Source code for XRStools.xrs_calctools

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Filename:

from . import xrs_utilities
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import array as arr

from itertools import groupby
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import constants

import sys

if(sys.argv[0][-12:]!="sphinx-build"):  ## otherwise the documentation cannot build : wrong docstrings imported from pylab
    from pylab import *

from scipy import signal
from scipy.ndimage import measurements
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip

__metaclass__ = type # new style classes

A2AU_factor = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10

[docs]def gauss1(x,x0,fwhm): """ returns a gaussian with peak value normalized to unity a[0] = peak position a[1] = Full Width at Half Maximum """ y = np.exp(-np.log(2.0)*((x-x0)/fwhm*2.0)**2.0) return y
[docs]def gauss(x,x0,fwhm): # area-normalized gaussian sigma = fwhm/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))); y = np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/2/sigma**2)/sigma/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) return y
[docs]def gauss_areanorm(x,x0,fwhm): """ area-normalized gaussian """ sigma = fwhm/(2.0*np.sqrt(2.0*np.log(2.0))) y = np.exp(-(x-x0)**2.0/2.0/sigma**2)/sigma/np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi) return y
[docs]def convg(x,y,fwhm): """ Convolution with Gaussian """ dx = np.min(np.absolute(np.diff(x))) x2 = np.arange(np.min(x)-1.5*fwhm, np.max(x)+1.5*fwhm, dx) xg = np.arange(-np.floor(2.0*fwhm/dx)*dx, np.floor(2.0*fwhm/dx)*dx, dx) yg = gauss(xg,[0,fwhm]) yg = yg/np.sum(yg) y2 = spline2(x,y,x2) c = np.convolve(y2,yg, mode='full') n = int( np.floor(np.max(np.shape(xg))/2)) c = c[n:len(c)-n+1] # not sure about the +- 1 here f = interpolate.interp1d(x2,c) return f(x)
[docs]def spline2(x,y,x2): """ Extrapolates the smaller and larger valuea as a constant """ xmin = np.min(x) xmax = np.max(x) imin = x == xmin imax = x == xmax f = interpolate.interp1d(x,y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) y2 = f(x2) i = np.where(x2<xmin) y2[i] = y[imin] i = np.where(x2>xmax) y2[i] = y[imax] return y2
def readxas(filename): """ function output = readxas(filename)%[e,p,s,px,py,pz] = readxas(filename) % READSTF Load StoBe fort.11 (XAS output) data % % [E,P,S,PX,PY,PZ] = READXAS(FILENAME) % % E energy transfer [eV] % P dipole transition intensity % S r^2 transition intensity % PX dipole transition intensity along x % PY dipole transition intensity along y % PZ dipole transition intensity along z % % as line diagrams. % % T Pylkkanen @ 2011-10-17 """ # Open file f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() data = [] for line in lines[1:]: data.append([float(x) for x in line.replace('D', 'e').strip().split()]) data = np.array(data) data[:,0] = data[:,0]*27.211384565719481 # convert from a.u. to eV data[:,3] = 2.0/3.0*data[:,3]**2.0*e/27.211384565719481 # osc(x) data[:,4] = 2.0/3.0*data[:,4]**2.0*e/27.211384565719481 # osc(y) data[:,5] = 2.0/3.0*data[:,5]**2.0*e/27.211384565719481 # osc(z) return data def broaden_diagram(e,s,params=[1.0, 1.0, 537.5, 540.0],npoints=1000): """ function [e2,s2] = broaden_diagram2(e,s,params,npoints) % BROADEN_DIAGRAM2 Broaden a StoBe line diagram % % [ENE2,SQW2] = BROADEN_DIAGRAM2(ENE,SQW,PARAMS,NPOINTS) % % gives the broadened spectrum SQW2(ENE2) of the line-spectrum % SWQ(ENE). Each line is substituted with a Gaussian peak, % the FWHM of which is determined by PARAMS. ENE2 is a linear % scale of length NPOINTS (default 1000). % % PARAMS = [f_min f_max emin max] % % For ENE <= e_min, FWHM = f_min. % For ENE >= e_max, FWHM = f_min. % FWHM increases linearly from [f_min f_max] between [e_min e_max]. % % T Pylkkanen @ 2008-04-18 [17:37] """ f_min = params[0] f_max = params[1] e_min = params[2] e_max = params[3] e2 = np.linspace(np.min(e)-10.0,np.max(e)+10.0,npoints); s2 = np.zeros_like(e2) fwhm = np.zeros_like(e) # FWHM: Constant -- Linear -- Constant A = (f_max-f_min)/(e_max-e_min) B = f_min - A*e_min fwhm = A*e + B inds = e <= e_min fwhm[inds] = f_min inds = e >= e_max fwhm[inds] = f_max for i in range(len(s)): s2 += s[i]*gauss(e2,e[i],fwhm[i]) return e2, s2 def broaden_linear(spec,params=[0.8, 8, 537.5, 550],npoints=1000): evals = spec[:,0] sticks= spec[:,1] f_min = params[0] f_max = params[1] e_min = params[2] e_max = params[3] e2 = np.linspace(np.min(evals)-10.0,np.max(evals)+10.0,npoints) s2 = np.zeros(len(e2)) fwhm = np.zeros(len(evals)) # FWHM: Constant -- Linear -- Constant A = (f_max-f_min)/(e_max-e_min) B = f_min - A*e_min fwhm = A*evals + B fwhm[evals <= e_min] = f_min fwhm[evals >= e_max] = f_max for n in range(len(sticks)): s2 = s2 + sticks[n]*gauss1(e2,evals[n],fwhm[n]) spectrum = np.zeros((len(e2),2)) spectrum[:,0] = e2 spectrum[:,1] = s2 return spectrum def load_stobe_specs(prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat=2): """ load a bunch of StoBe calculations, which filenames are made up of the prefix, postfix, and the counter in the between the prefix and postfix runs from 'fromnumber' to 'tonumber' in steps of 'step' (number of digits is 'stepformat') """ numbers = np.linspace(fromnumber,tonumber,(tonumber-fromnumber + step)//step) filenames = [] precision = '%0'+str(stepformat)+'d' for number in numbers: thenumber = precision % number thefilename = prefix+thenumber+postfix filenames.append(thefilename) specs = [] for filename in filenames: try: specs.append(readxas(filename)) except: print( 'found no file: ' + filename) return specs def load_erkale_spec(filename): spec = np.loadtxt(filename) return spec def load_erkale_specs(prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat=2): numbers = np.linspace(fromnumber,tonumber,(tonumber-fromnumber + step)//step) filenames = [] precision = '%0'+str(stepformat)+'d' for number in numbers: thenumber = precision % number thefilename = prefix+thenumber+postfix filenames.append(thefilename) specs = [] for filename in filenames: try: specs.append(load_erkale_spec(filename)) except: print( 'found no file: ' + filename) return specs def cut_spec(spec,emin=None,emax=None): if not emin: emin = spec[0,0] if not emax: emax = spec[-1,0] spec = spec[spec[:,0]>emin] spec = spec[spec[:,0]<emax] return spec
[docs]def readxas(filename): """ function output = readxas(filename)%[e,p,s,px,py,pz] = readxas(filename) % READSTF Load StoBe fort.11 (XAS output) data % % [E,P,S,PX,PY,PZ] = READXAS(FILENAME) % % E energy transfer [eV] % P dipole transition intensity % S r^2 transition intensity % PX dipole transition intensity along x % PY dipole transition intensity along y % PZ dipole transition intensity along z % % as line diagrams. % % T Pylkkanen @ 2011-10-17 """ # Open file f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() data = [] for line in lines[1:]: data.append([float(x) for x in line.replace('D', 'e').strip().split()]) data = np.array(data) data[:,0] = data[:,0]*27.211384565719481 # convert from a.u. to eV data[:,3] = 2.0/3.0*data[:,3]**2.0*e/27.211384565719481 # osc(x) data[:,4] = 2.0/3.0*data[:,4]**2.0*e/27.211384565719481 # osc(y) data[:,5] = 2.0/3.0*data[:,5]**2.0*e/27.211384565719481 # osc(z) return data
