Source code for XRStools.xrs_ComptonProfiles

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
# Filename:

# The XRStools software package for XRS spectroscopy
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# This file is part of the XRStools XRS spectroscopy package developed at
# the ESRF by the DEC and Software group.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__author__ = "Christoph J. Sahle - ESRF"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"

import numpy as np
from . import xrs_utilities
from . import xrs_fileIO

from scipy import interpolate, integrate, constants, optimize
from re import findall
from collections import defaultdict

# default valence energy cutoff value 

[docs]def list_duplicates(seq): tally = defaultdict(list) for i,item in enumerate(seq): tally[item].append(i) return [(key,locs) for key,locs in tally.items()] # if len(locs)>1]
[docs]def parseChemFormula(ChemFormula): """ """ # parse single formula all_elements = [] all_stoichios = [] splitted = findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)',ChemFormula) all_elements.extend([element[0] for element in splitted]) all_stoichios.extend([(int(element[1]) if element[1] else 1) for element in splitted]) # sort out double appearances of elements elements = [] stoichiometries = [] duplicates = list_duplicates(all_elements) for pair in duplicates: elements.append(pair[0]) stoich = 0 stoichiometries.append(sum( [all_stoichios[ii] for ii in pair[1]]) ) return elements, stoichiometries
[docs]def getAtomicWeight(Z): """Returns the atomic weight. """ return xrs_utilities.myprho(1.0,Z)[2]
[docs]def getAtomicDensity(Z): """Returns the atomic density. """ return xrs_utilities.myprho(1.0,Z)[1]
[docs]class SqwPredict: """Class to build a S(q,w) prediction based on HF Compton Profiles. Attributes: * sampleStr (list of strings): one string per compound (e.g. ['C','SiO2']) * concentrations (list of floats): relative compositional weight for each compound """ pass
[docs]class AtomProfile: """ **AtomProfile** Class to construct and handle Hartree-Fock atomic Compton Profile of a single atoms. Attributes: * filename : string Path and filename to the HF profile table. * element : string Element symbol as in the periodic table. * elementNr : int Number of the element as in the periodic table. * shells : list of strings Names of the shells. * edges : list List of edge onsets (eV). * C_total : np.array Total core Compton profile. * J_total : np.array Total Compton profile. * V_total : np.array Total valence Compton profile. * CperShell : dict. of np.arrays Core Compton profile per electron shell. * JperShell : dict. of np.arrays Total Compton profile per electron shell. * VperShell : dict. of np.arrays Valence Compton profile per electron shell. * stoichiometry : float, optional Stoichiometric weight (default is 1.0). * atomic_weight : float Atomic weight. * atomic_density : float Density (g/cm**3). * twotheta : float Scattering angle 2Th (degrees). * alpha : float Incident angle (degrees). * beta : float Exit angle (degrees). * thickness : float Sample thickness (cm). """ def __init__(self, element, filename, stoichiometry=1.0): self.filename = filename self.element = element self.elementNr = xrs_utilities.element(element) self.CP_profile, self.edges, self.occupation_num, self.shells = PzProfile(element,filename) self.eloss = [] self.C_total = [] self.J_total = [] self.V_total = [] self.q_vals = [] self.CperShell = {} self.JperShell = {} self.VperShell = {} self.stoichiometry = stoichiometry self.atomic_weight = getAtomicWeight(element) self.atomic_density = getAtomicDensity(element) self.twotheta = [] self.alpha = [] self.beta = [] self.thickness = []
[docs] def get_stoichiometry(self): return self.stoichiometry
