0] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(a_star), np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.cos(angles_star[2]), np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.cos(angles_star[1])]) B[:,1] = np.array([0.0, np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.sin(angles_star[2]), -np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.sin(angles_star[1])*np.cos(angles[0])]) B[:,2] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.norm(c)]) # laboratory reference frame X = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) Z = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # desired momentum in the laboratory reference system before any rotation is applied v_c =,Q) Q_lab = np.linalg.lstsq(U,v_c)[0] #$[angles,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = fsolve(@(x) UBfind(x, G, Q_lab), [0 45 0]); lab_angles = optimize.fsolve(cixsUBfind, [55., 20.0, 0.0], args=(G,Q_lab,wi,wo,lambdai,lambdao), xtol=1.49012e-12,maxfev=1000000) tthv = lab_angles[1] tthh = lab_angles[0] psi = lab_angles[2] #if psi <= -360.0: # psi += 360.0 #if psi >= 360.0: # psi -= 360.0 return tthv, tthh, psi
[docs]def cixsUBgetQ_terzo(tthv, tthh, psi): G = np.array([-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]) # incoming/outgoing energy/wavelength hc = 12.3984191 bragg_ang = 86.5 wo = energy(dspace([4., 4., 4.]),bragg_ang) lambdao = hc/wo wi = wo lambdai = hc/wi # lattice parameters lattice = np.array([5.43095, 5.43095, 5.43095]) angles = np.radians(np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0])) # in radians !!! a = np.array([lattice[0], 0, 0]) b = np.array([lattice[0]*np.cos(angles[2]), lattice[1]*np.sin(angles[2]), 0]) c = np.array([lattice[2]*np.cos(angles[1]), lattice[2]*(-np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])+np.cos(angles[0])*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))), lattice[2]/np.sqrt(2.0)*np.sqrt((1.0/np.sin(angles[2]))*((4.0*np.cos(angles[0])*np.cos(angles[1])*np.arctan(angles[2])-(1.0 + np.cos(2.0*angles[0])+np.cos(2.0*angles[1])+np.cos(2.0*angles[2]))*(1.0/np.sin(angles[2])))))]) # lab-to-sample reference system transformation matrix U th = braggd(G,wo) #xxx = vrot(np.array([0.0,-1.0,1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #yyy = vrot(np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) #zzz = vrot(G,np.array([-2.0,1.0,1.0]),th) xxx = vrot(np.array([0.0,1.0,-1.0]),np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),th) yyy = vrot(np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),th) zzz = vrot(G,np.array([2.0,-1.0,-1.0]),th) U = np.zeros((3,3)) U[:,0] = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) U[:,1] = yyy/np.linalg.norm(yyy) U[:,2] = zzz/np.linalg.norm(zzz) # reciprocal lattice to absolute units transformation matrix a_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(b,c)/,np.cross(b,c)) b_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(c,a)/,np.cross(b,c)) c_star = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a,b)/,np.cross(b,c)) angles_star = np.array([np.arccos(,c_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)), np.arccos(,a_star)/np.linalg.norm(c_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)), np.arccos(,b_star)/np.linalg.norm(a_star)/np.linalg.norm(b_star))]) B = np.zeros((3,3)) B[:,0] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(a_star), np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.cos(angles_star[2]), np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.cos(angles_star[1])]) B[:,1] = np.array([0.0, np.linalg.norm(b_star)*np.sin(angles_star[2]), -np.linalg.norm(c_star)*np.sin(angles_star[1])*np.cos(angles[0])]) B[:,2] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.norm(c)]) # laboratory reference frame X = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) Z = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # axis of rotation of psi v = np.array([-np.sin(np.radians(th)), 0.0, np.cos(np.radians(th))]) Ki_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdai*X Ko_test = 2.0*np.pi/lambdao*vrot(vrot(X,Y,-tthv) ,Z, tthh) Q_test =,U)[0],vrot(Ki_test-Ko_test,v,-psi)) return Q_test
[docs]def cixsUBfind(x,G,Q_sample,wi,wo,lambdai,lambdao): """ **cixsUBfind** """ tthh = x[0] tthv = x[1] psi = x[2] X = np.array([1, 0, 0]) Y = np.array([0, 1, 0]) Z = np.array([0, 0, 1]) Ki = 2.0*np.pi/lambdai*X Ko = 2.0*np.pi/lambdao* vrot(vrot(X,Y,-tthv ),Z,tthh) Q = Ki-Ko th = braggd(G,wo) v = np.array([-np.sin(np.radians(th)), 0.0, np.cos(np.radians(th))]) y = Q - vrot(Q_sample, v, psi) tthh = y[0] tthv = y[1] psi = y[2] return tthh, tthv, psi
[docs]def cixs_primo(tthv,tthh,psi,anal_braggd=86.5): """ **cixs_primo** """ import copy lattice_a = dspace([1., 0., 0.]) # Si lattice constant # crystal vectors crystVec1 = np.array([-1.,-1.,-1.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([-1.,-1.,-1.])) # "z-axis" crystVec2 = np.array([ 0.,-1., 1.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([ 0.,-1., 1.])) # "x-axis" crystVec3 = np.array([-2., 1., 1.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([-2., 1., 1.])) # "y-axis" # rotate x- and y-vectors about G by the miscut of PRIMO crystVec2 = vrot(crystVec2,crystVec1,-39.8) crystVec3 = vrot(crystVec3,crystVec1,-39.8) # calculate energies and wavelengths hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 recommended value, E_out = energy(dspace(np.array([4., 4., 4.])),anal_braggd) lam_out = hc/E_out E_in = E_out #+0.02; % if want to be precise, E=Eout-20 eV @ plasmon peak lam_in = hc/E_in # initially k0 is along crystVec2, # then rotate k0 about crystVec3 by the Bragg angle k0 = vrot(crystVec2,crystVec3,braggd(np.array([1., 1., 1.]),E_in)) k0 = k0/np.linalg.norm(k0)*2.0*np.pi/lam_in # define lab coordinates hutch_x = copy.deepcopy(k0) # k0 is along the beam hutch_y = copy.deepcopy(crystVec2) # perpendicular to beam/untouched so far hutch_z = vrot(crystVec1,crystVec3,braggd(np.array([1., 1., 1.]),E_in)) # toward hutch ceiling (if k0 rotates, z has to rotate with it) # rotate the crystal abouts its G vector k0 = vrot(k0,crystVec1,psi) hutch_x = copy.deepcopy(k0) # hutch_x is always along k0 hutch_y = vrot(hutch_y,crystVec1,psi) # perpendicular to beam hutch_z = vrot(hutch_z,crystVec1,psi) # toward hutch ceiling # calculate kh using G-vector kh = k0 + np.array([-1.,-1.,-1.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([-1.,-1.,-1.])) # rotate vertical kprime = vrot(k0,hutch_y,-tthv) # we can rotate vertical tth from 0 to 90 (eta from 0 to 90) kprime = vrot(kprime,hutch_z,tthh) # we can rotate horizontal tth from 0 to 90 kprime = kprime/np.linalg.norm(kprime)*2.0*np.pi/lam_out # calculate momentum transfer qh = kh-kprime q0 = k0-kprime return q0, qh, kprime #hutch_x, hutch_y, hutch_z
[docs]def cixs_secondo(tthv,tthh,psi,anal_braggd=86.5): """ **cixs_secondo** """ import copy lattice_a = dspace([1., 0., 0.]) # Si lattice constant # crystal vectors crystVec1 = np.array([-2.,-2., 0.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([-2.,-2., 0.])) # "z-axis" crystVec2 = np.array([ 1.,-1., 0.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([ 1.,-1., 0.])) # "x-axis" crystVec3 = np.array([ 0., 0., 1.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([ 0., 0., 1.])) # "y-axis" # rotate x- and y-vectors about G by the miscut of PRIMO crystVec2 = vrot(crystVec2,crystVec1,0.0) crystVec3 = vrot(crystVec3,crystVec1,0.0) # calculate energies and wavelengths hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 recommended value, E_out = energy(dspace(np.array([4., 4., 4.])),anal_braggd) lam_out = hc/E_out E_in = E_out #+0.02; % if want to be precise, E=Eout-20 eV @ plasmon peak lam_in = hc/E_in # initially k0 is along crystVec2, # then rotate k0 about crystVec3 by the Bragg angle k0 = vrot(crystVec2,crystVec3,braggd(np.array([1., 1., 1.]),E_in)) k0 = k0/np.linalg.norm(k0)*2.0*np.pi/lam_in # define lab coordinates hutch_x = copy.deepcopy(k0) # k0 is along the beam hutch_y = copy.deepcopy(crystVec2) # perpendicular to beam/untouched so far hutch_z = vrot(crystVec1,crystVec3,braggd(np.array([2., 2., 0.]),E_in)) # toward hutch ceiling (if k0 rotates, z has to rotate with it) # rotate the crystal abouts its G vector k0 = vrot(k0,crystVec1,psi) hutch_x = copy.deepcopy(k0) # hutch_x is always along k0 hutch_y = vrot(hutch_y,crystVec1,psi) # perpendicular to beam hutch_z = vrot(hutch_z,crystVec1,psi) # toward hutch ceiling # calculate kh using G-vector kh = k0 + np.array([-2.,-2.,0.])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([-2.,-2.,0.])) # rotate vertical kprime = vrot(k0,hutch_y,-tthv) # we can rotate vertical tth from 0 to 90 (eta from 0 to 90) kprime = vrot(kprime,hutch_z,tthh) # we can rotate horizontal tth from 0 to 90 kprime = kprime/np.linalg.norm(kprime)*2.0*np.pi/lam_out # calculate momentum transfer qh = kh-kprime q0 = k0-kprime return q0, qh, hutch_x, hutch_y, hutch_z
[docs]def cixs_terzo(tthv,tthh,psi,anal_braggd=86.5): """ **cixs_terzo** """ hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 recommended value, zz = np.array([-1., -1., -1.]) G = 2.0*np.pi*zz/dspace(np.array([1., 0., 0.])) xx = vrot(np.array([0., 1., -1.,]),np.array([-1., -1., -1.]),90-81.1) xx = vrot(xx,G,psi) yy = vrot(xx,zz,90.0) a = dspace(np.array([1., 0., 0.])) Eout = energy(dspace(np.array([4., 4., 4.])),anal_braggd) lambdaout = hc/Eout E = Eout #+0.02; lambdain = hc/E k0 = vrot(xx,yy,braggd(zz,E)) k0 = k0/np.linalg.norm(k0)*2.0*np.pi/lambdain nn = vrot(zz,yy,braggd(zz,E)) # nn is our spectrometer (hutch) vertical coordinate kh = k0 + G kprime = vrot(k0,yy,-tthv) # we can rotate vertical tth from 0 to 90 (eta from 0 to 90) kprime = kprime/np.linalg.norm(kprime)*2.0*np.pi/lambdaout kprime = vrot(kprime,nn,tthh) # we can rotate horizontal tth from 0 q0 = k0-kprime qh = kh-kprime return q0, qh