[docs]def broaden_diagram(e,s,params=[1.0, 1.0, 537.5, 540.0],npoints=1000): """ function [e2,s2] = broaden_diagram2(e,s,params,npoints) % BROADEN_DIAGRAM2 Broaden a StoBe line diagram % % [ENE2,SQW2] = BROADEN_DIAGRAM2(ENE,SQW,PARAMS,NPOINTS) % % gives the broadened spectrum SQW2(ENE2) of the line-spectrum % SWQ(ENE). Each line is substituted with a Gaussian peak, % the FWHM of which is determined by PARAMS. ENE2 is a linear % scale of length NPOINTS (default 1000). % % PARAMS = [f_min f_max emin max] % % For ENE <= e_min, FWHM = f_min. % For ENE >= e_max, FWHM = f_min. % FWHM increases linearly from [f_min f_max] between [e_min e_max]. % % T Pylkkanen @ 2008-04-18 [17:37] """ f_min = params[0] f_max = params[1] e_min = params[2] e_max = params[3] e2 = np.linspace(np.min(e)-10.0,np.max(e)+10.0,npoints); s2 = np.zeros_like(e2) fwhm = np.zeros_like(e) # FWHM: Constant -- Linear -- Constant A = (f_max-f_min)/(e_max-e_min) B = f_min - A*e_min fwhm = A*e + B inds = e <= e_min fwhm[inds] = f_min inds = e >= e_max fwhm[inds] = f_max for i in range(len(s)): s2 += s[i]*gauss1(e2,e[i],fwhm[i]) return e2, s2
[docs]def broaden_linear(spec,params=[0.8, 8, 537.5, 550],npoints=1000): """ broadens a spectrum with a Gaussian of width params[0] below params[2] and width params[1] above params[3], width increases linear in between. returns two-column numpy array of length npoints with energy and the broadened spectrum """ evals = spec[:,0] sticks= spec[:,1] f_min = params[0] f_max = params[1] e_min = params[2] e_max = params[3] e2 = np.linspace(np.min(evals)-10.0,np.max(evals)+10.0,npoints) s2 = np.zeros(len(e2)) fwhm = np.zeros(len(evals)) # FWHM: Constant -- Linear -- Constant A = (f_max-f_min)/(e_max-e_min) B = f_min - A*e_min fwhm = A*evals + B fwhm[evals <= e_min] = f_min fwhm[evals >= e_max] = f_max for n in range(len(sticks)): s2 = s2 + sticks[n]*gauss(e2,evals[n],fwhm[n]) spectrum = np.zeros((len(e2),2)) spectrum[:,0] = e2 spectrum[:,1] = s2 return spectrum
[docs]def load_stobe_specs(prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat=2): """ load a bunch of StoBe calculations, which filenames are made up of the prefix, postfix, and the counter in the between the prefix and postfix runs from 'fromnumber' to 'tonumber' in steps of 'step' (number of digits is 'stepformat') """ numbers = np.linspace(fromnumber,tonumber,(tonumber-fromnumber + step)//step) filenames = [] precision = '%0'+str(stepformat)+'d' for number in numbers: thenumber = precision % number thefilename = prefix+thenumber+postfix filenames.append(thefilename) specs = [] for filename in filenames: try: specs.append(readxas(filename)) except: print( 'found no file: ' + filename) return specs
[docs]def load_erkale_spec(filename): """ returns an erkale spectrum """ spec = np.loadtxt(filename) return spec
[docs]def load_erkale_specs(prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat=2): """ returns a list of erkale spectra """ numbers = np.linspace(fromnumber,tonumber,(tonumber-fromnumber + step)//step) filenames = [] precision = '%0'+str(stepformat)+'d' for number in numbers: thenumber = precision % number thefilename = prefix+thenumber+postfix filenames.append(thefilename) specs = [] for filename in filenames: try: specs.append(load_erkale_spec(filename)) except: print( 'found no file: ' + filename) return specs
[docs]def cut_spec(spec,emin=None,emax=None): """ deletes lines of matrix with first column smaller than emin and larger than emax """ if not emin: emin = spec[0,0] if not emax: emax = spec[-1,0] spec = spec[spec[:,0]>emin] spec = spec[spec[:,0]<emax] return spec
[docs]class stobe: """ class to analyze StoBe results """ def __init__(self,prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat=2): = [] # array of final energy scale for all snapshots of this run self.signal = [] # array of averaged and smoothed results self.rawspecs = load_stobe_specs(prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat) # list of all raw stick spectra:rawspecs[n][energy,sticks] self.broadened= [] # list of broadened stick spectra
[docs] def cut_rawspecs(self,emin=None,emax=None): cutspecs = [] for spec in self.rawspecs: cutspecs.append(cut_spec(spec,emin,emax)) self.rawspecs = cutspecs
[docs] def broaden_lin(self,params=[0.8, 8, 537.5, 550],npoints=1000): for spec in self.rawspecs: self.broadened.append(broaden_linear(spec,params,npoints))
[docs] def sum_specs(self): = self.broadened[0][:,0] # first spectrum defines energy scale self.signal = np.zeros(np.shape( for spec in self.broadened: f = interp1d(spec[:,0], spec[:,1],bounds_error=False, kind='cubic', fill_value=0.0) self.signal += f(
[docs] def norm_area(self,emin,emax): inds = np.where(np.logical_and(>=emin,<=emax)) norm = np.trapz(self.signal[inds],[inds]) self.signal = self.signal/norm
[docs]class erkale: """ class to analyze ERKALE XRS results. """ def __init__(self,prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat=2): = [] # array of final energy scale for all snapshots of this run self.sqw = [] # array of averaged and smoothed results self.rawspecs = load_erkale_specs(prefix,postfix,fromnumber,tonumber,step,stepformat) # list of all raw stick spectra self.broadened= [] self.norm = [] # results of normalization
[docs] def cut_rawspecs(self,emin=None,emax=None): cutspecs = [] for spec in self.rawspecs: cutspecs.append(cut_spec(spec,emin,emax)) self.rawspecs = cutspecs
[docs] def cut_broadspecs(self,emin=None,emax=None): cutspecs = [] for spec in self.broadened: cutspecs.append(cut_spec(spec,emin,emax)) self.broadened = cutspecs
[docs] def broaden_lin(self,params=[0.8, 8, 537.5, 550],npoints=1000): for spec in self.rawspecs: self.broadened.append(broaden_linear(spec,params,npoints))
[docs] def sum_specs(self): = self.broadened[0][:,0] # first spectrum defines energy scale self.sqw = np.zeros(np.shape( for spec in self.broadened: f = interp1d(spec[:,0], spec[:,1],bounds_error=False, kind='cubic', fill_value=0.0) self.sqw += f(
[docs] def norm_area(self,emin=None,emax=None): if not emin: emin =[0] if not emax: emax =[-1] inds = np.where(np.logical_and(>=emin,<=emax))[0] self.sqw = self.sqw/np.trapz(self.sqw[inds],[inds])
[docs] def norm_max(self): pass
[docs] def plot_spec(self): plt.plot(,self.sqw)
################################### # reading function for cowan's code output
[docs]class xyzAtom: """ **xyzAtom** Class to hold information about and manipulate a single atom in xyz-style format. Args. : * name (str): Atomic symbol. * coordinates (np.array): Array of xyz-coordinates. * number (int): Integer, e.g. number of atom in a cluster. """ def __init__(self,name,coordinates,number): = name self.coordinates = np.array(coordinates) self.x_coord = self.coordinates[0] self.y_coord = self.coordinates[1] self.z_coord = self.coordinates[2] self.Z = xrs_utilities.element(name) self.number = number self.spectrum = np.array([])
[docs] def getNorm(self): return np.linalg.norm(self.coordinates)
[docs] def getCoordinates(self): return self.coordinates
[docs] def translateSelf(self, vector): try: self.coordinates += vector self.x_coord += vector[0] self.y_coord += vector[1] self.z_coord += vector[2] except ValueError: print('Vector must be 3D np.array!')