[docs] def get_elossProfiles(self,E0, twotheta,correctasym=None,valence_cutoff=VAL_CUTOFF_DEFAULT): """ **get_elossProfiles** Convert the HF Compton profile on to energy loss scale. Args: E0 : float Analyzer energy, enery of the scattered r-rays. twotheta : float or list of floats Scattering angle 2Th. correctasym : float, optional Scaling factor to be multiplied to the asymmetry. valence_cutoff : float, optional Energy cut off as to what is considered the boundary between core and valence. """ # save the parameters self.E0 = E0 # reset self.twotheta self.twotheta = [] if isinstance(twotheta, list) or isinstance(twotheta, np.ndarray): self.twotheta.extend(twotheta) elif isinstance(twotheta, float): self.twotheta.append(twotheta) else: print('Unsupported type for twotheta argument') return # do the conversion for the first tth to get the size/shape of things enScale, J_total, C_total, V_total, q, J_shell, C_shell, V_shell = elossProfile(self.element,self.filename,E0,self.twotheta[0],correctasym,valence_cutoff) # save eloss scale self.eloss = enScale # prepare output self.C_total = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) self.J_total = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) self.V_total = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) self.q_vals = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) for key in C_shell: self.CperShell[key] = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) self.JperShell[key] = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) self.VperShell[key] = np.zeros((len(enScale),len(self.twotheta))) # convert everything to eloss scale for tth,ii in zip(self.twotheta,list(range(len(self.twotheta)))): enScale, J_total, C_total, V_total, q, J_shell, C_shell, V_shell = elossProfile(self.element,self.filename,E0,tth,correctasym,valence_cutoff) # save the results (all shell dicts have the same keys) self.C_total[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,C_total)*self.stoichiometry self.J_total[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,J_total)*self.stoichiometry self.V_total[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,V_total)*self.stoichiometry self.q_vals[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,q) for key in self.CperShell: self.CperShell[key][:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,C_shell[key]) self.JperShell[key][:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,C_shell[key]) self.VperShell[key][:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,enScale,C_shell[key])
[docs] def absorptionCorrectProfiles(self, alpha, thickness, geometry='transmission'): """ **absorptionCorrectProfiles** Apply absorption correction to the Compton profiles on energy loss scale. Args: * alpha :float Angle of incidence (degrees). * beta : float Exit angle for the scattered x-rays (degrees). If 'beta' is negative, transmission geometry is assumed, if 'beta' is positive, reflection geometry. * thickness : float Sample thickness. """ # save the angles self.alpha = alpha if geometry == 'reflection': beta = 180 - alpha - self.twotheta if geometry == 'transmission': beta = alpha - self.twotheta if geometry == 'sphere': beta = alpha - self.twotheta self.beta = beta # set the sample thickness self.thickness = thickness # in [cm] now # get the mass absorption coefficients mu_in = xrs_utilities.mpr(self.eloss/1.0e3+self.E0,self.element)[0] mu_out = xrs_utilities.mpr(self.E0,self.element)[0] # calculate the absorption factor for several alpha values if isinstance(self.alpha,list) or isinstance(self.alpha,np.ndarray): for alpha,ii in zip(self.alpha,list(range(len(self.alpha)))): abs_corr = xrs_utilities.absCorrection(mu_in,mu_out,alpha,self.beta,self.thickness,geometry=geometry) # apply correction to all profiles self.C_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr self.J_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr self.V_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr for key in self.CperShell: self.CperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr self.JperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr self.VperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr # calculate the absorption factor