# def constrained_nnmf(A,W_ini,H_ini,W_up,H_up,max_iter=10000,verbose=False): # """ **constrained_nnmf** # Approximate non-negative matrix factorization with constrains. # function [W H]=johannes_nnmf_ALS(A,W_ini,H_ini,W_up,H_up) # % ***************************************************************** # % ***************************************************************** # % ** [W H]=johannes_nnmf(A,W_ini,H_ini,W_up,H_up) ** # % ** performs A=WH approximate matrix factorization, ** # % ** where A(n*m), W(n*k), and H(k*m) are non-negative matrices, ** # % ** and k<min(n,m). Masking arrays W_up(n*k), H_up(k*m) = 0,1 ** # % ** control elements of W and H to be updated (1) or not (0). ** # % ** This fact can be used to set constraints. ** # % ** ** # % ** Johannes Niskanen 13.10.2015 ** # % ** ** # % ***************************************************************** # % ***************************************************************** # by Johannes Niskanen # """ # # initialize matrices # H = H_ini # W = W_ini # # initial cost # J = np.sum(np.sum(0.5 * (,H))*(,H)))) # print('Initial cost J = %1.4f at step 0'%J) # dJ = -0.1 # sind = 0 # while sind <= max_iter: # sind += 1 # # check singularity # if np.isnan(np.linalg.det(,H.T))) or np.abs( np.linalg.det(,H.T))) < 1.0e-12: # print('H is singular, will break here.') # return # # solve W from (H*H')*W'=H*A' # W = np.linalg.lstsq(,H.T),,A.T) )[0].T # # make W nonnegative # inds = W < 0.0 # W[inds] = 0.0 # # restore fixed components # inds = W_up==0.0 # W[inds] = W_ini[inds] # # check singularity # if np.isnan( np.linalg.det(,W)) ) or np.abs( np.linalg.det(,W)) ) < 1.0e-12: # W = np.zeros(np.shape(W)) # H = np.zeros(np.shape(H)) # return # # solve H from: (W'*W)*H=W'*A # H = np.linalg.lstsq(,W),,A) )[0] # # make H non-negative # inds = H < 0.0 # H[inds] = 0.0 # # restore fixed components # inds = H_up == 0.0 # H[inds] = H_ini[inds] # # formalize spectra and coefficients # W = W/([0],1)),np.sum(W,axis=0).reshape(1,len(np.sum(W,axis=0))) )) # H = H/([0],1)),np.sum(H,axis=0).reshape(1,len(np.sum(H,axis=0))) )) # # print some progression # if sind % 100 == 0 and verbose: # Jnew = np.sum(np.sum(0.5 * (,H))*(,H)))) # dJ = Jnew-J # J = Jnew # print('Iteration %1d J = %1.4f') %(sind,J) # print('dJ = %5.3f') % dJ # print('Fnorm = %5.3f') % np.mean(np.sum(W)) # print('Cnorm = %5.3f') % np.mean(np.sum(H)) # return W, H
[docs]def mat2con(W,H,W_up,H_up): x = W[W_up == 1] x = np.append(x, H[H_up == 1]) return x
[docs]def con2mat(x,W,H,W_up,H_up): W[W_up == 1] = x[0:len(W[W_up == 1])] H[H_up == 1] = x[len(W[W_up == 1]):len(W[W_up == 1])+len(H[H_up == 1])] return W, H
[docs]def mat2vec(F,C,F_up,C_up,n,k,m): idxs=np.where(F_up == 1) nF=len(idxs[0]) if nF>0: x = F[idxs] else: x = np.array([]) idxs=np.where(C_up == 1) nC=len(idxs[0]) if nC>0: x = np.hstack([x, C[idxs]]) return x
[docs]def vec2mat(x,F,C,F_up,C_up,n,k,m): idxs=np.where(F_up == 1) nF=len(idxs[0]) if idxs: F[idxs] = x[:nF] idxs=np.where(C_up == 1) nC=len(idxs[0]) if idxs: C[idxs] = x[nF:] F=F.reshape(n,k) C=C.reshape(k,m) return F, C
[docs]def NNMFcost_old(x,A,W,H,W_up,H_up): """ **NNMFcost** Returns cost and gradient for NNMF with constraints. """ # calculate W, H W, H = con2mat(x,W,H,W_up,H_up) # calculate cost and gradient J = np.sum(np.sum(0.5*(,H))*(,H)))) gradW = -(,H)),H.T)) gradH = -(,H)).T,W)).T # return constraint only for updates xgrad = mat2con(gradW,gradH,W_up,H_up) return J, xgrad
[docs]def NNMFcost(x,A,F,C,F_up,C_up,n,k,m): """ **NNMFcost** Returns cost and gradient for NNMF with constraints. """ # calculate W, H F, C = vec2mat(x,F,C,F_up,C_up,n,k,m) # calculate cost and gradient J = np.sum(np.sum(0.5*(,C))*(,C)))) #gradF = -2.0*(,C)),C.T)) #gradC = -2.0*(,C)).T,F)).T # return gradient only for updates #gradF=gradF.reshape(1,n*k)[0] #gradC=gradC.reshape(1,k*m)[0] #xgrad = mat2vec(gradF,gradC,F_up,C_up,n,k,m) return J
[docs]def NNMFcost_der(x,A,F,C,F_up,C_up,n,k,m): F, C = vec2mat(x,F,C,F_up,C_up,n,k,m) gradF = -2.0*(,C)),C.T)) gradC = -2.0*(,C)).T,F)).T # return gradient only for updates gradF=gradF.reshape(1,n*k)[0] gradC=gradC.reshape(1,k*m)[0] xgrad = mat2vec(gradF,gradC,F_up,C_up,n,k,m) return xgrad
[docs]def bootstrapCNNMF(A,F_ini, C_ini, F_up, C_up, Niter): """ **bootstrapCNNMF** Constrained non-negative matrix factorization with bootstrapping for error estimates. """ n,m = A.shape k = np.shape(F_ini)[1] print( 'NNMF problem of dimension: ' + str(n) + 'x' + str(k) + 'x' + str(m) ) F1s = [] C1s = [] A1 = copy.deepcopy(A) # make sure A is non-negative A1[A1<0.0] = 0.0 # normalize A1 = A1/np.matmul(np.ones((A1.shape[0],1)),np.sum(A1,axis=0,keepdims=True)) for ii in range(Niter): #A1 = copy.deepcopy(A) # make non-negative #A1[A1<0.0] = 0.0 # normalize #A1 = A1/np.matmul(np.ones((A1.shape[0],1)),np.sum(A1,axis=0,keepdims=True)) F_ini = F_ini/np.matmul(np.ones((F_ini.shape[0],1)),np.sum(F_ini,axis=0,keepdims=True)) C_ini = C_ini/np.matmul(np.ones((C_ini.shape[0],1)),np.sum(C_ini,axis=0,keepdims=True)) # add random noise #A1 += np.random.random((n,m))*Aerr F1 = F_ini.reshape(1,n*k)[0] C1 = C_ini.reshape(1,k*m)[0] F1up = F_up.reshape(1,n*k)[0] C1up = C_up.reshape(1,k*m)[0] #print( len(np.where(F1up==1)[0])) #print( len(np.where(C1up==1)[0])) # get starting values x0 = mat2vec(F1, C1, F1up, C1up, n, k, m) # set limits bnds = [(0.0,1.0) for ii in x0] # minimize cost res=optimize.minimize(NNMFcost,x0,args=(A1,F1,C1,F1up,C1up,n,k,m), jac=NNMFcost_der, bounds=bnds, method='SLSQP', options={'maxiter': 100000, 'disp': True}, tol=1e-14) #translate vector of parameters bacj to matrices Fbs1, Cbs1 = vec2mat(res.x,F1,C1,F1up,C1up,n,k,m) # Normalize, translated to python by Risto & Johannes Fbs1_help = Fbs1/(,1)),np.sum(Fbs1,axis=0).reshape(1,k))) Cbs1 = Cbs1*(,axis=0).reshape(k,1), np.ones((1,m)))) Fbs1 = Fbs1_help # store meaningful data F1s.append(Fbs1.copy()) C1s.append(Cbs1.copy()) if Niter>1: # stantard deviation Cerr=np.squeeze(np.std(np.array(C1s),axis=0)) Ferr=np.squeeze(np.std(np.array(F1s),axis=0)) # average C=np.squeeze(np.mean(np.array(C1s),axis=0)) F=np.squeeze(np.mean(np.array(F1s),axis=0)) else: # only one of each matrix F=np.array(F1s[0]) C=np.array(C1s[0]) Ferr=np.zeros(np.shape(F)) Cerr=np.zeros(np.shape(C)) return F, C, Ferr, Cerr
[docs]def bootstrapCNNMF_old(A,k,Aerr, F_ini, C_ini, F_up, C_up, Niter=100): """ **bootstrapCNNMF** Constrained non-negative matrix factorization with bootstrapping for error estimates. """ n,m = A.shape import copy F1s = np.zeros((Niter,n,k)) C1s = np.zeros((Niter,C_ini.shape[0],C_ini.shape[1])) for ii in range(Niter): A1 = copy.deepcopy(A) # add random noise A1 += np.random.random((n,m))*Aerr F1 = F_ini*(1.0-F_up) + F_up*np.random.random((n,k)) C1 = C_ini*(1.0-C_up) + C_up*np.random.random((k,m)) F1[F1<0.0]=0.0 C1[C1<0.0]=0.0 # minimize with trust-region-algorithm # get starting values x0 = mat2con(F1,C1,F_up,C_up) cons = ({'args': (A1,F1,C1,F_up,C_up)}) bnds = [(0.0,1.0) for ii in x0] costfun = lambda x:NNMFcost(x,A1,F1,C1,F_up,C_up) #[0] #gradfun = lambda x:NNMFcost(x,A1,F1,C1,F_up,C_up)[1] x=minimize(NNMFcost_old,x0,args=(A1,F1,C1,F_up,C_up), method='Newton-CG', tol=1e-5, jac=True, bounds=bnds,options={'maxiter' : 1e6, 'disp': True} ).x Fbs1, Cbs1 = con2mat(x,F1,C1,F_up,C_up) # store meaningful data print( Fbs1.shape) print( Cbs1.shape) F1s[ii,:,:] = Fbs1/([0],1)), np.sum(Fbs1,axis=0).reshape(1,len(np.sum(Fbs1,axis=0))) )) print( ) C1s[ii,:,:] = Cbs1 * (,axis=0).reshape(k,1), np.ones(( 1, A1.shape[1] )) ) ) # do RMS print( F1s.shape, C1s.shape) Cerr=np.squeeze(np.std(C1s,axis=0)) Ferr=np.squeeze(np.std(F1s,axis=0)) # average C=np.squeeze(np.mean(C1s,axis=0)) F=np.squeeze(np.mean(F1s,axis=0)) return F, C, Ferr, Cerr
[docs]def cNNMF_chris( A, W_fixed, W_free, maxIter=100, verbose=True ): # set up a matrix of guesses and free columns (W_free can be None) if W_free is not None: W = np.zeros(( W_fixed.shape[0] , (W_fixed.shape[1]+W_free.shape[1])) ) for ii in range(W_free.shape[-1]): W_free[:,ii] /= np.linalg.norm(W_free[:,ii]) else: W = np.zeros( (W_fixed.shape[0] , (W_fixed.shape[1])) ) # fill the W matrix W[:, 0: W_fixed.shape[1] ] = W_fixed if W_free is not None: W[:, W_fixed.shape[1]: ] = W_free # make W non-zero everywhere W[ W<0.0 ] = 0.0 # iterate for ii in range(maxIter): # W * coeffs = A # find first set of coefficients # coeffs = (np.linalg.lstsq( W, A, rcond=None))[0] # coeffs[coeffs<0] = 0.0 coeffs = np.zeros( (W.shape[1], A.shape[1]) ) for kk in range(A.shape[1]): coeffs[:,kk] = nnls(W, A[:,kk])[0] # if there is no spectra to vary, just return the coeffs if W_free is None: return W, coeffs diff = A - W , coeffs) error = np.linalg.norm(diff) if verbose: print( "Error at iteration %d of MF is %f" %(ii, error*error)) # update the free components reduced_A = A - W[:,: W_fixed.shape[1] ], coeffs[0:W_fixed.shape[1],:] ) W_free = (np.linalg.lstsq( (coeffs[W_fixed.shape[1]:,: ] ).T, reduced_A.T, rcond=None ))[0].T W[:, W_fixed.shape[1]:] = W_free # make sure W is non-negative everywhere W[ W<0.0 ] = 0.0 # normalize W = W/ np.ones((A.shape[0],1)), np.sum(W,axis=0).reshape(1,W.shape[1]) ) coeffs = coeffs * (,axis=0).reshape(W.shape[1],1), np.ones(( 1, A.shape[1] )) ) ) #for jj in range( W.shape[-1] ): # W[:,jj] = W[:,jj]/np.linalg.norm(W[:,jj]) return W, coeffs
[docs]def constrained_svd(M,U_ini,S_ini,VT_ini,U_up,max_iter=10000,verbose=False): """ **constrained_nnmf** Approximate singular value decomposition with constraints. function [U, S, V] = constrained_svd(M,U_ini,S_ini,V_ini,U_up,max_iter=10000,verbose=False) """ # initialize matrices # M = [n x m] U = U_ini # [n x n] (unitary) S = S_ini # [n x m] (diagonal matrix) VT = VT_ini # [m x m] (unitary) n,m = np.shape(M) # initial cost J = np.sum(np.sum(0.5 * (,S),VT))*(,S),VT)))) print('Initial cost J = %1.4f at step 0') % J dJ = -0.1 sind = 0 while sind <= max_iter: sind += 1 # solve S from: U*S = M*(VT)^-1 S = np.linalg.lstsq( U,, np.linalg.pinv(VT)))[0] # make S diagonal for ii in range(S.shape[0]): for jj in range(S.shape[1]): if ii != jj: S[ii,jj] = 0.0 # solve VT from: U*S*V=M VT = np.linalg.lstsq(,S),M )[0] # solve U from: VT.T*S.T*U.T = M.T U = np.linalg.lstsq(,S.T) , M.T )[0].T # restore fixed components inds = U_up==0.0 U[inds] = U_ini[inds] # formalize spectra and coefficients U = U/([0],1)),np.sum(U,axis=0).reshape(1,len(np.sum(U,axis=0))) )) VT = VT/([0],1)),np.sum(VT,axis=0).reshape(1,len(np.sum(VT,axis=0))) )) # print some progression if sind % 100 == 0 and verbose: Jnew = np.sum(np.sum(0.5 * (,S),VT))*(,S),VT)))) dJ = Jnew-J J = Jnew print('Iteration %1d J = %1.4f') %(sind,J) print('dJ = %5.3f') % dJ return U, S, VT
[docs]def unconstrained_mf(A,numComp=3, maxIter=1000, tol=1.0e-8): """ **unconstrained_mf** Returns main components from an off-diagonal Matrix (energy-loss x angular-departure), using the power method iteratively on the different main components. """ # initialize random coefficient matrix coeff = np.random.random((A.shape[1],numComp)) W = np.random.random((numComp,A.shape[0])) # normalize W for ii in range(numComp): W[ii,:] /= np.linalg.norm(W[ii,:]) ind = 0 err = 1.0e8 # start looping: while ind <= maxIter or dJ <= tol: # update coefficient matrix abc = np.linalg.lstsq( W.T,A)[0].T coeff = np.copy(abc) for comp in range(numComp): # updatea coefficients and # set one of the coefficient vectors to zero coeff[:,comp] = np.zeros_like(abc[:,comp]) # calculate error matrix errM = A -,W).T # initialize power method V = np.random.random((len(W[comp,:]),1)) V /= np.linalg.norm(V) for jj in range(1000): vnew =, errM.T).dot(V) vnew /= np.linalg.norm(vnew) V = vnew V /= np.linalg.norm(V) W[comp,:] = V.reshape(W[comp,:].shape) # set the zeroed coefficients back to orig coeff[:,comp] = abc[:,comp] # calculate error newerr = np.linalg.norm(A -,W).T) dJ = err - newerr err = newerr ind += 1 return W, coeff, err