[docs] def translateSelf_arb(self, lattice, lattice_inv, vector): rel_coords =, np.array(self.coordinates)) rel_coords += vector self.coordinates =,rel_coords) self.x_coord = self.coordinates[0] self.y_coord = self.coordinates[1] self.z_coord = self.coordinates[2]
[docs] def load_spectrum(self, file_name): self.spectrum = np.loadtxt(file_name)
[docs] def load_spectrum_all_pol(self, prefix, num_pols, printing=False ): data = {} # load all polarization directions for ii in range(num_pols): fname = prefix+'%02d'%(ii+1) if printing: print('loading spectrum from file: %s'%fname) data[fname] = np.loadtxt(fname) # average ene = data[ list(data.keys())[0] ][:,0] dat = np.zeros_like( ene ) for key in data: dat += np.interp( ene, data[key][:,0], data[key][:,1] ) dat /= num_pols self.spectrum = np.array([ene, dat]).T
[docs] def normalize_spectrum(self, normrange): inds = np.where(np.logical_and(self.spectrum[:,0]>=normrange[0], self.spectrum[:,0]<=normrange[1]))[0] norm = np.trapz(self.spectrum[inds,1], self.spectrum[inds,0]) self.spectrum[:,1] /= norm
[docs] def getDist( self, atom ): return np.linalg.norm(self.coordinates - atom.coordinates)
[docs] def getDistPBCarb( self, atom, lattice, lattice_inv ): return getDistancePBC_arb( self, atom, lattice, lattice_inv )
[docs] def getAnglePBCarb( self, atom2, atom3, lattice, lattice_inv, degrees=True): """ **get_angle** Return angle between the three given atoms (as seen from atom2). """ vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom2, self, lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom3, self, lattice, lattice_inv) dotp =, vec2/np.linalg.norm(vec2)) if degrees: return np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip( dotp, -1.0, 1.0 ) ) ) else: return np.arccos( np.clip( dotp, -1.0, 1.0 ) )
[docs]class xyzMolecule: """ **xyzMolecule** Class to hold information about and manipulate an xyz-style molecule. Args.: * xyzAtoms (list): List of instances of the xyzAtoms class that make up the molecule. """ def __init__(self,xyzAtoms,title=None): self.xyzAtoms = xyzAtoms self.title = title
[docs] def getCoordinates(self): """ **getCoordinates** Return coordinates of all atoms in the cluster. """ return [atom.getCoordinates() for atom in self.xyzAtoms]
[docs] def getCoordinates_name(self,name): """ **getCoordinates_name** Return coordintes of all atoms with 'name'. """ atoms = [] for atom in self.xyzAtoms: if == name: atoms.append(atom.coordinates) return atoms
[docs] def get_atoms_by_name(self,name): """ **get_atoms_by_name** Return a list of all xyzAtoms of a given name 'name'. """ atoms = [] for atom in self.xyzAtoms: if == name: atoms.append(atom) else: pass if len(atoms) == 0: print('Found no atoms with given name in molecule.') return return atoms
[docs] def getGeometricCenter(self): """ **getGeometricCenter** Return the geometric center of the xyz-molecule. """ for_average = np.zeros((len(self.xyzAtoms),3)) for ii in range(len(self.xyzAtoms)): for_average[ii, :] = self.xyzAtoms[ii].coordinates return np.mean(for_average,axis = 0)
[docs] def getGeometricCenter_arb(self, lattice, lattice_inv): pass
[docs] def translateAtomsMinimumImage(self, lattice, lattice_inv, center=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])): """ **translateAtomsMinimumImage** Brings back all atoms into the original box using periodic boundary conditions and minimal image convention. """ nullatom = xyzAtom('O', center, 0) for atom in self.xyzAtoms: new_vec = getDistVectorPBC_arb(nullatom, atom, lattice, lattice_inv) atom.coordinates = new_vec+center atom.x_coord = atom.coordinates[0]+center[0] atom.y_coord = atom.coordinates[1]+center[1] atom.z_coord = atom.coordinates[2]+center[2]
[docs] def translateSelf(self,vector): """ **translateSelf** Translate all atoms of the molecule by a vector 'vector'. """ for atom in self.xyzAtoms: atom.translateSelf(vector)
[docs] def scatterPlot(self): """ **scatterPlot** Opens a plot window with a scatter-plot of all coordinates of the molecule. """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) x_vals = [coord[0] for coord in self.getCoordinates()] y_vals = [coord[1] for coord in self.getCoordinates()] z_vals = [coord[2] for coord in self.getCoordinates()] ax.scatter(x_vals, y_vals, z_vals) show()
[docs] def appendAtom(self,Atom): """ **appendAtom** Add an xzyAtom to the molecule. """ if isinstance(Atom,xyzAtom): self.xyzAtoms.append(Atom) elif isinstance(Atom,list): self.xyzAtoms.extend(Atom)
[docs] def popAtom(self,xyzAtom): """ **popAtom** Delete an xyzAtom from the molecule. """ self.xyzAtoms.remove(xyzAtom)
[docs] def writeXYZfile(self,fname): """ **writeXYZfile** Creates an xyz-style text file with all coordinates of the molecule. """ if not self.title: self.title = 'None' writeXYZfile(fname, len(self.xyzAtoms), self.title, self.xyzAtoms)
[docs]class xyzBox: """ **xyzBox** Class to hold information about and manipulate a xyz-periodic cubic box. Args.: * xyzAtoms (list): List of instances of the xyzAtoms class that make up the molecule. * boxLength (float): Box length. """ def __init__( self, xyzAtoms, boxLength=None, title=None ): self.xyzMolecules = [] self.xyzAtoms = xyzAtoms self.n_atoms = len(self.xyzAtoms) self.title = title self.boxLength = boxLength self.lattice = None self.lattice_inv = None self.relAtoms = None self.av_spectrum = np.array([])
[docs] def setBoxLength( self, boxLength, angstrom=True ): """ **setBoxLength** Set the box length. """ if angstrom: self.boxLength = boxLength else: self.boxLength = boxLength*constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10
[docs] def writeBox(self, filename): """ **writeBox** Creates an xyz-style text file with all coordinates of the box. """ writeXYZfile(filename, self.n_atoms, self.title, self.xyzAtoms)
[docs] def writeRelBox(self,filename,inclAtomNames=True): """ **writeRelBox** Writes all relative atom coordinates into a text file (useful as OCEAN input). """ if not self.boxLength: print('Cannot write rel. coordinates without boxLength. Need to set it first.') return else: writeRelXYZfile(filename, self.n_atoms, self.boxLength, self.title, self.xyzAtoms, inclAtomNames)
[docs] def multiplyBoxPBC(self,numShells): """ **multiplyBoxPBC** Applies the periodic boundary conditions and multiplies the box in shells around the original. """ if not self.boxLength: print('Cannot multiply without boxLength. Need to set it first.') return all_atoms = getPeriodicTestBox(self.xyzAtoms,self.boxLength,numbershells=numShells) self.xyzMolecules = [] self.xyzAtoms = all_atoms self.n_atoms = self.n_atoms*(numShells*2.+1.)**3. self.boxLength = self.boxLength*(numShells*2.0+1.0)
[docs] def multiplyBoxPBC_arb( self, lx=[-1,1], ly=[-1,1], lz=[-1,1] ): """ **multiplyBoxPBC_arb** Applies the periodic boundary conditions and multiplies the box in shells around the original. Works with arbitrary lattices. """ if not np.any(self.lattice) and not np.any(self.lattice_inv): print('Cannot multiply without lattice. Need to set it first.') return all_atoms = getPeriodicTestBox_arb( self.xyzAtoms, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv, lx, ly, lz ) self.xyzMolecules = [] self.xyzAtoms = all_atoms self.n_atoms = self.n_atoms*((lx[1]-lx[0])+1.)*((lx[1]-lx[0])+1.)*((lx[1]-lx[0])+1.) try: self.lattice[:,0] = self.lattice[:,0]*((lx[1]-lx[0])+1.) self.lattice[:,1] = self.lattice[:,1]*((ly[1]-ly[0])+1.) self.lattice[:,2] = self.lattice[:,2]*((lz[1]-lz[0])+1.) self.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.lattice) except: pass