for several beta values elif isinstance(self.beta,list) or isinstance(self.beta,np.ndarray): for beta,ii in zip(self.beta,list(range(len(self.beta)))): abs_corr = xrs_utilities.absCorrection(mu_in,mu_out,self.alpha,beta,self.thickness,geometry=geometry) # apply correction to all profiles self.C_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr self.J_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr self.V_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr for key in self.CperShell: self.CperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr self.JperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr self.VperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr # calculate the absorption factor for several sample thickness values elif isinstance(self.thickness,list) or isinstance(self.thickness,np.ndarray): for thick,ii in zip(self.thickness,list(range(len(self.thickness)))): abs_corr = xrs_utilities.absCorrection(mu_in,mu_out,self.alpha,self.beta,thick,geometry=geometry) # apply correction to all profiles self.C_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr self.J_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr self.V_total[:,ii] /= abs_corr for key in self.CperShell: self.CperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr self.JperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr self.VperShell[key][:,ii] /= abs_corr # calculate the absorption factor for a single value else: abs_corr = xrs_utilities.absCorrection(mu_in,mu_out,self.alpha,self.beta,self.thickness,geometry=geometry) # apply correction to all profiles self.C_total /= abs_corr self.J_total /= abs_corr self.V_total /= abs_corr for key in self.CperShell: self.CperShell[key] /= abs_corr self.JperShell[key] /= abs_corr self.VperShell[key] /= abs_corr
[docs]class FormulaProfile: """ **FormulaProfile** Class to construct and handle Hartree-Fock atomic Compton Profile of a single chemical compound. Attributes * filename : string Path and filename to Biggs database. * formula : string Chemical sum formula for the compound of interest (e.g. 'SiO2' or 'H2O'). * elements : list of strings List of atomic symbols that make up the chemical sum formula. * stoichiometries : list of integers List of the stoichimetric weights for each of the elements in the list *elements*. * element_Nrs : list of integers List of atomic numbers for each element in the *elements* list. * AtomProfiles : list of *AtomProfiles* List of instances of the *AtomProfiles* class for each element in the list. * eloss : np.ndarray Energy loss scale for the Compton profiles. * C_total : np.ndarray Core HF Compton profile (one column per 2Th). * J_total : np.ndarray Total HF Compton profile (one column per 2Th). * V_total :np.ndarray Valence HF Compton profile (one column per 2Th). * E0 : float Analyzer energy (keV). * twotheta : float, list, or np.ndarray Value or list/np.ndarray of the scattering angle. """ def __init__(self, formula, filename, weight=1): assert type(formula) is str, "\'formula\' argument should be a string!" self.filename = filename self.formula = formula self.elements, self.stoichiometries = parseChemFormula(formula) self.element_Nrs = [xrs_utilities.element(element) for element in self.elements] self.AtomProfiles = {} for element,stoichio in zip(self.elements,self.stoichiometries): CP = AtomProfile(element,filename,stoichiometry=stoichio) self.AtomProfiles[element] = CP self.eloss = [] self.C_total = [] self.J_total = [] self.V_total = [] self.q_vals = [] self.E0 = 0.0 self.twotheta = [] self.stoich_weight = weight
[docs] def get_stoichWeight(self): return self.stoich_weight