[docs]def constrained_mf(A, W_ini, W_up, coeff_ini, coeff_up, maxIter=1000, tol=1.0e-8, maxIter_power=1000): """ **cfactorizeOffDiaMatrix** constrained version of factorizeOffDiaMatrix Returns main components from an off-diagonal Matrix (energy-loss x angular-departure). """ numComp = coeff_ini.shape[1] # initialize random coefficient matrix coeff = np.copy(coeff_ini) W = np.copy(W_ini) # normalize W for ii in range(numComp): W[:,ii] /= np.linalg.norm(W[:,ii]) # looping index ind = 0 err = 1.0e8 # find columns to be updated W_up_cols = [] coeff_up_cols = [] for ii in range(numComp): if np.all(W_up[:,ii] == 1): W_up_cols.append(ii) if np.all(coeff_up[:,ii] == 1): coeff_up_cols.append(ii) # start looping: while ind <= maxIter: # update coefficient matrix where desired abc = np.linalg.lstsq( W,A)[0].T coeff = np.copy(abc) coeff[:,coeff_up_cols] = abc[:,coeff_up_cols] for col in W_up_cols: # set one of the coefficient vectors to zero coeff[:,col] = np.zeros_like(coeff[:,col]) # calculate error matrix errM = A -,W.T).T # initialize power method V = np.random.random((len(W[:,col]),1)) V /= np.linalg.norm(V) for jj in range(maxIter_power): vnew =, errM.T).dot(V) vnew /= np.linalg.norm(vnew) V = vnew V /= np.linalg.norm(V) W[:,col] = V.reshape(W[:,col].shape) # set the zeroed coefficients back to orig coeff[:,col] = abc[:,col] # calculate error newerr = np.linalg.norm(A -,W.T).T) dJ = err - newerr err = newerr ind += 1 return W, coeff, err
[docs]def readbiggsdata(filename,element): """ Reads Hartree-Fock Profile of element 'element' from values tabulated by Biggs et al. (Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 16, 201-309 (1975)) as provided by the DABAX library ( input: filename = path to the ComptonProfiles.dat file (the file should be distributed with this package) element = string of element name returns: * data = the data for the according element as in the file: * #UD Columns: * #UD col1: pz in atomic units * #UD col2: Total compton profile (sum over the atomic electrons * #UD col3,...coln: Compton profile for the individual sub-shells * occupation = occupation number of the according shells * bindingen = binding energies of the accorting shells * colnames = strings of column names as used in the file """ elementid = '#S' sizeid = '#N' occid = '#UOCCUP' bindingid = '#UBIND' colnameid = '#L' data = [] f = open(filename,'r') istrue = True while istrue: line = f.readline() if line[0:2] == elementid: if line.split()[-1] == element: line = f.readline() while line[0:2] != elementid: if line[0:2] == sizeid: arraysize = int(line.split()[-1]) line = f.readline() if line[0:7] == occid: occupation = line.split()[1:] line = f.readline() if line[0:6] == bindingid: bindingen = line.split()[1:] line = f.readline() if line[0:2] == colnameid: colnames = line.split()[1:] line = f.readline() if line[0]== ' ': data.append([float(n) for n in line.strip().split()]) #data = np.zeros((31,arraysize)) line = f.readline() break length = len(data) data = (np.reshape(np.array(data),(length,arraysize))) return data, occupation, bindingen, colnames
[docs]def makepzprofile(element,filename=os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'ComptonProfiles.dat')): """ constructs compton profiles of element 'element' on pz-scale (-100:100 a.u.) from the Biggs tables provided in 'filename' input: * element = element symbol (e.g. 'Si', 'Al', etc.) * filename = path and filename to tabulated profiles returns: * pzprofile = numpy array of the CP: * 1. column: pz-scale * 2. ... n. columns: compton profile of nth shell * binden = binding energies of shells * occupation = number of electrons in the according shells """ theory,occupation,binden,colnames = readbiggsdata(filename,element) # first spline onto a rough grid: roughpz = np.logspace(0.01,2,65)-1 roughtheory = np.zeros((len(roughpz),len(binden)+2)) roughtheory[:,0] = roughpz for n in range(len(binden)+1): intf = interpolate.pchip(theory[:,0], theory[:,2]) # interpolate.interp1d(theory[:,0],theory[:,n+1]) roughtheory[:,n+1] = intf(roughpz) pzscale = np.linspace(-100,100,num=4000) pzprofile = np.zeros((len(pzscale),len(binden)+1)) pzprofile[:,0] = pzscale # mirror, spline onto fine grid for n in range(len(binden)): intf = interpolate.splrep(roughtheory[:,0],roughtheory[:,n+2],s=0.000000001,k=2) # skip the column with the total J for now #try interp1d with bounds_error=False and fill_value=0.0 pzprofile[:,n+1] = interpolate.splev(abs(pzscale),intf,der=0) # normalize to one electron, multiply by number of electrons for n in range(len(binden)): normval = integrate.trapz(pzprofile[:,n+1],pzprofile[:,0]) pzprofile[:,n+1] = pzprofile[:,n+1]/normval*int(occupation[n]) binden = [float(en) for en in binden] occupation = [float(val) for val in occupation] return pzprofile, binden, occupation
[docs]def makeprofile(element,filename=os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'ComptonProfiles.dat'),E0=9.69,tth=35.0,correctasym=None): """ takes the profiles from 'makepzprofile()', converts them onto eloss scale and normalizes them to S(q,w) [1/eV] input: element = element symbol (e.g. 'Si', 'Al', etc.) filename = path and filename to tabulated profiles E0 = scattering energy [keV] tth = scattering angle [deg] returns: enscale = energy loss scale J = total CP C = only core contribution to CP V = only valence contribution to CP q = momentum transfer [a.u.] """ pzprofile,binden,occ = makepzprofile(element,filename) # convert to eloss scale enscale = ((np.flipud(pz2e1(E0,pzprofile[:,0],tth))-E0)*1e3) q = momtrans_au(enscale/1000.0+E0,E0,tth) # add asymmetry if needed (2p1/2 and 2p3/2 for Z > 35 (Br)) asymmetry = np.flipud(HRcorrect(pzprofile,occ,q)); # asymmetry flipped for conversion to e-loss scale (???) if correctasym: pzprofile[:,1:4] = pzprofile[:,1:4] + asymmetry*correctasym # discard profiles below zero hfprofile = pzprofile[np.nonzero(enscale.T>=0)[0],:] q = q[np.nonzero(enscale.T>=0)[0]] #q[:,np.nonzero(enscale.T>=0)[0]] enscale = enscale[np.nonzero(enscale.T>=0)[0]] #enscale[:,np.nonzero(enscale.T>=0)[0]] hfprofile[:,0] = enscale # cut at edges for n in range(len(binden)): hfprofile[np.where(enscale<binden[n]),n+1] = 0 # convert J(pz) to S(q,w) via J(pz)=N_electrons*hartree*q*S(q,w) and # normalize using the f-sum rule (sum(S(q,w)*w)=f) # convert to a.u. hartree = 1.0/constants.physical_constants['electron volt-hartree relationship'][0] enscaleh = enscale/hartree # eloss in a.u. # normalize to one then multiply by N_el*q**2/2 for n in range(len(binden)): hfprofile[:,n+1] = hfprofile[:,n+1]/(integrate.trapz(np.multiply(hfprofile[:,n+1],enscaleh),enscaleh)) hfprofile[:,n+1] = np.multiply(hfprofile[:,n+1],(q**2.0)/2.0)*occ[n] # convert back to [1/eV] and sum up # total profile J and valence V (all edges ) J = np.zeros((len(enscale))) V = np.zeros((len(enscale))) for n in range(len(binden)): if binden[n] < enscale[-1]: J += hfprofile[:,n+1]/hartree if binden[n] < 10: V += hfprofile[:,n+1]/hartree C = J - V return enscale,J,C,V,q
[docs]def makeprofile_comp(formula,filename=os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'ComptonProfiles.dat'),E0=9.69,tth=35,correctasym=None): """ returns the compton profile of a chemical compound with formula 'formula' input: formula = string of a chemical formula (e.g. 'SiO2', 'Ba8Si46', etc.) filename = path and filename to tabulated profiles E0 = scattering energy [keV] tth = scattering angle [deg] returns: eloss = energy loss scale J = total CP C = only core contribution to CP V = only valence contribution to CP q = momentum transfer [a.u.] """ elements,stoichiometries = parseformula(formula) if not np.any(correctasym): correctasym = np.zeros(len(elements)) eloss,J,C,V,q = makeprofile(elements[0],filename,E0,tth,correctasym[0]) J *= stoichiometries[0] C *= stoichiometries[0] V *= stoichiometries[0] for n in range(len(elements[1:])): eloss,j,c,v,q = makeprofile(elements[n+1],filename,E0,tth,correctasym[n+1]) J += j*stoichiometries[n+1] C += c*stoichiometries[n+1] V += v*stoichiometries[n+1] return eloss, J,C,V,q
[docs]def makeprofile_compds(formulas,concentrations=None,filename=os.path.join( data_installation_dir,'ComptonProfiles.dat'),E0=9.69,tth=35.0,correctasym=None): """ returns sum of compton profiles from a lost of chemical compounds weighted by the given concentration """ # if correctasym is not given, no HR correction is applied if not np.any(concentrations): concentrations = np.ones(len(formulas))/len(formulas) if not np.any(correctasym): correctasym = [] for formula in formulas: elements,stoichiometries = parseformula(formula) correctasym.append(np.zeros(len(elements))) eloss,J,C,V,q = makeprofile_comp(formulas[0],filename,E0,tth,correctasym[0]) if len(formulas)>1: J = J*concentrations[0] C = C*concentrations[0] V = V*concentrations[0] for n in range(len(formulas[1:])): eloss,j,c,v,q = makeprofile_comp(formulas[n+1],filename,E0,tth,correctasym[n+1]) J += j*concentrations[n+1] C += c*concentrations[n+1] V += v*concentrations[n+1] return eloss,J,C,V,q
[docs]def HRcorrect(pzprofile,occupation,q): """ Returns the first order correction to filled 1s, 2s, and 2p Compton profiles. Implementation after Holm and Ribberfors (citation ...). Args: * pzprofile (np.array): Compton profile (e.g. tabulated from Biggs) to be corrected (2D matrix). * occupation (list): electron configuration. * q (float or np.array): momentum transfer in [a.u.]. Returns: asymmetry (np.array): asymmetries to be added to the raw profiles (normalized to the number of electrons on pz scale) """ # prepare output matrix if len(occupation) == 1: asymmetry = np.zeros((len(pzprofile[:,0]),1)) elif len(occupation) == 2: asymmetry = np.zeros((len(pzprofile[:,0]),2)) elif len(occupation) >= 3: asymmetry = np.zeros((len(pzprofile[:,0]),3)) # take care for the cases where 2p levels have spin-orbit split taken into account in the Biggs table if len(occupation)>3 and occupation[2]==2 and occupation[3]==4: pzprofile[:,3] = pzprofile[:,3] + pzprofile[:,4] occupation[2] = 6 # 1s if occupation[0] < 2: pass else: # find gamma1s lambda x: (x[0] - 1)**2 + (x[1] - 2.5)**2 fitfct = lambda a: (np.absolute(np.max(pzprofile[:,1])-np.max(occupation[0]*8.0*a**5.0/3.0/np.pi/(a**2.0+pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**3.0))) res = optimize.leastsq(fitfct,np.sum(occupation)) gamma1s = res[0][0] # calculate j0 and j1 j0 = occupation[0]*8.0*gamma1s**5.0/3.0/np.pi/((gamma1s**2.0+pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**3.0) j1 = 2.0*gamma1s*np.arctan2(pzprofile[:,0],gamma1s)-3.0/2.0*pzprofile[:,0] j1 = j1/q*j0 asymmetry[:,0] = j1 # 2s if len(occupation)>1: if occupation[1] < 2: pass else: # find gamma2s fitfct = lambda a: (np.absolute(np.max(pzprofile[:,2])-np.max(occupation[1]*((a**4.0-10.0*a**2.