[docs] def translateAtomsMinimumImage(self, lattice, lattice_inv): """ **translateAtomsMinimumImage** Brings back all atoms into the original box using periodic boundary conditions and minimal image convention. """ nullatom = xyzAtom('O', np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 0) for atom in self.xyzAtoms: new_vec = getDistVectorPBC_arb(nullatom, atom, lattice, lattice_inv) atom.coordinates = new_vec atom.x_coord = atom.coordinates[0] atom.y_coord = atom.coordinates[1] atom.z_coord = atom.coordinates[2]
[docs] def deleteTip4pCOM(self): """ **deleteTip4pCOM** Deletes the ficticious atoms used in the TIP4P water model. """ for atom in self.xyzAtoms: if == 'M': self.xyzAtoms.remove(atom) self.n_atoms -= 1
[docs] def writeClusters(self,cenatom_name, number,cutoff,prefix,postfix='.xyz'): """ **writeXYZclusters** Write water clusters into files. """ # find central atom cen_atom = self.get_atoms_by_name(cenatom_name)[number] coor1 = cen_atom.getCoordinates() # cut clusters and write files atoms = [] atoms.append(cen_atom) for atom2 in self.xyzAtoms: coor2 = atom2.getCoordinates() if np.linalg.norm( coor1 - coor2) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm( coor1 - coor2) <= cutoff: atoms.append(atom2) fname = prefix + '_%03d' % number + postfix box = xyzBox(atoms) box.writeBox(fname)
[docs] def writeClusters_arb(self,cenatom_name, number,cutoff,prefix, postfix='.xyz', test_box_multiplyer=1 ): """ **writeXYZclusters** Write water clusters into files. """ test_atoms = deepcopy( self.xyzAtoms ) test_box = xyzBox(test_atoms) test_box.lattice = deepcopy(self.lattice) test_box.lattice_inv = deepcopy(self.lattice_inv) test_box.multiplyBoxPBC_arb( test_box_multiplyer ) # find central atom cen_atom = self.get_atoms_by_name(cenatom_name)[number] # cut clusters and write files atoms = [] atoms.append( cen_atom ) for atom2 in test_box.xyzAtoms: dist = np.linalg.norm(cen_atom.coordinates-atom2.coordinates) if dist > 0.0 and dist <= cutoff: # print(dist) atoms.append(atom2) box2 = xyzBox(atoms) fname = prefix + '_%03d' % number + postfix box2.writeBox(fname)
[docs] def writeH2Oclusters(self,cutoff,prefix,postfix='.xyz',o_name='O',h_name='H'): """ **writeXYZclusters** Write water clusters into files. """ if not self.boxLength: print('Cannot multiply without boxLength. Need to set it first.') return # find H2O molecules self.get_h2o_molecules(o_name,h_name) # get a test box pbcMols = getPeriodicTestBox_molecules(self.xyzMolecules,self.boxLength,numbershells=1) # cut clusters and write files for ii, mol in enumerate(self.xyzMolecules): o_atom = mol.get_atoms_by_name(o_name)[0] #for o_atom, ii in zip(o_atoms,range(len(o_atoms))): cluster = [] for molecule in pbcMols: coor = molecule.getCoordinates_name(o_name) if np.linalg.norm( o_atom.coordinates - coor) <= cutoff: cluster.extend(molecule.xyzAtoms) fname = prefix + '_%03d' % ii + postfix box = xyzBox(cluster) box.writeBox(fname)
[docs] def writeMoleculeCluster(self,molAtomList,fname,cutoff=None,numH2Omols=None,o_name='O',h_name='H',mol_center=None): """ **writeMoleculeCluster** Careful, this works only for a single molecule in water. """ if not self.boxLength: print('Cannot multiply without boxLength. Need to set it first.') return # find H2O molecules self.get_h2o_molecules(o_name,h_name) # get a test box pbcMols = getPeriodicTestBox_molecules(self.xyzMolecules,self.boxLength,numbershells=1) # find the solute molecule cluster = findMolecule(self.xyzAtoms,molAtomList) # find center of mass of molecule if not mol_center: cenom = cluster.getGeometricCenter() else: cenom = cluster.getCoordinates_name(mol_center) if cutoff: # use cutoff criterium waters = findAllWaters(cenom,pbcMols,o_name,cutoff) cluster.appendAtom(waters) elif numH2Omols: # use number of waters to include dists = getDistsFromMolecule(cenom,pbcMols,o_name=o_name) inds = np.argsort(dists) for ii in range(numH2Omols): cluster.appendAtom(pbcMols[inds[ii]].xyzAtoms) else: print('Something is fishy!') return cluster.writeXYZfile(fname)
[docs] def writeFDMNESinput(self,fname,Filout,Range,Radius,Edge,NRIXS,Absorber): """ **writeFDMNESinput** Creates an input file to be used for q-dependent calculations with FDMNES. """ writeFDMNESinput_file(self.xyzAtoms,fname,Filout,Range,Radius,Edge,NRIXS,Absorber)
[docs] def writeOCEANinput(self,fname,headerfile,exatom,edge,subshell): """ **writeOCEANinput** Creates an OCEAN input file based on the headerfile. """ if not self.boxLength: print('Need box size for this function to work!') return writeOCEANinput(fname,headerfile,self,exatom,edge,subshell)
[docs] def getCoordinates(self): """ **getCoordinates** Return coordinates of all atoms in the cluster. """ return [atom.getCoordinates() for atom in self.xyzAtoms]
[docs] def get_atoms_by_name(self,name): """ **get_atoms_by_name** Return a list of all xyzAtoms of a given name 'name'. """ # find oxygen atoms atoms = [] for atom in self.xyzAtoms: if == name: atoms.append(atom) else: pass if len(atoms) == 0: print('Found no atoms with given name in box.') return return atoms
[docs] def scatterPlot(self): """ **scatterPlot** Opens a plot window with a scatter-plot of all coordinates of the box. """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) x_vals = [coord[0] for coord in self.getCoordinates()] y_vals = [coord[1] for coord in self.getCoordinates()] z_vals = [coord[2] for coord in self.getCoordinates()] cla() ax.scatter(x_vals, y_vals, z_vals) draw()
[docs] def get_OO_neighbors(self,Roocut=3.6): """ **get_OO_neighbors** Returns list of numbers of nearest oxygen neighbors within readius 'Roocut'. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') if not self.boxLength: return count_OO_neighbors(o_atoms,Roocut) else: return count_OO_neighbors(o_atoms,Roocut,boxLength=self.boxLength)
[docs] def get_OO_neighbors_pbc(self,Roocut=3.6): """ **get_OO_neighbors_pbc** Returns a list of numbers of nearest oxygen atoms, uses periodic boundary conditions. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') return count_OO_neighbors_pbc(o_atoms,Roocut,boxLength=self.boxLength)
[docs] def get_h2o_molecules(self,o_name='O',h_name='H'): """ **get_h2o_molecules** Finds all water molecules inside the box and collects them inside the self.xyzMolecules attribute. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name(o_name) h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name(h_name) if self.boxLength: self.xyzMolecules = find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms,boxLength=self.boxLength) else: self.xyzMolecules = find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms,boxLength=None)
[docs] def get_h2o_molecules_arb(self, o_name='O',h_name='H'): o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name(o_name) h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name(h_name) self.xyzMolecules = h2o_mols = find_H2O_molecules_PBC_arb( o_atoms, h_atoms, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv )
[docs] def get_atoms_from_molecules(self): """ **get_atoms_from_molecules** Parses all atoms inside self.xyzMolecules into self.xyzAtoms (useful for turning an xyzMolecule into an xyzBox). """ if not self.xyzAtoms: self.xyzAtoms = [] for molecule in self.xyzMolecules: for atom in molecule.xyzAtoms: self.xyzAtoms.append(atom) self.n_atoms = len(self.xyzAtoms)