[docs] def get_elossProfiles(self,E0, twotheta,correctasym=None,valence_cutoff=VAL_CUTOFF_DEFAULT): self.E0 = E0 # reset self.twotheta self.twotheta = [] if isinstance(twotheta, list): self.twotheta.extend(twotheta) elif isinstance(twotheta, float): self.twotheta.append(twotheta) else: print('Unsupported type for twotheta argument') for key in self.AtomProfiles: self.AtomProfiles[key].get_elossProfiles(self.E0, self.twotheta,correctasym,valence_cutoff) self.eloss = self.AtomProfiles[list(self.AtomProfiles.keys())[0]].eloss # initialize the profiles self.C_total = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) self.J_total = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) self.V_total = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) self.q_vals = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) # add up all AtomProfiles for key in self.AtomProfiles: AP = self.AtomProfiles[key] for ii in range(len(self.twotheta)): self.C_total[:,ii] += np.interp(self.eloss,AP.eloss,AP.C_total[:,ii])*AP.get_stoichiometry() self.J_total[:,ii] += np.interp(self.eloss,AP.eloss,AP.J_total[:,ii])*AP.get_stoichiometry() self.V_total[:,ii] += np.interp(self.eloss,AP.eloss,AP.V_total[:,ii])*AP.get_stoichiometry() self.q_vals[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,AP.eloss,AP.q_vals[:,ii])
[docs] def get_correctecProfiles(self, densities, alpha, beta, samthick ): pass
[docs]class HFProfile: """ *HFProfile* Class to construct and handle Hartree-Fock atomic Compton Profile of sample composed of several chemical compounds. Attributes """ def __init__(self, formulas, stoich_weights, filename): if isinstance(formulas,list) and isinstance(stoich_weights,list): self.formulas = formulas self.stoich_weights = stoich_weights elif isinstance(formulas,str) and isinstance(stoich_weits,int) or isinstance(formulas,str) and isinstance(stoich_weits,float): self.formulas = [] self.formulas.append(formulas) self.stoich_weights = [] self.stoich_weights.append(stoich_weights) else: print('Unsupported/uncongruent types for formulas/stoich_weights arguments!') return self.filename = filename self.FormulaProfiles = {} for formula,ii in zip(self.formulas,list(range(len(self.formulas)))): CP = FormulaProfile(formula,filename,weight=stoich_weights[ii]) self.FormulaProfiles[formula] = CP self.eloss = [] self.C_total = [] self.J_total = [] self.V_total = [] self.q_vals = [] self.twotheta = [] self.E0 = 0.0
[docs] def get_elossProfiles(self,E0, twotheta,correctasym=None,valence_cutoff=VAL_CUTOFF_DEFAULT): # save the E0 value self.E0 = E0 # reset self.twotheta self.twotheta = [] if isinstance(twotheta, list): self.twotheta.extend(twotheta) elif isinstance(twotheta, float): self.twotheta.append(twotheta) else: print('Unsupported type for twotheta argument') # get all Atomic and Formula unit profiles on eloss scale for key in self.FormulaProfiles: self.FormulaProfiles[key].get_elossProfiles(self.E0, self.twotheta,correctasym,valence_cutoff) # save the eloss-scale self.eloss = self.FormulaProfiles[list(self.FormulaProfiles.keys())[0]].eloss # initialize the profiles self.C_total = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) self.J_total = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) self.V_total = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) self.q_vals = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),len(self.twotheta))) # add up all Compton Profiles from the sub-units for key,jj in zip(self.FormulaProfiles,list(range(len(self.twotheta)))): FP = self.FormulaProfiles[key] for ii in range(len(self.twotheta)): self.C_total[:,ii] += np.interp(self.eloss,FP.eloss,FP.C_total[:,ii])*FP.get_stoichWeight() self.J_total[:,ii] += np.interp(self.eloss,FP.eloss,FP.J_total[:,ii])*FP.get_stoichWeight() self.V_total[:,ii] += np.interp(self.eloss,FP.eloss,FP.V_total[:,ii])*FP.get_stoichWeight() self.q_vals[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss,FP.eloss,FP.q_vals[:,ii])