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2 + 40.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)*128.0*a**5.0/15.0/np.pi/(a**2.0 + 4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0)))) res = optimize.leastsq(fitfct,np.sum(occupation)*2.0/3.0) gamma2s = res[0][0] # calculate j0 and j1 j0 = occupation[1]*(gamma2s**4.0-10.0*gamma2s**2.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0+40.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)*128.0*gamma2s**5.0/15.0/np.pi/(gamma2s**2.0 + 4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0 j1 = 2.0*gamma2s*np.arctan2(2.0*pzprofile[:,0],gamma2s)-5.0/4.0*(gamma2s**4.0+48.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)/(gamma2s**4.0-10.0*gamma2s**2.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0+40.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)*pzprofile[:,0] j1 = j1/q*j0 asymmetry[:,1] = j1 # 2p if len(occupation)>2: if occupation[2] < 6: pass else: forgamma = 3.0*pzprofile[:,3]/np.trapz(pzprofile[:,3],pzprofile[:,0]) # 2p correction is defined for 3 electrons in the 2p shell # find gamma2p fitfct = lambda a: (np.absolute(np.max(forgamma)-np.max(((a**2.0+20.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)*64.0*a**7.0/5.0/np.pi/(a**2.0+4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0)))) res = optimize.leastsq(fitfct,np.sum(occupation)*1.0/3.0) gamma2p = res[0][0] # calculate j0 and j1 j0 = 2.0*(gamma2p**2.0+20.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)*64.0*gamma2p**7.0/5.0/np.pi/(gamma2p**2.0+4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0 j1 = 2.0*gamma2p*np.arctan2(2.0*pzprofile[:,0],gamma2p)-2.0/3.0*pzprofile[:,0]*(10.0*gamma2p**2.0+60.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)/(gamma2p**2.0+20.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0) j1 = j1/q*j0 asymmetry[:,2] = j1 return asymmetry
[docs]def parseformula(formula): """Parses a chemical sum formula. Parses the constituing elements and stoichiometries from a given chemical sum formula. Args: * formula (string): string of a chemical formula (e.g. 'SiO2', 'Ba8Si46', etc.) Returns: * elements (list): list of strings of constituting elemental symbols. * stoichiometries (list): list of according stoichiometries in the same order as 'elements'. """ elements = [] stoichiometries = [] splitted = findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)',formula) elements.extend([element[0] for element in splitted]) stoichiometries.extend([(int(element[1]) if element[1] else 1) for element in splitted]) return elements,stoichiometries
[docs]def element(z): """Converts atomic number into string of the element symbol and vice versa. Returns atomic number of given element, if z is a string of the element symbol or string of element symbol of given atomic number z. Args: * z (string or int): string of the element symbol or atomic number. Returns: * Z (string or int): string of the element symbol or atomic number. """ zs = ['H','He','Li','Be','B','C','N','O','F','Ne','Na','Mg','Al', 'Si','P','S','Cl','Ar','K','Ca','Sc','Ti','V','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni', 'Cu','Zn','Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr','Rb','Sr','Y','Zr','Nb','Mo', 'Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd','In','Sn','Sb','Te','I','Xe','Cs','Ba', 'La','Ce','Pr','Nd','Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm','Yb', 'Lu','Hf','Ta','W','Re','Os','Ir','Pt','Au','Hg','Tl','Pb','Bi','Po', 'At','Rn','Fr','Ra','Ac','Th','Pa','U','Np','Pu','Am','Cm','Bk','Cf', 'Es','Fm','Md','No','Lr','Ku'] if isinstance(z,str): try: Z = zs.index(z)+1 except: Z = None print( 'Given element ' + z + ' unknown.') elif isinstance(z,int): if z > 0 and z < 105: Z = zs[z-1] else: print( 'Element Z = '+ str(z) +' unknown.') else: print( 'type '+ str(type(z)) + 'not supported.' ) return Z
[docs]def myprho(energy,Z,logtablefile=os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'logtable.dat') ): """Calculates the photoelectric, elastic, and inelastic absorption of an element Z Calculates the photelectric , elastic, and inelastic absorption of an element Z. Z can be atomic number or element symbol. Args: * energy (np.array): energy scale in [keV]. * Z (string or int): atomic number or string of element symbol. Returns: * murho (np.array): absorption coefficient normalized by the density. * rho (float): density in UNITS? * m (float): atomic mass in UNITS? """ en = np.array([]) en = np.append(en,energy) logtable = np.loadtxt(logtablefile) # find the right places in logtable if not isinstance(Z,int): Z = element(Z) try: ind = list(logtable[:,0]).index(Z) except: print( 'no such element in logtable.dat') c = np.array(logtable[ind:ind+5,:]) # 5 lines that corresponds to the element le = np.log(en) # logarithm of the energy mr = np.exp(c[1,3]+le*(c[2,3]+le*(c[3,3]+le*c[4,3]))) # extract mu from loglog table i = np.where(en<=c[0,3]) l = le[i] mr[i] = np.exp(c[1,2]+l*(c[2,2]+l*(c[3,2]+l*c[4,2]))) i = np.where(en<c[0,2]) l = le[i] mr[i] = np.exp(c[1,1]+l*(c[2,1]+l*(c[3,1]+l*c[4,1]))) i = np.where(en<c[0,1]) l = le[i] # mu mu = np.zeros((len(mr),3)) mu[:,0] = mr mu[i,0] = np.exp(c[1,0]+l*(c[2,0]+l*(c[3,0]+l*c[4,0]))) # photoelectric absorption mu[:,1] = np.exp(c[1,4]+le*(c[2,4]+le*(c[3,4]+le*c[4,4]))) # elastic absorption mu[:,2] = np.exp(c[1,5]+le*(c[2,5]+le*(c[3,5]+le*c[4,5]))) # inelastic abssorption # m = c[0,4] # atomic mass murho = mu*0.602252/m # mu/rho rho = c[0,5] return murho, rho, m
[docs]def mpr(energy,compound): """Calculates the photoelectric, elastic, and inelastic absorption of a chemical compound. Calculates the photoelectric, elastic, and inelastic absorption of a chemical compound. Args: * energy (np.array): energy scale in [keV]. * compound (string): chemical sum formula (e.g. 'SiO2') Returns: * murho (np.array): absorption coefficient normalized by the density. * rho (float): density in UNITS? * m (float): atomic mass in UNITS? """ en = np.array([]) en = np.append(en,energy) # turn energy into an iterable array z,w = parseformula(compound) mr = np.zeros((len(en),3)) # 1. photoelectric absorption, 2. elastic absorption, 3. inelastic absorption rhov = np.zeros((len(z),1)) mv = np.zeros((len(z),1)) for i in range(len(z)): tmp,rho,m = myprho(en,z[i]) m = m*w[i] # weigh atomic masses by stoichiometry. mv[i] = m rhov[i] = rho mr += tmp*m # sum up individual mu/rho mtot = sum(mv) mr = mr/mtot mr = np.sum(mr,1) return mr, rhov, mv
[docs]def mpr_compds(energy,formulas,concentrations,E0,rho_formu): """Calculates the photoelectric, elastic, and inelastic absorption of a mix of compounds. Returns the photoelectric absorption for a sum of different chemical compounds. Args: * energy (np.array): energy scale in [keV]. * formulas (list of strings): list of chemical sum formulas Returns: * murho (np.array): absorption coefficient normalized by the density. * rho (float): density in UNITS? * m (float): atomic mass in UNITS? """ en = np.array([]) # turn energy into an iterable array en = np.append(en,energy) e0 = np.array([]) e0 = np.append(e0,E0) mu_tot_in = np.zeros((len(en))) mu_tot_out = np.zeros((len(e0))) # should also work for series of E0's for n in range(len(formulas)): mu_tot_in += mpr(en,formulas[n])[0]*concentrations[n]*rho_formu[n] mu_tot_out += mpr(e0,formulas[n])[0]*concentrations[n]*rho_formu[n] return mu_tot_in, mu_tot_out
[docs]def xas_fluo_correct(ene, mu, formula, fluo_ene, edge_ene, angin, angout): """ **xas_fluo_correct** Fluorescence yield over-absorption correction as in Larch/Athena. see: Args: * ene (np.array): energy axis in [keV] * mu (np.array): measured fluorescence spectrum * formula (str): chemical sum formulas (e.g. 'SiO2') * fluo_ene (float): energy in keV of main fluorescence line * edge_ene (float): edge energy in [keV] * angin (float): incidence angle (relative to sample normal) [deg.] * angout (float): exit angle (relative to sample normal) [deg.] Returns: * ene (np.array): energy axis in [keV] * mu_corr (np.array): corrected fluorescence spectrum """ ang_corr = (np.sin(max(1.e-7, np.radians(angin))) / np.sin(max(1.e-7, np.radians(angout)))) mu_vals = [mpr( e, formula )[0][0] for e in [ fluo_ene, edge_ene-0.01, edge_ene+0.01]] alpha = (mu_vals[0]*ang_corr + mu_vals[1])/(mu_vals[2] - mu_vals[1]) mu_corr = mu*alpha/(alpha + 1.0 - mu) return ene, mu_corr
[docs]def abscorr2(mu1,mu2,alpha,beta,samthick): """Calculates absorption correction for given mu1 and mu2. Multiply the measured spectrum with this correction factor. This is a translation of Keijo Hamalainen's Matlab function (KH 30.05.96). Args: * mu1 (np.array): absorption coefficient for the incident energy in [1/cm]. * mu2 (np.array): absorption coefficient for the scattered energy in [1/cm]. * alpha (float): incident angle relative to plane normal in [deg]. * beta (float): exit angle relative to plane normal [deg] (for transmission geometry use beta < 0). * samthick (float): sample thickness in [cm]. Returns: * ac (np.array): absorption correction factor. Multiply this with your measured spectrum. """ cosa = math.cos(math.radians(alpha)) cosb = math.cos(math.radians(beta)) if beta >= 0: # reflection geometry ac = cosa*(mu1/cosa + mu2/cosb)/(1.0 - np.exp(-mu1*samthick/cosa - mu2*samthick/cosb)) elif np.absolute(mu1/cosa - mu2/cosb).any() > np.spacing(1): # transmission geometry ac = -cosa*(mu1/cosa - mu2/cosb)/(np.exp(-mu1*samthick/cosa) - np.exp(-mu2*samthick/cosb)) else: ac = cosa/(samthick*np.exp(-mu1*samthick/cosa)) return ac
[docs]def absCorrection(mu1,mu2,alpha,beta,samthick,geometry='transmission'): """ **absCorrection** Calculates absorption correction for given mu1 and mu2. Multiply the measured spectrum with this correction factor. This is a translation of Keijo Hamalainen's Matlab function (KH 30.05.96). Args * mu1 : np.array Absorption coefficient for the incident energy in [1/cm]. * mu2 : np.array Absorption coefficient for the scattered energy in [1/cm]. * alpha : float Incident angle relative to plane normal in [deg]. * beta : float Exit angle relative to plane normal [deg]. * samthick : float Sample thickness in [cm]. * geometry : string, optional Key word for different sample geometries ('transmission', 'reflection', 'sphere'). If *geometry* is set to 'sphere', no angular dependence is assumed. Returns * ac : np.array Absorption correction factor. Multiply this with your measured spectrum. """ cosa = np.cos(math.radians(alpha)) cosb = np.cos(math.radians(beta)) # reflection geometry if geometry == 'reflection': if beta >= 90.0: print('WARNING: are you sure about the beta angle?') ac = cosa*(mu1/cosa + mu2/cosb)/(1.0 - np.exp(-mu1*samthick/cosa - mu2*samthick/cosb)) # transmission geometry elif geometry == 'transmission' and np.absolute(mu1/cosa - mu2/cosb).any() > np.spacing(1): ac = -cosa*(mu1/cosa - mu2/cosb)/(np.exp(-mu1*samthick/cosa) - np.exp(-mu2*samthick/cosb)) elif geometry == 'transmission' and np.absolute(mu1/cosa - mu2/cosb).any() <= np.spacing(1): ac = cosa/(samthick*np.exp(-mu1*samthick/cosa)) # spherical sample elif geometry == 'sphere': ac = (mu1 + mu2)/(1.0 - np.exp(-mu1*samthick -mu2*samthick)) return ac