[docs] def get_hbonds(self, Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0): """ **get_hbonds** Counts the hydrogen bonds inside the box, returns the number of H-bond donors and H-bond acceptors. """ hb_accept_sum = 0 # total number of H-bonds in box hb_donor_sum = 0 # total number of donor H-bonds in box dbonds = [] abonds = [] o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') if self.boxLength: h2o_mols = find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms,boxLength=self.boxLength) self.xyzMolecules = h2o_mols else: h2o_mols = find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms) test_h2o_mols = h2o_mols for mol1 in h2o_mols: dbonds_1 = 0 abonds_1 = 0 for mol2 in h2o_mols: donor, acceptor = countHbonds_pbc(mol1,mol2,self.boxLength,Roocut=Roocut, Rohcut=Rohcut, Aoooh=Aoooh) dbonds_1 += donor abonds_1 += acceptor hb_donor_sum += donor hb_accept_sum += acceptor dbonds.append(dbonds_1) abonds.append(abonds_1) return dbonds, abonds #hb_donor_sum, hb_accept_sum #hbonds, dbonds, abonds, hbondspermol
[docs] def changeOHBondlength(self,fraction, oName='O', hName='H'): """ **changeOHBondlength** Changes all OH covalent bond lengths inside the box by a fraction. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') # find all H2O molecules if self.boxLength: h2o_mols = find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms,boxLength=self.boxLength) else: h2o_mols = find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms) # change the bond length new_h2o_mols = [] for mol in h2o_mols: new_h2o_mols.append(changeOHBondLength(mol, fraction, boxLength=self.boxLength, oName=oName, hName=hName)) # redefine all molecules and atoms in box self.xyzMolecules = new_h2o_mols self.xyzAtoms = [] for mol in self.xyzMolecules: for atom in mol.xyzAtoms: self.xyzAtoms.append(atom)
[docs] def getTetraParameter(self): """ **getTetraParameter** Returns a list of tetrahedrality paprameters, according to NATURE, VOL 409, 18 JANUARY (2001). UNTESTED!!! """ if not self.boxLength: print('This only works with PBC. Need to set boxLength first.') return else: o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') return getTetraParameter(o_atoms,self.boxLength)
[docs] def get_angle_arb( self, atom1, atom2, atom3, degrees=True): """ **get_angle** Return angle between the three given atoms (as seen from atom2). """ vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom1, atom2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom3, atom2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv) dotp =, vec2/np.linalg.norm(vec2)) if degrees: return np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip( dotp, -1.0, 1.0 ) ) ) else: return np.arccos( np.clip( dotp, -1.0, 1.0 ) )
[docs] def get_angle( self, atom1, atom2, atom3, degrees=True): """ **get_angle** Return angle between the three given atoms (as seen from atom2). """ vec1 = getDistVector(atom1, atom2) vec2 = getDistVector(atom3, atom2) dotp =, vec2/np.linalg.norm(vec2)) if degrees: return np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip( dotp, -1.0, 1.0 ) ) ) else: return np.arccos( np.clip( dotp, -1.0, 1.0 ) )
[docs] def count_neighbors( self, name1, name2, cutoff_low=0.0, cutoff_high=2.0, counter_name='num_OO_shell' ): """ **count_neighbors** Counts number of neighbors (of name2) around atom of name1. Args: * name1 (str): Name of first type of atom. * name2 (str): Name of second type of atom. * cutoff_low (float): Lower cutoff (Angstrom). * cutoff_high (float): Upper cutoff (Angstrom). * counter_name (str): Attribute namer under which the result should be saved. """ for atom in self.xyzAtoms: if == name1: cou = 0 atoms_2 = self.get_atoms_by_name(name2) for atom_2 in atoms_2: dist = getDistancePBC_arb( atom, atom_2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if dist >= cutoff_low and dist <= cutoff_high: cou += 1 setattr(atom, counter_name, cou)
[docs] def count_hbonds( self, Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0, counter_name='num_H_bonds', counter_name2='H_bond_angles'): """ **count_hbonds** Counts the number of hydrogen bonds around all oxygen atoms and sets that number as attribute to the accorting xyzAtom. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') h2o_mols = find_H2O_molecules_PBC_arb( o_atoms, h_atoms, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) for mol1 in h2o_mols: don = 0 acc = 0 angles = [] for mol2 in h2o_mols: d, a, ang = count_HBonds_pbc_arb( mol1, mol2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv, Roocut=Roocut, Rohcut=Rohcut, Aoooh=Aoooh ) don += d acc += a angles.append(ang) the_o_atom = mol1.get_atoms_by_name('O')[0] angles = np.array(angles) setattr(the_o_atom, counter_name, (don, acc)) setattr(the_o_atom, counter_name2, angles)
#for atom in o_atoms: # acceptor = 0 # donor = 0 # # first molecule # mol_1 = [] # mol_1.append(atom) # for h_atom in h_atoms: # if getDistancePBC_arb(atom, h_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) <= 1.2: # mol_1.append(h_atom) # mol1 = xyzMolecule(mol_1) # for o_atom in o_atoms: # # second molecule # mol_2 = [] # mol_2.append(o_atom) # for h_atom in h_atoms: # if getDistancePBC_arb( o_atom, h_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv) <= 1.5: # mol_2.append(h_atom) # mol2 = xyzMolecule(mol_2) # d, a = count_HBonds_pbc_arb( mol1, mol2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv, Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0 ) # acceptor += a # donor += d # setattr(atom, counter_name, (donor, acceptor))
[docs] def count_contact_pairs( self, name_1, name_2, cutoff, counter_name='contact_pair'): atoms_1 = self.get_atoms_by_name(name_1) atoms_2 = self.get_atoms_by_name(name_2) for atom1 in atoms_1: contact_pair = [] contact_pair.append(atom1) for atom2 in atoms_2: dist = getDistancePBC_arb(atom1, atom2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if dist <= cutoff: contact_pair.append(atom2) if len(contact_pair) == 2: setattr(atom1, counter_name, 1) else: setattr(atom1, counter_name, 0)
[docs] def normalize_spectrum(self, normrange): inds = np.where(np.logical_and(self.av_spectrum[:,0]>=normrange[0], self.av_spectrum[:,0]<=normrange[1]))[0] norm = np.trapz(self.av_spectrum[inds,1], self.av_spectrum[inds,0]) self.av_spectrum[:,1] /= norm
[docs] def normalize_arb_spectrum(self, normrange, attribute): spectrum = getattr(self, attribute) inds = np.where(np.logical_and(spectrum[:,0]>=normrange[0], spectrum[:,0]<=normrange[1]))[0] norm = np.trapz(spectrum[inds,1], spectrum[inds,0]) spectrum[:,1] /= norm setattr(self, attribute, spectrum)
[docs] def find_hydroniums( self, OH_cutoff=1.5 ): """ **find_hydroniums** Returns a list of hydronium molecules. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') hydroniums = [] for o_atom in o_atoms: molecule = [] molecule.append( o_atom ) for h_atom in h_atoms: if np.any(self.lattice) and np.any(self.lattice_inv): oh_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( o_atom, h_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) elif np.any(self.boxLength): oh_dist = getDistancePbc( o_atom, h_atom, self.boxLength ) else: oh_dist = np.linalg.norm( o_atom.coordinates - h_atom.coordinates ) if oh_dist <= OH_cutoff: molecule.append( h_atom ) if len(molecule) == 4: hydroniums.append( xyzMolecule(molecule) ) return hydroniums