[docs]class ComptonProfiles: """Class for multiple HF Compton profiles. This class should hold one or more instances of the ComptonProfile class and have methods to return profiles from single atoms, single shells, all atoms. It should be able to apply corrections etc. on those... Attributes: * element (string): Element symbol as in the periodic table. * elementNr (int) : Number of the element as in the periodic table. * shells (list) : * edges (list) : * C (np.array) : * J (np.array) : * V (np.array) : * CperShell (dict. of np.arrays): * JperShell (dict. of np.arrays): * VperShell (dict. of np.arrays): """ def __init__(self, element): self.element = element self.elementNr = xrs_utilities.element(z) self.shells = [] self.edges = [] self.C = [] self.J = [] self.V = [] self.CperShell = {} self.JperShell = {} self.VperShell = {}
[docs]def trapz_weights(x): dx = np.diff(x) w = np.empty(x.shape) w[1:-1] = (dx[1:] + dx[:-1])/2. w[0] = dx[0] / 2. w[-1] = dx[-1] / 2. return w
[docs]def PzProfile(element,filename): """Returnes tabulated HF Compton profiles. Reads in tabulated HF Compton profiles from the Biggs paper, interpolates them, and normalizes them to the # of electrons in the shell. Args: * element (string): element symbol (e.g. 'Si', 'Al', etc.) * filename (string): absolute path and filename to tabulated profiles Returns: * CP_profile (np.array): Matrix of the Compton profile * 1. column: pz-scale * 2. ... n. columns: Compton profile of nth shell * binding_energy (list): binding energies of shells * occupation_num (list): number of electrons in the according shells """ # load Biggs data, mirror at pz = 0.0 CP_tab, occupation_num, binding_energies, shell_names = xrs_fileIO.readbiggsdata(filename,element) pz_tab = np.append(-1.0*np.flipud(CP_tab[1::,0]),CP_tab[:,0]) CP_tab = np.append(np.flipud(CP_tab[1::,:]),CP_tab,axis=0) CP_tab[:,0] = pz_tab # pad with zeros as large pos. and large neg. pz for nicer spline CP_tab = np.append(np.zeros((1,CP_tab.shape[1])),CP_tab,axis=0) CP_tab = np.append(CP_tab,np.zeros((1,CP_tab.shape[1])),axis=0) CP_tab[0,0] = -10000.0 CP_tab[-1,0] = 10000.0 # interpolate pz_scale = np.arange(-100.0,100.0,0.01) CP_profile = np.zeros((len(pz_scale),len(binding_energies)+1)) CP_profile[:,0] = pz_scale for n in range(len(binding_energies)): interp_func = interpolate.pchip(CP_tab[:,0], CP_tab[:,n+2]) CP_profile[:,n+1] = interp_func(pz_scale) # normalize to one electron, multiply by number of electrons for n in range(len(binding_energies)): norm = np.trapz(CP_profile[:,n+1],CP_profile[:,0]) CP_profile[:,n+1] = CP_profile[:,n+1]/norm*int(occupation_num[n]) binding_energies = [float(energy) for energy in binding_energies] occupation_num = [float(value) for value in occupation_num] return CP_profile, binding_energies, occupation_num, shell_names
[docs]def elossProfile(element,filename,E0,tth,correctasym=None,valence_cutoff=20.0): """Returns HF Compton profiles on energy loss scale. Uses the PzProfile function to read read in Biggs HF profiles and converts them onto energy loss scale. The profiles are cut at the respective electron binding energies and are normalized to the f-sum rule (i.e. S(q,w) is in units of [1/eV]). Args: * element (string): element symbol. * filename (string): absolute path and filename to tabulated Compton profiles. * E0 (float): analyzer energy in [keV]. * tth (float): scattering angle two theta in [deg]. * correctasym (np.array): vector of scaling factors to be applied. * valence_cutoff (float): energy value below which edges are considered as valence Returns: * enScale (np.array): energy loss scale in [eV] * J_total (np.array): total S(q,w) in [1/eV] * C_total (np.array): core contribution to S(q,w) in [1/eV] * V_total (np.array): valence contribution to S(q,w) in [1/eV], the valence is defined by valence_cutoff * q (np.array): momentum transfer in [a.u] * J_shell (dict of np.arrays): dictionary of contributions for each shell, the key are defines as in Biggs table. * C_shell (dict of np.arrays): same as J_shell for core contribution * V_shell (dict of np.arrays): same as J_shell for valence contribution """ # read in the Biggs data CP_profile, binding_energies, occupation_num, shell_names = PzProfile(element,filename) # convert pz to energy loss scale enScale = ((np.flipud(xrs_utilities.pz2e1(E0,CP_profile[:,0],tth))-E0)*1.0e3) # define the momentum transfer q = xrs_utilities.momtrans_au(enScale/1000.0 + E0, E0, tth) # calculate asymmetry after Holm and Ribberfors for filles 1s and 2p shells # if correctasym == True asymmetry = np.flipud(HRcorrect(CP_profile, occupation_num, q)) if correctasym: CP_profile[:,1:4] = CP_profile[:1:4] + asymmetry * correctasym # discard profiles, q, and enScale for energy losses smaller than zero HF_profile = CP_profile[np.nonzero(enScale.T>=0.0)[0],:] q = q[np.nonzero(enScale.T>=0)[0]] enScale = enScale[np.nonzero(enScale.T>=0)[0]] HF_profile[:,0] = enScale # discard profiles for energy losses below according binding energies for n in range(len(binding_energies)): HF_profile[np.where(enScale<binding_energies[n]),n+1] = 0 # convert J(pz) to S(q,w) via J(pz)=N_electrons*hartree*q*S(q,w) and # normalize using the f-sum rule (sum(S(q,w)*w)=f) # 1. convert to a.u. hartree = 1.0/constants.physical_constants['electron volt-hartree relationship'][0] enScaleH = enScale/hartree # eloss in a.u. # 2. normalize to one then multiply by N_el*q**2.0/2.0 for n in range(len(binding_energies)): HF_profile[:,n+1] = HF_profile[:,n+1]/(integrate.trapz(np.multiply(HF_profile[:,n+1],enScaleH),enScaleH)) HF_profile[:,n+1] = np.multiply(HF_profile[:,n+1],(q**2.0)/2.0)*occupation_num[n] # 3. convert back to [1/eV] and sum up J_total = np.zeros((len(enScale))) V_total = np.zeros((len(enScale))) for n in range(len(binding_energies)): if binding_energies[n] < enScale[-1]: J_total += HF_profile[:,n+1]/hartree if binding_energies[n] < valence_cutoff: V_total += HF_profile[:,n+1]/hartree C_total = J_total - V_total # make dictionaries for individual shells J_shell = {} C_shell = {} V_shell = {} counter = 1 for name in shell_names: if 'Shell' in name: if binding_energies[counter-1] < enScale[-1]: J_shell[name] = HF_profile[:,counter] if binding_energies[counter-1] < valence_cutoff: V_shell[name] = HF_profile[:,counter] else: V_shell[name] = np.zeros_like(HF_profile[:,counter]) else: J_shell[name] = np.zeros_like(HF_profile[:,counter]) V_shell[name] = np.zeros_like(HF_profile[:,counter]) C_shell[name] = J_shell[name] - V_shell[name] counter += 1 return enScale, J_total, C_total, V_total, q, J_shell, C_shell, V_shell
[docs]def mapShellNames(shell_str,atomicNumber): """ **mapShellNames** Translates to and from spectroscopic edge notation and the convention of the Biggs database. Args: * shell_str : string Spectroscopic symbol to be converted to Biggs database convention. * atomicNumber : int Z for the atom in question. """ if atomicNumber <= 35: # for Z<=35 (Br), there is no 2p spin-orbit splitting in the Biggs data all_names = ['pz', 'total', 'Shell_1', 'Shell_2', 'Shell_3', 'Shell_4', 'Shell_5', 'Shell_6', 'Shell_7', 'Shell_8'] all_shells = ['pz', 'total', '1s', '2s', '2p', '3s', '3p', '3d', '4s', '4p' ] all_spectro = ['pz', 'total', 'K', 'L1', 'L23', 'M1', 'M23', 'M45', 'N1', 'N23' ] if shell_str in all_spectro: index = all_spectro.index(shell_str) return all_names[index] elif shell_str in all_shells: index = all_shells.index(shell_str) return all_names[index] elif shell_str in all_names: index = all_names.index(shell_str) return all_spectro[index] else: print('Following shells available for Z<=35: [\'K\',\'L1\',\'L23\',\'M1\',\'M23\',\'M45\',\'N1\',\'N23\']') return else: all_names = ['pz', 'total', 'Shell_1', 'Shell_2', 'Shell_3', 'Shell_4', 'Shell_5', 'Shell_6', 'Shell_7', 'Shell_8', 'Shell_9', 'Shell_10', 'Shell_11', 'Shell_12', 'Shell_13', 'Shell_14', 'Shell_15', 'Shell_16', 'Shell_17', 'Shell_18', 'Shell_19', 'Shell_20', 'Shell_21', 'Shell_22', 'Shell_23', 'Shell_24'] # all_shells = ['pz', 'total', '1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d1/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p', '4d '] all_spectro = ['pz', 'total', 'K', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5', 'N1', 'N2', 'N3', 'N4', 'N5', 'N6', 'N7', 'O1', 'O2', 'O3', 'O4', 'O5', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3'] if shell_str in all_spectro: index = all_spectro.index(shell_str) return all_names[index] elif shell_str in all_names: index = all_names.index(shell_str) return all_spectro[index] else: print('Following shells available for Z>35: [\'K\', \'L1\', \'L2\', \'L3\', \'M1\', \'M2\', \'M3\', \'M4\', \'M5\', \'N1\', \'N2\', \'N3\', \'N4\', \'N5\', \'N6\', \'N7\', \'O1\', \'O2\', \'O3\', \'O4\', \'O5\', \'P1\', \'P2\', \'P3\']') return