[docs]def gettransmission(energy,formulas,concentrations,densities,thickness): """ returns the transmission through a sample composed of chemical formulas with certain densities mixed to certain concentrations, and a thickness """ en = np.array([]) # turn energy into an iterable array en = np.append(en,energy) if not isinstance(formulas,list): theformulas = [] theformulas.append(formulas) else: theformulas = formulas if not isinstance(concentrations,list): theconcentrations = [] theconcentrations.append(concentrations) else: theconcentrations = concentrations if not isinstance(densities,list): thedensities = [] thedensities.append(densities) else: thedensities = densities # get mu mu_tot = np.zeros((len(en))) for n in range(len(theformulas)): mu_tot += mpr(en,theformulas[n])[0]*theconcentrations[n]*thedensities[n] return np.exp(-mu_tot*thickness)
[docs]def plottransmission(energy,formulas,concentrations,densities,thickness): """ opens a plot with the transmission plotted along the given energy vector """ if not isinstance(formulas,list): theformulas = [] theformulas.append(formulas) else: theformulas = formulas if not isinstance(concentrations,list): theconcentrations = [] theconcentrations.append(concentrations) else: theconcentrations = concentrations if not isinstance(densities,list): thedensities = [] thedensities.append(densities) else: thedensities = densities transmission = gettransmission(energy,formulas,concentrations,densities,thickness) plt.plot(energy,transmission) titlestring = 'transmission of: ' + ' '.join(formulas) plt.title(titlestring) plt.xlabel('energy [keV]') plt.ylabel('transmission [%]') plt.grid(False)
[docs]def getpenetrationdepth(energy,formulas,concentrations,densities): """ returns the penetration depth of a mixture of chemical formulas with certain concentrations and densities """ en = np.array([]) # turn energy into an iterable array en = np.append(en,energy) if not isinstance(formulas,list): theformulas = [] theformulas.append(formulas) else: theformulas = formulas if not isinstance(concentrations,list): theconcentrations = [] theconcentrations.append(concentrations) else: theconcentrations = concentrations if not isinstance(densities,list): thedensities = [] thedensities.append(densities) else: thedensities = densities # get mu mu_tot = np.zeros((len(en))) for n in range(len(theformulas)): mu_tot += mpr(en,theformulas[n])[0]*theconcentrations[n]*thedensities[n] return 1.0/mu_tot
[docs]def plotpenetrationdepth(energy,formulas,concentrations,densities): """ opens a plot window of the penetration depth of a mixture of chemical formulas with certain concentrations and densities plotted along the given energy vector """ if not isinstance(formulas,list): theformulas = [] theformulas.append(formulas) else: theformulas = formulas if not isinstance(concentrations,list): theconcentrations = [] theconcentrations.append(concentrations) else: theconcentrations = concentrations if not isinstance(densities,list): thedensities = [] thedensities.append(densities) else: thedensities = densities pendepth = getpenetrationdepth(energy,formulas,concentrations,densities) plt.plot(energy,pendepth) titlestring = 'penetration depth of: ' + ' '.join(formulas) plt.title(titlestring) plt.xlabel('energy [keV]') plt.ylabel('penetration depth [cm]') plt.grid(False)
[docs]def sumx(A): """ Short-hand command to sum over 1st dimension of a N-D matrix (N>2) and to squeeze it to N-1-D matrix. """ return np.squeeze(np.sum(A,axis=0))
[docs]def specread(filename,nscan): """ reads scan "nscan" from SPEC-file "filename" INPUT: * filename = string with the SPEC-file name * nscan = number (int) of desired scan OUTPUT: * data = * motors = * counters = dictionary """ scannid = '#S' countid = '#L' motorid = '#P' data = [] motors = [] counterss = [] f = open(filename,'r') while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[0:2] == scannid: if int(line.split()[1]) == nscan: line = '##'+line while line and line[0:2]!='#S': line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[0:2] == countid: cline = ' '+line[2:] counterss = [n.strip() for n in [_f for _f in cline.split(' ')[1:] if _f]] if line[0:2] == motorid: motors.append([float(n) for n in line.strip().split()[1:]]) if line[0] != '#': data.append([float(n) for n in line.strip().split()]) data.pop(-1) # the trailing empty line f.close() # put the data into a dictionary with entries from the counterss counters = {} for n in range(len(counterss)): counters[counterss[n].lower()] = [row[n] for row in data] # data[:,n] return data, motors, counters
[docs]def edfread(filename): """ reads edf-file with filename "filename" OUTPUT: data = 256x256 numpy array """ # get some info from header f = open(filename,'rb').readlines() counter = 0 predata = [] for entry in f: counter += 1 if entry.strip().split()[0] == '}': break for entry in f[:counter]: if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Dim_1': dim1 = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Dim_2': dim2 = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Size': size = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'UnsignedShort': type_code = 'H' if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'SignedInteger': type_code = 'i' length = 0 for line in f: length += len(line) headerlength = (length-size)//2 # get the data f = open(filename,'rb') predata = arr.array(type_code) predata.fromfile(f,(headerlength+dim1*dim2)) # this prevents the header (1024 characters long) to end up in the 256x256 picture data = np.reshape(predata[headerlength:],(dim1,dim2)) # this prevents the header (1024 characters long) to end up in the 256x256 picture f.close() return data
[docs]def edfread_test(filename): """ reads edf-file with filename "filename" OUTPUT: data = 256x256 numpy array here is how i opened the HH data: data = np.fromfile(f,np.int32) image = np.reshape(data,(dim,dim)) """ # get some info from header f = open(filename,'rb').readlines() counter = 0 predata = [] for entry in f: counter += 1 if entry.strip().split()[0] == '}': break for entry in f[:counter]: if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Dim_1': dim1 = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Dim_2': dim2 = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) if entry.strip().split()[0] == 'Size': size = int(entry.strip().split()[2]) length = 0 for line in f: length += len(line) headerlength = (length-size)//2 # get the data f = open(filename,'rb') predata = arr.array('H') predata.fromfile(f,(headerlength+dim1*dim2)) # this prevents the header (1024 characters long) to end up in the 256x256 picture data = np.reshape(predata[headerlength:],(dim2,dim1)) # this prevents the header (1024 characters long) to end up in the 256x256 picture f.close() return data
[docs]def momtrans_au(e1,e2,tth): """ Calculates the momentum transfer in atomic units input: e1 = incident energy [keV] e2 = scattered energy [keV] tth = scattering angle [deg] returns: q = momentum transfer [a.u.] (corresponding to sin(th)/lambda) """ e1 = np.array(e1*1e3/13.60569172/2) e2 = np.array(e2*1e3/13.60569172/2) th = np.radians(tth)#tth/180.0*numpy.pi hbarc = 137.03599976 q = 1/hbarc*np.sqrt(e1**2.0+e2**2.0-2.0*e1*e2*np.cos(th)); return q
[docs]def momtrans_inva(e1,e2,tth): """ Calculates the momentum transfer in inverse angstrom input: e1 = incident energy [keV] e2 = scattered energy [keV] tth = scattering angle [deg] returns: q = momentum transfer [a.u.] (corresponding to sin(th)/lambda) """ e = 1.602e-19 c = 2.9979e8 hbar = 6.626e-34/2/np.pi e1 = np.array(e1*1e3*e/c/hbar) e2 = np.array(e2*1e3*e/c/hbar) th = np.radians(tth) q = np.sqrt(e1**2+e2**2-2*e1*e2*np.cos(th))/1e10 return q
def energy_monoangle(angle,d=5.4307/np.sqrt(11)): """ % ENERGY Calculates energy corrresponing to Bragg angle for given d-spacing % function e=energy(dspace,bragg_angle) % % dspace for reflection (defaulf for Si(311) reflection) % bragg_angle in DEG % % KH 28.09.93 % """ hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 e = (2.0*d*np.sin(angle/180.0*np.pi)/hc)**(-1.0) return e
[docs]def find_center_of_mass(x,y): """ Returns the center of mass (first moment) for the given curve y(x) """ deno = np.trapz(y,x) if deno==0.0: return 0.0 # print "*** print_tb:" # traceback.print_stack() # print " DENO==0!" # return 0.0 return np.trapz(y*x,x)/deno
[docs]def is_allowed_refl_fcc(H): """ **is_allowed_refl_fcc** Check if given reflection is allowed for a FCC lattice. Args: * H (array, list, tuple): H=[h,k,l] Returns: * boolean """ h = H[0] k = H[1] l = H[2] if h%2==0.0 and k%2==0.0 and l%2==0.0: answer = True elif (h+k+l)/4.0%1==0.0: answer = True elif h%2==1.0 and k%2==1.0 and l%2==1.0: answer = True else: answer = False return answer
[docs]def TTsolver1D(el_energy, hkl=[6,6,0], crystal='Si', R=1.0, dev=np.arange(-50.0,150.0,1.0), alpha=0.0, chitable_prefix='/home/christoph/sources/XRStools/data/chitables/chitable_'): """ **TTsolver** Solves the Takagi-Taupin equation for a bent crystal. This function is based on a Matlab implementation by S. Huotari of M. Krisch's Fortran programs. Args: * el_energy (float): Fixed nominal (working) energy in keV. * hkl (array): Reflection order vector, e.g. [6, 6, 0] * crystal (str): Crystal used (can be silicon 'Si' or 'Ge') * R (float): Crystal bending radius in m. * dev (np.array): Deviation parameter (in arc. seconds) for which the reflectivity curve should be calculated. * alpha (float): Crystal assymetry angle. Returns: * refl (np.array): Reflectivity curve. * e (np.array): Deviation from Bragg angle in meV. * dev (np.array): Deviation from Bragg angle in microrad. """ # load dielectric susceptibility data (tabulated) chi = np.loadtxt(chitable_prefix + crystal.lower() + str(int(hkl[0])) + str(int(hkl[1])) + str(int(hkl[2])) + '.dat') if len(chi[:,0]) == 1: print( 'Will only calculate for the following energy: ' + '%.4f' % chi[0,0] + ' keV!!!') else: if el_energy < np.min(chi[:,0]) or el_energy > np.max(chi[:,0]): print( 'Energy outside of values defined in Chi-table.') return # interpolate chi0 = complex(np.interp(el_energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,1]),np.interp(el_energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,2])) chih = complex(np.interp(el_energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,3]),np.interp(el_energy,chi[:,0],chi[:,4])) # set the stress tensor values depending on crystal used if crystal.upper() == 'SI': s13 = -0.278 elif crystal.upper() == 'GE': s13 = -0.273 else: print( 'Poisson ratio for this crystal not defined') return s15 = -0.0 # s15/s11 # scattering angle in degree th = braggd(hkl,el_energy,crystal) # dspace in m dsp = dspace(hkl,crystal)/10.0*1e-9 # wavelength in m lam = 12.3984191/el_energy/10.0*1e-9 # debye-waller factor dwf = 1.0 # dwf = 0.899577 # meridional bending radius radius = R # sagittal bending radius rsag = R*np.sin(np.radians(th))**2.0 # thickness in m thick = 500.0*1e-6 # asymmetry in radians alpha = np.radians(alpha) # deviation parameter in arcsec dev = dev/3600.0/180.0*np.pi # gamma0,gammah = cos<n,K_0,h > , n = inward normal of crystal surface, K_0,h = wave vector gammah = -np.sin(np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)) + alpha) # Krisch et al. convention gamma0 = np.sin(np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)) - alpha) # Krisch et al. convention gamma = gammah/gamma0 a0 = np.sqrt(1-gamma0**2.0) ah = np.sqrt(1-gammah**2.0) beta = gamma0/np.abs(gammah) # polarization factor cpol = 1.0 # penetration depth mu = -2.0*np.pi/lam*chi0.imag tdepth = 1.0/mu/(1.0/np.abs(gamma0)+1.0/np.abs(gammah)) lex = lam*np.sqrt(gamma0*np.abs(gammah))/(np.pi*chih.real) y0 = chi0.imag*(1.0+beta)/(2.0*np.sqrt(beta)*chih.real) c1 = cpol*dwf* complex(1.0,-chih.imag/chih.real) #abbreviation concerning the deviation parameter y abb0 = -np.sqrt(beta)/2.0/chih.real abb1 = chi0.real*(1.0+beta)/(2.0*np.sqrt(beta)*chih.real) #abbreviations concerning the deformation field abb2 = gamma0*gammah*(gamma0-gammah) abb3 = 1.0 + 1.0/(gamma0*gammah) abb4 = s13*(1.0 + radius/rsag) abb5 = (ah - a0)/(gamma0 - gammah)*s15 abb6 = 1.0/(np.abs(cpol)*chih.real*np.cos(np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)))*radius) abb7 = 2.0*np.abs(cpol)*chih.real*np.cos(np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)))/gamma0 # spherical diced crystal, 1-m bending radius, nearly backscattering conditions, strain gradient sgbeta = abb6*(abb2*(abb3 - abb4 + abb5)) # number of steps along reflectivity curve nstep=len(dev) # reflectivity curve refl = np.zeros_like(dev) OLDMETHOD = 0 if OLDMETHOD: # loop over all steps along the reflectivity curve for l in range(nstep): # deviation parameter abb8 = -2.0*np.sin(2.0*np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)))*dev[l] T = np.arange(np.max([-10.0*tdepth, -thick]),0.0,1e-8) Y = odeint(odefctn,np.array([0.0, 0.0]),T,args=(abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1)) # normalized reflectivity at this point refl[l] = np.sum(Y[-1,:]**2.0) else: # deviation parameter abb8 = -2.0*np.sin(2.0*np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)))*dev # dev axis (complex) YY = np.zeros([nstep],"D") # small step size ministep = tdepth/10000.0 ssrk = ministep/2 xpoints = np.arange(np.max([-10.0*tdepth, -thick]),0, ministep) for xpos in xpoints[:-1]: Yp0 = odefctn_CN( YY, xpos+0*ssrk, abb0, abb1, abb7, abb8, lex, sgbeta, y0, c1) Yp1 = odefctn_CN( YY+1.0*ssrk*Yp0, xpos+1*ssrk, abb0, abb1, abb7, abb8, lex, sgbeta, y0, c1) Yp2 = odefctn_CN( YY+1.0*ssrk*Yp1, xpos+1*ssrk, abb0, abb1, abb7, abb8, lex, sgbeta, y0, c1) Ypb = odefctn_CN( YY+2.0*ssrk*Yp2, xpos+2*ssrk, abb0, abb1, abb7, abb8, lex, sgbeta, y0, c1) YY = YY + ministep*( Yp0 + 2.0*(Yp1+Yp2) + Ypb )/6.0 refl = YY.real*YY.real+YY.imag*YY.imag # deviation in degree dev = dev/4.848136811e-06/3600.0 # deviation in meV e_meV = (energy(dspace(hkl,crystal),th+dev)-el_energy)*1.0e6 # deviation in microrad dev = dev*1.e3 return refl, e_meV, dev
def odefctn_CN(yCN,t,abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8N,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1): fcomp = 1.0/(complex(0,-lex)) * (-2.0*((abb0*(abb8N + abb7*sgbeta*t) + abb1) + complex(0,y0))*(yCN) + c1*(1.0 + yCN* yCN) ) return fcomp
[docs]def odefctn(y,t,abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1): """ #% [T,Y] = ODE23(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS,P1,P2,...) passes the additional #% parameters P1,P2,... to the ODE function as ODEFUN(T,Y,P1,P2...), and to #% all functions specified in OPTIONS. Use OPTIONS = [] as a place holder if #% no options are set. """ #print 'shape of y is ' , np.shape(y), np.shape(t) fcomp = 1.0/(complex(0,-lex)) * (-2.0*((abb0*(abb8 + abb7*sgbeta*t) + abb1) + complex(0,y0))*(y[0] + complex(0,y[1])) + c1*(1.0 + (y[0] + complex(0,y[1]))**2.0)) return fcomp.real,fcomp.imag
[docs]def odefctn_CN(yCN,t,abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8N,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1): fcomp = 1.0/(complex(0,-lex)) * (-2.0*((abb0*(abb8N + abb7*sgbeta*t) + abb1) + complex(0,y0))*(yCN) + c1*(1.0 + yCN* yCN) ) return fcomp
[docs]def taupgen(e, hkl = [6,6,0], crystals = 'Si', R = 1.0, dev = np.arange(-50.0,150.0,1.0), alpha = 0.0): """ % TAUPGEN Calculates the reflectivity curves of bent crystals % % function [refl,e,dev]=taupgen_new(e,hkl,crystals,R,dev,alpha); % % e = fixed nominal energy in keV % hkl = reflection order vector, e.g. [1 1 1] % crystals = crystal string, e.g. 'si' or 'ge' % R = bending radius in meters % dev = deviation parameter for which the % curve will be calculated (vector) (optional) % alpha = asymmetry angle % based on a FORTRAN program of Michael Krisch % Translitterated to Matlab by Simo Huotari 2006, 2007 % Is far away from being good matlab writing - mostly copy&paste from % the fortran routines. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. % Complaints -> /dev/null """ path = os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'chitable_') # prefix + 'data/chitables/chitable_' # path to chitables # load the according chitable (tabulated) hkl_string = str(int(hkl[0])) + str(int(hkl[1])) + str(int(hkl[2])) filestring = path + crystals.lower() + hkl_string + '.dat' chi = np.loadtxt(filestring) # good for 1 m bent crystals in backscattering ystart = -50.0 # start value of angular range in arcsecs yend = 150.0 # end value of angular range in arcsecs ystep = 1.0 # step width in arcsecs if len(chi[:,0]) == 1: print( ' I will only calculate for the following energy: ' + '%.4f' % chi[0,0] + ' keV!!!') else: if e < np.min(chi[:,0]) or e > np.max(chi[:,0]): print( 'Energy outside of the range in ' + filestring) return chi0r = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,1]) chi0i = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,2]) chihr = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,3]) chihi = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,4]) th = braggd(hkl,e,crystals) lam = 12.3984191/e/10.0 # wavelength in nm reflcorr = 0.0 chi0 = complex(chi0r,chi0i) chih = complex(chihr,chihi) if crystals.upper() == 'SI': s13 = -0.278 elif crystals.upper() == 'GE': s13 = -0.273 else: print( 'Poisson ratio for this crystal not defined') return s15 = -0.0 # s15/s11 dsp = dspace(hkl,crystals)/10.0 # dspace dwf = 1.0 # dwf = 0.899577 # debye-waller factor radius = R # meridional bending radius rsag = R*np.sin(np.radians(th))**2.0 # sagittal bending radius thick = 500.0 # thickness in micrometers #rsag = R lam = lam*1e-9 dsp = dsp*1e-9 alpha = np.radians(alpha) # alpha in rad thick = thick*1e-6 ystart = ystart/3600.0/180.0*np.pi yend = yend/3600.0/180.0*np.pi ystep = ystep/3600.0/180*np.pi dev = dev/3600.0/180.0*np.pi reflcorr = reflcorr/3600.0/180.0*np.pi thetab = np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)) cpol = 1.0 # cpol=0.5*(1+cos(2*thetab).^2) # cpol=cos(2*thetab).^2 # gamma0 = sin(thetab+alpha) # normal convention # gammah = -sin(thetab-alpha) # normal convention gammah = -np.sin(thetab + alpha) # Krisch et al. convention (really!) gamma0 = np.sin(thetab - alpha) # Krisch et al. convention (I'm not kidding!!) beta = gamma0/np.abs(gammah) gamma = gammah/gamma0 a0 = np.sqrt(1-gamma0**2.0) ah = np.sqrt(1-gammah**2.0) mu = -2.0*np.pi/lam*chi0i tdepth = 1.0/mu/(1.0/np.abs(gamma0)+1.0/np.abs(gammah)) lex = lam*np.sqrt(gamma0*np.abs(gammah))/(np.pi*chihr) y0 = chi0i*(1.0+beta)/(2.0*np.sqrt(beta)*chihr) pfried = -chihi/chihr c1 = cpol*dwf* complex(1.0,pfried) #abbreviation concerning the deviation parameter y abb0 = -np.sqrt(beta)/2.0/chihr abb1 = chi0r*(1.0+beta)/(2.0*np.sqrt(beta)*chihr) #abbreviations concerning the deformation field abb2 = gamma0*gammah*(gamma0-gammah) abb3 = 1.0 + 1.0/(gamma0*gammah) abb4 = s13*(1.0 + radius/rsag) abb5 = (ah - a0)/(gamma0 - gammah)*s15 abb6 = 1.0/(np.abs(cpol)*chihr*np.cos(thetab)*radius) abb7 = 2.0*np.abs(cpol)*chihr*np.cos(thetab)/gamma0 # a spectrometer based on a spherical diced analyzer crystal with a 1-m bending radius in nearly backscattering conditions utilizing a strain gradient beta sgbeta = abb6*(abb2*(abb3 - abb4 + abb5)) nstep=len(dev) eta = np.zeros_like(dev) abb8z = np.zeros_like(dev) refl = np.zeros_like(dev) refl1 = np.zeros_like(dev) refl2 = np.zeros_like(dev) OLDMETHOD = 1 if OLDMETHOD : for l in range(nstep): # actual value of the deviation angle # dev[l] = ystart + (l - 1)*ystep # deviation parameter abb8 = -2.0*np.sin(2.0*thetab)*dev[l] eta[l] = (dev[l]*np.sin(2.0*thetab)+np.abs(chi0.real)/2.0*(1.0-gamma))/(np.abs(cpol)*np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma))*np.sqrt(chih*chih)) eta[l] = eta[l].real ndiff = 2 xend = 0 x = np.max([-10.0*tdepth, -thick]) y = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) h = xend abb8z[l] = abb8 # in this point call the subroutine # [T,Y] = ODE23(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS,P1,P2,...) passes the additional # parameters P1,P2,... to the ODE function as ODEFUN(T,Y,P1,P2...), and to # all functions specified in OPTIONS. Use OPTIONS = [] as a place holder if # no options are set. #print 'the fucking shape of y is ', np.shape(y) T = np.arange(x,xend,1e-8) Y = odeint(odefctn,y,T,args=(abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1)) # normalized reflectivity at this point refl[l] = np.sum(Y[-1,:]**2.0) refl1[l] = Y[-1,0] refl2[l] = Y[-1,1] else: YY = np.zeros([nstep],"D") for l in range(nstep): abb8 = -2.0*np.sin(2.0*thetab)*dev[l] eta[l] = ((dev[l]*np.sin(2.0*thetab)+np.abs(chi0.real)/2.0*(1.0-gamma))/ (np.abs(cpol)*np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma))*np.sqrt(chih*chih))) eta[l] = eta[l].real abb8z[l] = abb8 xend = 0 x = np.max([-10.0*tdepth, -thick]) ministep = tdepth/1000.0 ## when delta/beta is 100 we have still 10 xpoints = np.arange(x,0, ministep) substep_RungeKutta = ministep/2 ssrk = substep_RungeKutta for xpos in xpoints[:-1]: Yp0 = odefctn_CN( YY, xpos+0*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) Yp1 = odefctn_CN( YY+1*ssrk*Yp0, xpos+1*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) Yp2 = odefctn_CN( YY+1*ssrk*Yp1, xpos+1*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) Ypb = odefctn_CN( YY+2*ssrk*Yp2, xpos+2*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) YY = YY + ministep*( Yp0 + 2*(Yp1+Yp2) + Ypb )/6.0 refl1 = YY.real refl2 = YY.imag refl = refl1*refl1+refl2*refl2 de = dev * e * 1.0e6 /np.tan(thetab) lam = lam *1.0e+09 dsp = dsp*1.0e+09 alpha = alpha/np.pi*180.0 ystart = ystart/4.848136811e-06 yend = yend/4.848136811e-06 ystep = ystep/4.848136811e-06 dev = dev/4.848136811e-06 # dev in arcsecs dev = dev/3600.0 # in degrees thb = th th = thb + dev e0 = e e = energy(dspace(hkl,crystals),th)-e0 e = e*1e6 dev = dev*3600.0 # back to arcsecs return refl,e,dev,e0