[docs] def find_tmao_molecules_arb(self, CH_cut=1.2, CN_cut=1.6, NO_cut=1.5, CC_cut=2.5 ): """ **find_tmao_molecules** Returns a list of TMAO molecules. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') c_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('C') n_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('N') tmao_mols = [] # for n_atom in n_atoms: molecule = [] molecule.append( n_atom ) # find all C atoms for c_atom in c_atoms: cn_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( n_atom, c_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if cn_dist <= CN_cut: molecule.append(c_atom) # find the O atom for o_atom in o_atoms: on_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( n_atom, o_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if on_dist <= NO_cut: molecule.append(o_atom) # find the H atoms for c_atom in c_atoms: for h_atom in h_atoms: ch_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( c_atom, h_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if ch_dist <= CN_cut: molecule.append(h_atom) # check if molecule is complete if len(molecule) == 14: tmao_mols.append(xyzMolecule(molecule)) # return tmao_mols
[docs] def find_urea_molecules_arb(self, NH_cut=1.2, CN_cut=1.6, CO_cut=1.5 ): """ **find_urea_molecules** Returns a list of Urea molecules. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') c_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('C') n_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('N') urea_mols = [] # for c_atom in c_atoms: molecule = [] molecule.append( c_atom ) # find the O atom for o_atom in o_atoms: oc_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( c_atom, o_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if oc_dist <= CO_cut: molecule.append(o_atom) # find the N atoms mol_n_atoms = [] for n_atom in n_atoms: nc_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( c_atom, n_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if nc_dist <= CN_cut: molecule.append(n_atom) mol_n_atoms.append(n_atom) # find the H atoms for n_atom in mol_n_atoms: for h_atom in h_atoms: nh_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( n_atom, h_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) if nh_dist <= NH_cut: molecule.append(h_atom) # check if molecule is complete if len(molecule) == 8: urea_mols.append(xyzMolecule(molecule)) # return urea_mols
[docs] def find_hydroxides( self, OH_cutoff=1.5 ): """ **find_hydroxides** Returns a list of hydroxide molecules. """ o_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('O') h_atoms = self.get_atoms_by_name('H') hydroxides = [] for o_atom in o_atoms: molecule = [] molecule.append( o_atom ) for h_atom in h_atoms: if np.any(self.lattice) and np.any(self.lattice_inv): oh_dist = getDistancePBC_arb( o_atom, h_atom, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv ) elif np.any(self.boxLength): oh_dist = getDistancePbc( o_atom, h_atom, self.boxLength ) else: oh_dist = np.linalg.norm( o_atom.coordinates - h_atom.coordinates ) if oh_dist <= OH_cutoff: molecule.append( h_atom ) if len(molecule) == 2: hydroxides.append( xyzMolecule(molecule) ) return hydroxides
[docs] def getDistancePBC_arb(self, atom1, atom2): """ **getDistancePBC_arb** Calculates the distance of two atoms from an arbitrary simulation box using the minimum image convention. Args: atom1 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. atom2 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. Returns: The distance between the two atoms. """ return np.linalg.norm( getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom1, atom2, self.lattice, self.lattice_inv) )
[docs] def getDistVectorPBC_arb(self, atom1, atom2): """ **getDistVectorPBC_arb** Calculates the distance vector between two atoms from an arbitrary simulation box using the minimum image convention. Args: atom1 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. atom2 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. Returns: The distance vector between the two atoms (np.array). """ dist_vec = np.array(atom2.coordinates) - np.array(atom1.coordinates) dist_vec -=, np.round(,dist_vec))) return dist_vec
[docs] def findMethAndHexMolecules(self, CO_cut=1.6, CH_cut=1.2, OH_cut=1.2, CC_cut=1.7 ): """ **CH3OH** """ meth_molecules, c_atoms = findMethanolMolecules( self, CO_cut, CH_cut, OH_cut ) hex_molecules = findHexaneMolecules( self, c_atoms, CC_cut=1.7, CH_cut=1.2 ) print( 'len molecules: ', len(hex_molecules) ) print( 'len one mol: ', len(hex_molecules[0].xyzAtoms)) return meth_molecules, hex_molecules
[docs] def findMethanolMolecules(self, CO_cut=1.6, CH_cut=1.2, OH_cut=1.2): """ **CH3OH** """ meth_molecules, c_atoms = findMethanolMolecules( self, CO_cut, CH_cut, OH_cut ) return meth_molecules
[docs]class xyzTrajectory: def __init__(self,xyzBoxes): self.xyzBoxes = xyzBoxes try: self.boxLength = xyzBoxes[0].boxLength except: self.boxLength = None
[docs] def writeRandBox(self,filename): ind = np.random.randint(len(self.xyzBoxes)) self.xyzBoxes[ind].writeBox(filename)
[docs] def loadAXSFtraj(self,filename): self.xyzBoxes = axsfTrajParser(filename) try: self.boxLength = self.xyzBoxes[0].boxLength except: pass
[docs] def writeXYZtraj(self,filename): writeXYZtrajectory(filename,self.xyzBoxes)
[docs] def getRDF(self,atom1='O',atom2='O',MAXBIN=1000,DELR=0.01,RHO=1.0): HIST = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) GR = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) for box in self.xyzBoxes: atoms = box.get_atoms_by_name(atom1) + box.get_atoms_by_name(atom2) HIST += calculateRIJhist(atoms,self.boxLength,DELR=DELR,MAXBIN=MAXBIN) CONST = 4.0*np.pi*RHO/3.0 for BIN in range(2,MAXBIN): RLOWER = (BIN-1)*DELR RUPPER = RLOWER + DELR NIDEAL = CONST * ( RUPPER**3 - RLOWER**3 ) GR[BIN] = float(HIST[BIN]) / float(len(self.xyzBoxes)) / float(len(atoms)) / float(NIDEAL) return np.arange(0.0, (MAXBIN+1)*DELR, DELR),GR
[docs] def getRDF_arb(self,atom1='O',atom2='O',MAXBIN=1000,DELR=0.01,RHO=1.0): HIST = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) GR = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) for box in self.xyzBoxes: atoms1 = box.get_atoms_by_name(atom1) atoms2 = box.get_atoms_by_name(atom2) HIST += calculateRIJhist_arb(atoms1, atoms2, box.lattice, box.lattice_inv,DELR=DELR,MAXBIN=MAXBIN) CONST = 4.0*np.pi*RHO/3.0 for BIN in range(2,MAXBIN): RLOWER = (BIN-1)*DELR RUPPER = RLOWER + DELR NIDEAL = CONST * ( RUPPER**3 - RLOWER**3 ) GR[BIN] = float(HIST[BIN]) / float(len(self.xyzBoxes)) / float(len(atoms1)+len(atoms2)) / float(NIDEAL) return np.arange(0.0, (MAXBIN+1)*DELR, DELR),GR
[docs] def getRDF2_arb( self, atom1='O', atom2='O', MAXBIN=1000, DELR=0.01, RHO=1.0 ): HIST = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) GR = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) for box in self.xyzBoxes: atoms1 = box.get_atoms_by_name(atom1) atoms2 = box.get_atoms_by_name(atom2) HIST += calculateRIJhist2_arb(atoms1, atoms2, box.lattice, box.lattice_inv, DELR=DELR, MAXBIN=MAXBIN ) V = box.lattice[:,0].dot( np.cross(box.lattice[:,1],box.lattice[:,2])) rhoB = len(atoms2)/V Nconf = float(len(self.xyzBoxes)) Na = len(atoms1) for BIN in range(2,MAXBIN): HistAB = HIST[BIN] Ri2 = (BIN*DELR)**2 GR[BIN] = HistAB/ (4.0*np.pi) / rhoB / Ri2 / DELR / Nconf / Na return np.arange(0.0, (MAXBIN+1)*DELR, DELR),GR