# 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p, (8s, 5g, 6f, 7d, 8p, and 9s)
[docs]def HRcorrect(pzprofile,occupation,q): """ Returns the first order correction to filled 1s, 2s, and 2p Compton profiles. Implementation after Holm and Ribberfors (citation ...). Args: * pzprofile (np.array): Compton profile (e.g. tabulated from Biggs) to be corrected (2D matrix). * occupation (list): electron configuration. * q (float or np.array): momentum transfer in [a.u.]. Returns: * asymmetry (np.array): asymmetries to be added to the raw profiles (normalized to the number of electrons on pz scale) """ # prepare output matrix if len(occupation) == 1: asymmetry = np.zeros((len(pzprofile[:,0]),1)) elif len(occupation) == 2: asymmetry = np.zeros((len(pzprofile[:,0]),2)) elif len(occupation) >= 3: asymmetry = np.zeros((len(pzprofile[:,0]),3)) # take care for the cases where 2p levels have spin-orbit split taken into account in the Biggs table if len(occupation)>3 and occupation[2]==2 and occupation[3]==4: pzprofile[:,3] = pzprofile[:,3] + pzprofile[:,4] occupation[2] = 6 # 1s if occupation[0] < 2: pass else: # find gamma1s lambda x: (x[0] - 1)**2 + (x[1] - 2.5)**2 fitfct = lambda a: (np.absolute(np.max(pzprofile[:,1])-np.max(occupation[0]*8.0*a**5.0/3.0/np.pi/(a**2.0+pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**3.0))) res = optimize.leastsq(fitfct,np.sum(occupation)) gamma1s = res[0][0] # calculate j0 and j1 j0 = occupation[0]*8.0*gamma1s**5.0/3.0/np.pi/((gamma1s**2.0+pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**3.0) j1 = 2.0*gamma1s*np.arctan2(pzprofile[:,0],gamma1s)-3.0/2.0*pzprofile[:,0] j1 = j1/q*j0 asymmetry[:,0] = j1 # 2s if len(occupation)>1: if occupation[1] < 2: pass else: # find gamma2s fitfct = lambda a: (np.absolute(np.max(pzprofile[:,2])-np.max(occupation[1]*((a**4.0-10.0*a**2.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2 + 40.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)*128.0*a**5.0/15.0/np.pi/(a**2.0 + 4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0)))) res = optimize.leastsq(fitfct,np.sum(occupation)*2.0/3.0) gamma2s = res[0][0] # calculate j0 and j1 j0 = occupation[1]*(gamma2s**4.0-10.0*gamma2s**2.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0+40.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)*128.0*gamma2s**5.0/15.0/np.pi/(gamma2s**2.0 + 4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0 j1 = 2.0*gamma2s*np.arctan2(2.0*pzprofile[:,0],gamma2s)-5.0/4.0*(gamma2s**4.0+48.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)/(gamma2s**4.0-10.0*gamma2s**2.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0+40.0*pzprofile[:,0]**4.0)*pzprofile[:,0] j1 = j1/q*j0 asymmetry[:,1] = j1 # 2p if len(occupation)>2: if occupation[2] < 6: pass else: forgamma = 3.0*pzprofile[:,3]/np.trapz(pzprofile[:,3],pzprofile[:,0]) # 2p correction is defined for 3 electrons in the 2p shell # find gamma2p fitfct = lambda a: (np.absolute(np.max(forgamma)-np.max(((a**2.0+20.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)*64.0*a**7.0/5.0/np.pi/(a**2.0+4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0)))) res = optimize.leastsq(fitfct,np.sum(occupation)*1.0/3.0) gamma2p = res[0][0] # calculate j0 and j1 j0 = 2.0*(gamma2p**2.0+20.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)*64.0*gamma2p**7.0/5.0/np.pi/(gamma2p**2.0+4.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)**5.0 j1 = 2.0*gamma2p*np.arctan2(2.0*pzprofile[:,0],gamma2p)-2.0/3.0*pzprofile[:,0]*(10.0*gamma2p**2.0+60.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0)/(gamma2p**2.0+20.0*pzprofile[:,0]**2.0) j1 = j1/q*j0 asymmetry[:,2] = j1 return asymmetry