[docs]def taupgen_amplitude(e, hkl = [6,6,0], crystals = 'Si', R = 1.0, dev = np.arange(-50.0,150.0,1.0), alpha = 0.0): """ % TAUPGEN Calculates the reflectivity curves of bent crystals % % function [refl,e,dev]=taupgen_new(e,hkl,crystals,R,dev,alpha); % % e = fixed nominal energy in keV % hkl = reflection order vector, e.g. [1 1 1] % crystals = crystal string, e.g. 'si' or 'ge' % R = bending radius in meters % dev = deviation parameter for which the % curve will be calculated (vector) (optional) % alpha = asymmetry angle % based on a FORTRAN program of Michael Krisch % Translitterated to Matlab by Simo Huotari 2006, 2007 % Is far away from being good matlab writing - mostly copy&paste from % the fortran routines. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. % Complaints -> /dev/null """ path = os.path.join(data_installation_dir,'chitable_') # prefix + 'data/chitables/chitable_' # path to chitables # load the according chitable (tabulated) hkl_string = str(int(hkl[0])) + str(int(hkl[1])) + str(int(hkl[2])) filestring = path + crystals.lower() + hkl_string + '.dat' chi = np.loadtxt(filestring) # good for 1 m bent crystals in backscattering ystart = -50.0 # start value of angular range in arcsecs yend = 150.0 # end value of angular range in arcsecs ystep = 1.0 # step width in arcsecs if len(chi[:,0]) == 1: print( ' I will only calculate for the following energy: ' + '%.4f' % chi[0,0] + ' keV!!!') else: if e < np.min(chi[:,0]) or e > np.max(chi[:,0]): print( 'Energy outside of the range in ' + filestring) return chi0r = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,1]) chi0i = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,2]) chihr = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,3]) chihi = np.interp(e,chi[:,0],chi[:,4]) th = braggd(hkl,e,crystals) lam = 12.3984191/e/10.0 # wavelength in nm reflcorr = 0.0 chi0 = complex(chi0r,chi0i) chih = complex(chihr,chihi) if crystals.upper() == 'SI': s13 = -0.278 elif crystals.upper() == 'GE': s13 = -0.273 else: print( 'Poisson ratio for this crystal not defined') return s15 = -0.0 # s15/s11 dsp = dspace(hkl,crystals)/10.0 # dspace dwf = 1.0 # dwf = 0.899577 # debye-waller factor radius = R # meridional bending radius rsag = R*np.sin(np.radians(th))**2.0 # sagittal bending radius thick = 500.0 # thickness in micrometers #rsag = R lam = lam*1e-9 dsp = dsp*1e-9 alpha = np.radians(alpha) # alpha in rad thick = thick*1e-6 ystart = ystart/3600.0/180.0*np.pi yend = yend/3600.0/180.0*np.pi ystep = ystep/3600.0/180*np.pi dev = dev/3600.0/180.0*np.pi reflcorr = reflcorr/3600.0/180.0*np.pi thetab = np.arcsin(lam/(2.0*dsp)) cpol = 1.0 # cpol=0.5*(1+cos(2*thetab).^2) # cpol=cos(2*thetab).^2 # gamma0 = sin(thetab+alpha) # normal convention # gammah = -sin(thetab-alpha) # normal convention gammah = -np.sin(thetab + alpha) # Krisch et al. convention (really!) gamma0 = np.sin(thetab - alpha) # Krisch et al. convention (I'm not kidding!!) beta = gamma0/np.abs(gammah) gamma = gammah/gamma0 a0 = np.sqrt(1-gamma0**2.0) ah = np.sqrt(1-gammah**2.0) mu = -2.0*np.pi/lam*chi0i tdepth = 1.0/mu/(1.0/np.abs(gamma0)+1.0/np.abs(gammah)) lex = lam*np.sqrt(gamma0*np.abs(gammah))/(np.pi*chihr) y0 = chi0i*(1.0+beta)/(2.0*np.sqrt(beta)*chihr) pfried = -chihi/chihr c1 = cpol*dwf* complex(1.0,pfried) #abbreviation concerning the deviation parameter y abb0 = -np.sqrt(beta)/2.0/chihr abb1 = chi0r*(1.0+beta)/(2.0*np.sqrt(beta)*chihr) #abbreviations concerning the deformation field abb2 = gamma0*gammah*(gamma0-gammah) abb3 = 1.0 + 1.0/(gamma0*gammah) abb4 = s13*(1.0 + radius/rsag) abb5 = (ah - a0)/(gamma0 - gammah)*s15 abb6 = 1.0/(np.abs(cpol)*chihr*np.cos(thetab)*radius) abb7 = 2.0*np.abs(cpol)*chihr*np.cos(thetab)/gamma0 # a spectrometer based on a spherical diced analyzer crystal with a 1-m bending radius in nearly backscattering conditions utilizing a strain gradient beta sgbeta = abb6*(abb2*(abb3 - abb4 + abb5)) nstep=len(dev) eta = np.zeros_like(dev) abb8z = np.zeros_like(dev) refl = np.zeros_like(dev) refl1 = np.zeros_like(dev) refl2 = np.zeros_like(dev) OLDMETHOD = 0 if OLDMETHOD : for l in range(nstep): # actual value of the deviation angle # dev[l] = ystart + (l - 1)*ystep # deviation parameter abb8 = -2.0*np.sin(2.0*thetab)*dev[l] eta[l] = (dev[l]*np.sin(2.0*thetab)+np.abs(chi0.real)/2.0*(1.0-gamma))/(np.abs(cpol)*np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma))*np.sqrt(chih*chih)) eta[l] = eta[l].real ndiff = 2 xend = 0 x = np.max([-10.0*tdepth, -thick]) y = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) h = xend abb8z[l] = abb8 # in this point call the subroutine # [T,Y] = ODE23(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS,P1,P2,...) passes the additional # parameters P1,P2,... to the ODE function as ODEFUN(T,Y,P1,P2...), and to # all functions specified in OPTIONS. Use OPTIONS = [] as a place holder if # no options are set. #print 'the fucking shape of y is ', np.shape(y) T = np.arange(x,xend,1e-8) Y = odeint(odefctn,y,T,args=(abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1)) # normalized reflectivity at this point refl[l] = np.sum(Y[-1,:]**2.0) refl1[l] = Y[-1,0] refl2[l] = Y[-1,1] else: YY = np.zeros([nstep],"D") for l in range(nstep): abb8 = -2.0*np.sin(2.0*thetab)*dev[l] eta[l] = ((dev[l]*np.sin(2.0*thetab)+np.abs(chi0.real)/2.0*(1.0-gamma))/ (np.abs(cpol)*np.sqrt(np.abs(gamma))*np.sqrt(chih*chih))) eta[l] = eta[l].real abb8z[l] = abb8 xend = 0 x = np.max([-10.0*tdepth, -thick]) ministep = tdepth/1000.0 ## when delta/beta is 100 we have still 10 xpoints = np.arange(x,0, ministep) substep_RungeKutta = ministep/2 ssrk = substep_RungeKutta for xpos in xpoints[:-1]: Yp0 = odefctn_CN( YY, xpos+0*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) Yp1 = odefctn_CN( YY+1*ssrk*Yp0, xpos+1*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) Yp2 = odefctn_CN( YY+1*ssrk*Yp1, xpos+1*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) Ypb = odefctn_CN( YY+2*ssrk*Yp2, xpos+2*ssrk , abb0,abb1,abb7,abb8z,lex,sgbeta,y0,c1) YY = YY + ministep*( Yp0 + 2*(Yp1+Yp2) + Ypb )/6.0 refl1 = YY.real refl2 = YY.imag refl = refl1*refl1+refl2*refl2 de = dev * e * 1.0e6 /np.tan(thetab) lam = lam *1.0e+09 dsp = dsp*1.0e+09 alpha = alpha/np.pi*180.0 ystart = ystart/4.848136811e-06 yend = yend/4.848136811e-06 ystep = ystep/4.848136811e-06 dev = dev/4.848136811e-06 # dev in arcsecs dev = dev/3600.0 # in degrees thb = th th = thb + dev e0 = e e = energy(dspace(hkl,crystals),th)-e0 e = e*1e6 dev = dev*3600.0 # back to arcsecs return refl,e,dev,e0, refl1, refl2
[docs]def hlike_Rwfn(n,l,r,Z): """ **hlike_Rwfn** Returns an array with the radial part of a hydrogen-like wave function. Args: * n (integer): main quantum number n * l (integer): orbitalquantum number l * r (array): vector of radii on which the function should be evaluated * Z (float): effective nuclear charge """ import math from scipy import special a0 = 0.52917721092 factor1 = np.sqrt( (2.0*Z/(n*a0))**3 * math.factorial((n-l-1.0))/(2.0*n*math.factorial((n+1.0)) ) ) factor2 = (2.0*Z*r/(n*a0))**(l) factor3 = np.exp(-(Z*r/(n*a0))) lag = special.eval_genlaguerre(n-l-1.0,2.0*l+1.0,2.0*Z*r/(n*a0)) return factor1*factor2*factor3*lag#*np.sqrt(n+1.0)
[docs]def compute_matrix_elements(R1,R2,k,r): # for ii=1:length(q); # fun=y3d.^2.*besselj(4,q(ii)*r); # int4(ii)=simpson(r,fun); # end from scipy import special q = np.linspace(0,60,len(r)) r2RsphBR = np.linspace(0,60,len(r)) for ii in range(len(q)): sphB = np.zeros_like(q) for jj in range(len(sphB)): # special.sph_jn returns the function in [0] and the derivative in [1] sphB[jj] = special.sph_jn(k,q[ii]*r[jj])[0][-1] fun = r**2*R1*sphB*R2 r2RsphBR[ii] = np.trapz(fun,r) return q/2.0,r2RsphBR
[docs]def read_dft_wfn(element, n, l, spin=None, directory=data_installation_dir): """ **read_dft_wfn** Parses radial parts of wavefunctions. Args: * element (str): Element symbol. * n (int): Main quantum number. * l (int): Orbital quantum number. * spin (str): Which spin channel, default is average over up and down. * directory (str): Path to directory where the wavefunctions can be found. Returns: * r (np.array): radius * wfn (np.array): """ element_name = element.lower() subfolder = 'ae' l_name = ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'g'][l] prefix = 'wf-%d%s_'%(n, l_name) postfix1 = 'up' postfix2 = 'dn' path1 = os.path.join(directory, 'wave_functions', element_name, subfolder, prefix+postfix1) path2 = os.path.join(directory, 'wave_functions', element_name, subfolder, prefix+postfix2) # load au2a = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*1e10 wfn1 = np.loadtxt(path1) wfn2 = np.loadtxt(path2) r = wfn1[:,0] wfn = np.zeros_like(r) if not spin: wfn = wfn1[:,1]/2. + wfn2[:,1]/2. elif spin == 'up': wfn = wfn1[:,1] elif spin == 'dn' or spin == 'down': wfn = wfn2[:,1] else: print('unknown keyword for spin') # raise proper error return # normalize norm = np.trapz( r**2 * wfn*np.conj(wfn), r ) wfn /= norm return r, wfn
[docs]def readfio(prefix, scannumber, repnumber=0): """ if repnumber = 0: reads a spectra-file (name: prefix_scannumber.fio) if repnumber > 1: reads a spectra-file (name: prefix_scannumber_rrepnumber.fio) """ suffix = '.fio' filename = prefix + '%05d' % scannumber + suffix if repnumber > 0: filename = prefix + '%05d' % scannumber + 'r' + '%d' % repnumber + suffix # analyze structure of file fid = open(filename,'r') colnameflag = ' Col' colstartflag = '%d' colnames = [] linenum = 0 for line in fid: linenum +=1 if colnameflag in line: colnames.append(line.strip()) if colnameflag in line: startline = linenum fid.close() thefile = open(filename,'r').readlines() data = [] for line in thefile[(len(colnames)+startline):]: data.append([float(x) for x in line.strip().split()]) return np.array(data), colnames
[docs]def energy_monoangle(angle,d=5.4307/np.sqrt(11)): """ % ENERGY Calculates energy corrresponing to Bragg angle for given d-spacing % function e=energy(dspace,bragg_angle) % % dspace for reflection (defaulf for Si(311) reflection) % bragg_angle in DEG % % KH 28.09.93 % """ hc = 12.3984191 # CODATA 2002 e = (2.0*d*sin(angle/180.0*np.pi)/hc)**(-1.0) return e