[docs]def calculateRIJhist(atoms,boxLength,DELR=0.01,MAXBIN=1000): HIST = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) for ii in range(len(atoms)-1): for jj in range(ii+1,len(atoms)): RIJ = getDistancePbc(atoms[ii],atoms[jj],boxLength) BIN = int(RIJ/DELR) + 1 if BIN <= MAXBIN: HIST[BIN] = HIST[BIN] + 2 return HIST
[docs]def calculateRIJhist_arb(atoms1, atoms2, lattice, lattice_inv,DELR=0.01,MAXBIN=1000): HIST = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) for ii in range(len(atoms1)): for jj in range(len(atoms2)): RIJ = getDistancePBC_arb( atoms1[ii], atoms2[jj], lattice, lattice_inv ) BIN = int(RIJ/DELR) + 1 if BIN <= MAXBIN: HIST[BIN] = HIST[BIN] + 2 return HIST
[docs]def calculateRIJhist2_arb( atoms1, atoms2, lattice, lattice_inv, DELR=0.01, MAXBIN=1000 ): HIST = np.zeros(MAXBIN+1) for ii in range(len(atoms1)): for jj in range(len(atoms2)): RIJ = getDistancePBC_arb( atoms1[ii], atoms2[jj], lattice, lattice_inv ) BIN = int(RIJ/DELR) + 1 if BIN <= MAXBIN: HIST[BIN] = HIST[BIN] + 1 return HIST
[docs]def getDistsFromMolecule(point,listOfMolecules,o_name=None): dists = [] if not o_name: for mol in listOfMolecules: dists.append(np.linalg.norm(point - mol.getGeometricCenter())) return dists else: for mol in listOfMolecules: coor = mol.getCoordinates_name(o_name)[0] dists.append(np.linalg.norm(point - coor)) return dists
[docs]def findMethanolMolecules( box, CO_cut=1.6, CH_cut=1.2, OH_cut=1.2): o_atoms = box.get_atoms_by_name('O') c_atoms = box.get_atoms_by_name('C') h_atoms = box.get_atoms_by_name('H') meth_molecules = [] for o_atom in o_atoms: one_mol = [] one_mol.append( o_atom ) for c_atom in c_atoms: dist = box.getDistancePBC_arb( o_atom, c_atom ) if dist < CO_cut: mol_c = c_atom one_mol.append( c_atom ) c_atoms.remove( c_atom ) for h_atom in h_atoms: OHdist = box.getDistancePBC_arb( o_atom, h_atom ) if OHdist < OH_cut: one_mol.append( h_atom ) CHdist = box.getDistancePBC_arb( mol_c, h_atom ) if CHdist < CH_cut: one_mol.append( h_atom ) meth_molecules.append(xyzMolecule( one_mol )) return meth_molecules, c_atoms
[docs]def findHexaneMolecules( box, c_atoms, CC_cut=1.7, CH_cut=1.2 ): h_atoms = box.get_atoms_by_name('H') hex_molecules = [] print ('c atoms ',len(c_atoms), len(c_atoms)/6.) all_carbons = [] for ii in range(int(len(c_atoms)/6)): molecule = [] test_atom = c_atoms[ii*6] molecule.append(test_atom) for c_atom in c_atoms: CCdist = box.getDistancePBC_arb( test_atom, c_atom ) if CCdist < CC_cut and CCdist > 0.0: molecule.append(c_atom) all_carbons.append(test_atom) if len(molecule)==2: test_atom1 = deepcopy(molecule[-1]) for c_atom in c_atoms: if not c_atom in all_carbons: CCdist = box.getDistancePBC_arb( test_atom1, c_atom ) if CCdist < CC_cut and CCdist > 0.0: molecule.append(c_atom) test_atom1 = deepcopy(c_atom) all_carbons.append(test_atom1) if len(molecule)==3: test_atom1 = deepcopy(molecule[-1]) test_atom2 = deepcopy(molecule[-2]) for c_atom in c_atoms: if not c_atom in all_carbons: CCdist1 = box.getDistancePBC_arb( test_atom1, c_atom ) CCdist2 = box.getDistancePBC_arb( test_atom2, c_atom ) if CCdist1 < CC_cut and CCdist1 > 0.0: molecule.append(c_atom) test_atom1 = deepcopy(c_atom) all_carbons.append(test_atom1) if CCdist2 < CC_cut and CCdist2 > 0.0: molecule.append(c_atom) test_atom2 = deepcopy(c_atom) all_carbons.append(test_atom2) hex_molecules.append(xyzMolecule(molecule)) for molecule in hex_molecules: c_atoms = molecule.get_atoms_by_name('C') for c_atom in c_atoms: for h_atom in h_atoms: CHdist = box.getDistancePBC_arb( c_atom, h_atom ) if CHdist < CH_cut and CHdist > 0.0: molecule.xyzAtoms.append(h_atom) return hex_molecules
[docs]def findAllWaters(point,waterMols,o_name,cutoff): atoms = [] for mol in waterMols: coor = mol.getCoordinates_name(o_name) if np.linalg.norm( point - coor) <= cutoff: atoms.extend(mol.xyzAtoms) return atoms
[docs]def findMolecule(xyzAtoms,molAtomList): molecule = [] for atom in xyzAtoms: if in molAtomList: molecule.append(atom) return xyzMolecule(molecule)
[docs]def calculateCOMlist(atomList): """ **calculateCOMlist** Calculates center of mass for a list of atoms. """ r = np.array([0.,0.,0.]) cou = 0 for atom in atomList: r += atom.coordinates cou += 1 return r/cou
[docs]def getPeriodicTestBox_molecules(Molecules,boxLength,numbershells=1): vectors = [] for l in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): for m in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): for n in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): vectors.append(np.array([l, m, n])) pbc_molecules = [] for vector in vectors: for molecule in Molecules: cpAtoms = [] for atom in molecule.xyzAtoms: cpAtom = deepcopy(atom) cpAtom.translateSelf(vector*boxLength) cpAtoms.append(cpAtom) pbc_molecules.append(xyzMolecule(cpAtoms)) return pbc_molecules
[docs]def getPeriodicTestBox(xyzAtoms,boxLength,numbershells=1): vectors = [] for l in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): for m in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): for n in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): vectors.append(np.array([l, m, n])) pbc_atoms = [] for vector in vectors: for atom in xyzAtoms: cpAtom = deepcopy(atom) cpAtom.translateSelf(vector*boxLength) pbc_atoms.append(cpAtom) return pbc_atoms
[docs]def getPeriodicTestBox_arb( xyzAtoms, lattice, lattice_inv, lx=[-1,1], ly=[-1,1], lz=[-1,1] ): vectors = [] for l in range(lx[0], lx[1]+1): for m in range( ly[0], ly[1]+1): for n in range( lz[0], lz[1]+1): vectors.append(np.array([l, m, n])) pbc_atoms = [] for vector in vectors: for atom in xyzAtoms: cpAtom = deepcopy(atom) cpAtom.translateSelf_arb(lattice, lattice_inv, vector) pbc_atoms.append(cpAtom) return pbc_atoms
[docs]def getTranslVec(atom1,atom2,boxLength): """ **getTranslVec** Returns the translation vector that brings atom2 closer to atom1 in case atom2 is further than boxLength away. """ xcoord1 = atom1.coordinates[0] xcoord2 = atom2.coordinates[0] ycoord1 = atom1.coordinates[1] ycoord2 = atom2.coordinates[1] zcoord1 = atom1.coordinates[2] zcoord2 = atom2.coordinates[2] translVec = np.zeros(atom2.coordinates.shape) if xcoord1-xcoord2 > boxLength/2.0: translVec[0] = -boxLength/2.0 if ycoord1-ycoord2 > boxLength/2.0: translVec[1] = -boxLength/2.0 if zcoord1-zcoord2 > boxLength/2.0: translVec[2] = -boxLength/2.0 return translVec
[docs]def getTranslVec_geocen(mol1COM,mol2COM,boxLength): """ **getTranslVec_geocen** """ translVec = np.zeros((len(mol1COM),)) if mol1COM[0]-mol2COM[0] > boxLength/2.0: translVec[0] = -boxLength/2.0 if mol1COM[1]-mol2COM[0] > boxLength/2.0: translVec[1] = -boxLength/2.0 if mol1COM[2]-mol2COM[0] > boxLength/2.0: translVec[2] = -boxLength/2.0 return translVec
[docs]def getDistancePbc(atom1,atom2,boxLength): xdist = atom1.coordinates[0] - atom2.coordinates[0] xdist -= boxLength*round(xdist/boxLength) ydist = atom1.coordinates[1] - atom2.coordinates[1] ydist -= boxLength*round(ydist/boxLength) zdist = atom1.coordinates[2] - atom2.coordinates[2] zdist -= boxLength*round(zdist/boxLength) return np.sqrt(xdist**2.0 + ydist**2.0 + zdist**2.0)
[docs]def getDistancePBC_arb(atom1, atom2, lattice, lattice_inv): """ **getDistancePBC_arb** Calculates the distance of two atoms from an arbitrary simulation box using the minimum image convention. Args: atom1 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. atom2 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. lattice (np.array): Array with lattice vectors as columns. lattice_inv (np.array): Inverse of lattice. Returns: The distance between the two atoms. """ return np.linalg.norm(getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom1, atom2, lattice, lattice_inv))