[docs]def convertSplitEDF2EDF(foldername): """ converts the old style EDF files (one image for horizontal and one image for vertical chambers) to the new style EDF (one single image). Arg: foldername (str): Path to folder with all the EDF-files to be converted. """ allfiles = os.listdir(foldername) vfiles = [] hfiles = [] for f in allfiles: if 'v_' in f: vfiles.append(f) elif 'h_' in f: hfiles.append(f) else: print( 'WHAT?' ) for vfile in vfiles: if vfile[0:2] == 'ra': pass elif vfile[0:2] == 'v_': imv = + vfile) imh = + 'h_' + vfile[2::]) im = imv = np.append(,,axis=0) im.write(foldername+vfile[2::])
[docs]def savitzky_golay(y, window_size, order, deriv=0, rate=1): """Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter. The Savitzky-Golay filter removes high frequency noise from data. It has the advantage of preserving the original shape and features of the signal better than other types of filtering approaches, such as moving averages techniques. Parameters: * y : array_like, shape (N,) the values of the time history of the signal. * window_size : int the length of the window. Must be an odd integer number. * order : int the order of the polynomial used in the filtering. Must be less then `window_size` - 1. * deriv: int the order of the derivative to compute (default = 0 means only smoothing) Returns * ys : ndarray, shape (N) the smoothed signal (or it's n-th derivative). Notes: The Savitzky-Golay is a type of low-pass filter, particularly suited for smoothing noisy data. The main idea behind this approach is to make for each point a least-square fit with a polynomial of high order over a odd-sized window centered at the point. Examples :: t = np.linspace(-4, 4, 500) y = np.exp( -t**2 ) + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, t.shape) ysg = savitzky_golay(y, window_size=31, order=4) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(t, y, label='Noisy signal') plt.plot(t, np.exp(-t**2), 'k', lw=1.5, label='Original signal') plt.plot(t, ysg, 'r', label='Filtered signal') plt.legend() References :: .. [1] A. Savitzky, M. J. E. Golay, Smoothing and Differentiation of Data by Simplified Least Squares Procedures. Analytical Chemistry, 1964, 36 (8), pp 1627-1639. .. [2] Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery Cambridge University Press ISBN-13: 9780521880688 """ import numpy as np from math import factorial try: window_size = np.abs( order = np.abs( except ValueError : raise ValueError("window_size and order have to be of type int") if window_size % 2 != 1 or window_size < 1: raise TypeError("window_size size must be a positive odd number") if window_size < order + 2: raise TypeError("window_size is too small for the polynomials order") order_range = range(order+1) half_window = (window_size -1) // 2 # precompute coefficients b = np.mat([[k**i for i in order_range] for k in range(-half_window, half_window+1)]) m = np.linalg.pinv(b).A[deriv] * rate**deriv * factorial(deriv) # pad the signal at the extremes with # values taken from the signal itself firstvals = y[0] - np.abs( y[1:half_window+1][::-1] - y[0] ) lastvals = y[-1] + np.abs(y[-half_window-1:-1][::-1] - y[-1]) y = np.concatenate((firstvals, y, lastvals)) return np.convolve( m[::-1], y, mode='valid')
[docs]def sgolay2d ( z, window_size, order, derivative=None): """ """ # number of terms in the polynomial expression n_terms = ( order + 1 ) * ( order + 2) / 2.0 if window_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('window_size must be odd') if window_size**2 < n_terms: raise ValueError('order is too high for the window size') half_size = window_size // 2 # exponents of the polynomial. # p(x,y) = a0 + a1*x + a2*y + a3*x^2 + a4*y^2 + a5*x*y + ... # this line gives a list of two item tuple. Each tuple contains # the exponents of the k-th term. First element of tuple is for x # second element for y. # Ex. exps = [(0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (2,0), (1,1), (0,2), ...] exps = [ (k-n, n) for k in range(order+1) for n in range(k+1) ] # coordinates of points ind = np.arange(-half_size, half_size+1, dtype=np.float64) dx = np.repeat( ind, window_size ) dy = np.tile( ind, [window_size, 1]).reshape(window_size**2, ) # build matrix of system of equation A = np.empty( (window_size**2, len(exps)) ) for i, exp in enumerate( exps ): A[:,i] = (dx**exp[0]) * (dy**exp[1]) # pad input array with appropriate values at the four borders new_shape = z.shape[0] + 2*half_size, z.shape[1] + 2*half_size Z = np.zeros( (new_shape) ) # top band band = z[0, :] Z[:half_size, half_size:-half_size] = band - np.abs( np.flipud( z[1:half_size+1, :] ) - band ) # bottom band band = z[-1, :] Z[-half_size:, half_size:-half_size] = band + np.abs( np.flipud( z[-half_size-1:-1, :] ) -band ) # left band band = np.tile( z[:,0].reshape(-1,1), [1,half_size]) Z[half_size:-half_size, :half_size] = band - np.abs( np.fliplr( z[:, 1:half_size+1] ) - band ) # right band band = np.tile( z[:,-1].reshape(-1,1), [1,half_size] ) Z[half_size:-half_size, -half_size:] = band + np.abs( np.fliplr( z[:, -half_size-1:-1] ) - band ) # central band Z[half_size:-half_size, half_size:-half_size] = z # top left corner band = z[0,0] Z[:half_size,:half_size] = band - np.abs( np.flipud(np.fliplr(z[1:half_size+1,1:half_size+1]) ) - band ) # bottom right corner band = z[-1,-1] Z[-half_size:,-half_size:] = band + np.abs( np.flipud(np.fliplr(z[-half_size-1:-1,-half_size-1:-1]) ) - band ) # top right corner band = Z[half_size,-half_size:] Z[:half_size,-half_size:] = band - np.abs( np.flipud(Z[half_size+1:2*half_size+1,-half_size:]) - band ) # bottom left corner band = Z[-half_size:,half_size].reshape(-1,1) Z[-half_size:,:half_size] = band - np.abs( np.fliplr(Z[-half_size:, half_size+1:2*half_size+1]) - band ) # solve system and convolve if derivative == None: m = np.linalg.pinv(A)[0].reshape((window_size, -1)) return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(Z, m, mode='valid') elif derivative == 'col': c = np.linalg.pinv(A)[1].reshape((window_size, -1)) return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(Z, -c, mode='valid') elif derivative == 'row': r = np.linalg.pinv(A)[2].reshape((window_size, -1)) return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(Z, -r, mode='valid') elif derivative == 'both': c = np.linalg.pinv(A)[1].reshape((window_size, -1)) r = np.linalg.pinv(A)[2].reshape((window_size, -1)) return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(Z, -r, mode='valid'), scipy.signal.fftconvolve(Z, -c, mode='valid')
[docs]def readp01image(filename): """ reads a detector file from PetraIII beamline P01 """ dim = 256 f = open(filename,'rb') data = np.fromfile(f,np.int32) # predata = arr.array('H') # predata.fromfile(f,(dim*dim)) image = np.reshape(data,(dim,dim)) f.close() return image
[docs]def readp01scan(prefix,scannumber): """ reads a whole scan from PetraIII beamline P01 (experimental) """ print ("parsing files of scan No. %s" % scannumber) #fioname = prefix + 'online/hasylab_' + "%05d" % scannumber + '.fio' fioprefix = prefix + 'online/ixs_scan_' fiodata = readfio(fioprefix,scannumber)[0] mats1 = np.zeros((np.shape(fiodata)[0],256,256)) mats2 = np.zeros((np.shape(fiodata)[0],256,256)) mats = np.zeros((np.shape(fiodata)[0],256,256*2)) for n in range(np.shape(fiodata)[0]): matname1 = prefix + 'ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + '/mdpxa/ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + '_a_' + "%05d" % (n+1) matname2 = prefix + 'ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + '/mdpxa/ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + '_b_' + "%05d" % (n+1) mats1[n,:,:] = readp01image(matname1) mats2[n,:,:] = readp01image(matname2) mats[n,:,0:256] = mats1[n,:,:] mats[n,:,256:] = mats2[n,:,:] return fiodata, mats, mats1, mats2
[docs]def readp01scan_rep(prefix,scannumber,repetition): """ reads a whole scan with repititions from PetraIII beamline P01 (experimental) """ print ("parsing files of scan No. %s" % scannumber) #fioname = prefix + 'online/hasylab_' + "%05d" % scannumber + 'r' + "%1d" % repetition + '.fio' fioprefix = prefix + 'online/ixs_scan_' fiodata = readfio(fioprefix,scannumber,repetition)[0] mats1 = np.zeros((np.shape(fiodata)[0],256,256)) mats2 = np.zeros((np.shape(fiodata)[0],256,256)) mats = np.zeros((np.shape(fiodata)[0],256,256*2)) for n in range(np.shape(fiodata)[0]): matname1 = prefix + 'ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + 'r' + "%1d" % repetition + '/mdpxa/ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + 'r' + "%1d" % repetition + '_a_' + "%05d" % (n+1) matname2 = prefix + 'ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + 'r' + "%1d" % repetition + '/mdpxa/ixs_scan_' + "%05d" % scannumber + 'r' + "%1d" % repetition + '_b_' + "%05d" % (n+1) mats1[n,:,:] = readp01image(matname1) mats2[n,:,:] = readp01image(matname2) mats[n,:,0:256] = mats1[n,:,:] mats[n,:,256:] = mats2[n,:,:] return fiodata, mats, mats1, mats2
[docs]def split_hdf5_address(dataadress): pos = dataadress.rfind(":") if ( pos==-1): raise Exception( """ roiaddress must be given in the form roiaddress : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" but : was not found """) filename, groupname = dataadress[:pos], dataadress[pos+1:] return filename, groupname
[docs]def stiff_compl_matrix_Si( e1, e2, e3, ansys=False ): """ **stiff_compl_matrix_Si** Returns stiffnes and compliance tensor of Si for a given orientation. Args: * e1 (np.array): unit vector normal to crystal surface * e2 (np.array): unit vector crystal surface * e3 (np.array): unit vector orthogonal to e2 Returns: * S (np.array): compliance tensor in new coordinate system * C (np.array): stiffnes tensor in new coordinate system * E (np.array): Young's modulus in [GPa] * G (np.array): shear modulus in [GPa] * nu (np.array): Poisson ratio Copied from S.I. of L. Zhang et al. "Anisotropic elasticity of silicon and its application to the modelling of X-ray optics." J. Synchrotron Rad. 21, no. 3 (2014): 507-517. """ c11 = 165.7 # GPa c12 = 63.9 # GPa c44 = 79.6 # GPa C100 = np.array( [[c11, c12, c12, 0, 0, 0], [c12, c11, c12, 0, 0, 0], [c12, c12, c11, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, c44, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, c44, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c44]]) mu = c11 - c12 - 2*c44 Ce = np.zeros((6,6)) Ce[0,0] = mu Ce[1,1] = mu Ce[2,2] = mu if ansys: M0 = np.array( [e1*e1, e2*e2, e3*e3, e1*e2, e2*e3, e3*e1] ) # ANSYS definition else: M0 = np.array( [e1*e1, e2*e2, e3*e3, e2*e3, e1*e3, e1*e2] ) # Common definition M = M0,M0.transpose() ) C = C100+mu*M-Ce # Stiffness matrix (GPa) S = np.linalg.inv(C) # Compliance tensor E = [1/S[0,0], 1/S[1,1], 1/S[2,2]] # Young's modulus (GPa) G = [1/S[3,3], 1/S[4,4], 1/S[5,5]] # shear modulus (GPa) nu = -S[ 0:3,0:3 ] / np.array( [[S[0,0],S[0,0],S[0,0]], [S[1,1],S[1,1],S[1,1]], [S[2,2],S[2,2],S[2,2]] ] ) return S, C, np.array(E), np.array(G), np.array(nu)