[docs]def getDistVectorPBC_arb(atom1, atom2, lattice, lattice_inv): """ **getDistVectorPBC_arb** Calculates the distance vector between two atoms from an arbitrary simulation box using the minimum image convention. Args: atom1 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. atom2 (obj): Instance of the xzyAtom class. lattice (np.array): Array with lattice vectors as columns. lattice_inv (np.array): Inverse of lattice. Returns: The distance vector between the two atoms (np.array). """ #frac_coords1 = lattice_inv, atom1.coordinates ) #frac_coords2 = lattice_inv, atom2.coordinates ) #red_frac1 = np.array(frac_coords1) - np.floor(frac_coords1) #red_frac2 = np.array(frac_coords2) - np.floor(frac_coords2) #red_dist = np.array(red_frac2) - np.array(red_frac1) #return, red_dist) dist_vec = np.array(atom2.coordinates) - np.array(atom1.coordinates) dist_vec -=, np.round(,dist_vec))) return dist_vec
[docs]def getDistance(atom1, atom2): return np.linalg.norm(atom2.getCoordinates()-atom2.getCoordinates())
[docs]def getDistVectorPbc(atom1,atom2,boxLength): xdist = atom1.coordinates[0] - atom2.coordinates[0] xdist -= boxLength*round(xdist/boxLength) ydist = atom1.coordinates[1] - atom2.coordinates[1] ydist -= boxLength*round(ydist/boxLength) zdist = atom1.coordinates[2] - atom2.coordinates[2] zdist -= boxLength*round(zdist/boxLength) return np.array([xdist, ydist, zdist])
[docs]def getDistVector(atom1,atom2): xdist = atom1.coordinates[0] - atom2.coordinates[0] ydist = atom1.coordinates[1] - atom2.coordinates[1] zdist = atom1.coordinates[2] - atom2.coordinates[2] return np.array([xdist, ydist, zdist])
[docs]def count_HBonds_pbc_arb( mol1, mol2, lattice, lattice_inv, Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0 ): hbond_angle = 0 hb_donor = 0 hb_accept = 0 # get atoms mol1_o = mol1.get_atoms_by_name('O') mol1_h = mol1.get_atoms_by_name('H') mol2_o = mol2.get_atoms_by_name('O') mol2_h = mol2.get_atoms_by_name('H') # O-O dist: OO_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_o[0],mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) if OO_dist <= Roocut and OO_dist > 0.0: # donor bond through first hydrogen atom of mol1 OH_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_h[0],mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) if OH_dist <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol1_h[0], mol1_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol2_o[0], mol1_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) angle = np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)), -1, 1 ) )) if angle <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1.0 hbond_angle = angle # donor bond through second hydrogen atom of mol1 try: # catch if there is a OH- involved OH_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_h[1],mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) if OH_dist <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol1_h[1], mol1_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol2_o[0], mol1_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) angle = np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)), -1, 1 ) )) if angle <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1.0 hbond_angle = angle except: pass # acceptor bond through first hydrogen atom of mol2 OH_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_o[0],mol2_h[0], lattice, lattice_inv) if OH_dist <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol2_h[0], mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol1_o[0], mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) angle = np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)), -1, 1 ) )) if angle <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1.0 hbond_angle = angle # acceptor bond through second hydrogen atom of mol2 try: # catch if there is a OH- involved OH_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_o[0],mol2_h[1], lattice, lattice_inv) if OH_dist <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol2_h[1], mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol1_o[0], mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) angle = np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)), -1, 1 ) )) if angle <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1.0 hbond_angle = angle except: pass # try/catch if there is a OH3+ involved # acceptor bond through THIRD hydrogen atom of mol1 try: # catch if there is a OH- involved OH_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_o[0],mol2_h[2], lattice, lattice_inv) if OH_dist <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol2_h[2], mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol1_o[0], mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) angle = np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)), -1, 1 ) )) if angle <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1.0 hbond_angle = angle except: pass # donor bond through THIRD hydrogen atom of mol2 try: # catch if there is a OH- involved OH_dist = getDistancePBC_arb(mol1_h[2],mol2_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) if OH_dist <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol1_h[2], mol1_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) vec2 = getDistVectorPBC_arb(mol2_o[0], mol1_o[0], lattice, lattice_inv) angle = np.degrees( np.arccos( np.clip(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)), -1, 1 ) )) if angle <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1.0 hbond_angle = angle except: pass return hb_donor, hb_accept, hbond_angle
[docs]def countHbonds_pbc(mol1,mol2,boxLength,Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0): hb_donor = 0.0 hb_accept = 0.0 # get atoms mol1_o = mol1.get_atoms_by_name('O') mol1_h = mol1.get_atoms_by_name('H') mol2_o = mol2.get_atoms_by_name('O') mol2_h = mol2.get_atoms_by_name('H') if getDistancePbc(mol1_o[0],mol2_o[0],boxLength) <= Roocut and getDistancePbc(mol1_o[0],mol2_o[0],boxLength) > 0.0: # donor bond through first hydrogen atom of mol1 if getDistancePbc(mol1_h[0],mol2_o[0],boxLength) <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPbc(mol1_h[0],mol1_o[0],boxLength) vec2 = getDistVectorPbc(mol2_o[0],mol1_o[0],boxLength) if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)))) <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1.0 # donor bond through second hydrogen atom of mol1 if getDistancePbc(mol1_h[1],mol2_o[0],boxLength) <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPbc(mol1_h[1],mol1_o[0],boxLength) vec2 = getDistVectorPbc(mol2_o[0],mol1_o[0],boxLength) if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)))) <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1.0 # acceptor bond through first hydrogen atom of mol2 if getDistancePbc(mol1_o[0],mol2_h[0],boxLength) <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPbc(mol2_h[0],mol2_o[0],boxLength) vec2 = getDistVectorPbc(mol1_o[0],mol2_o[0],boxLength) if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)))) <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1.0 # acceptor bond through second hydrogen atom of mol2 if getDistancePbc(mol1_o[0],mol2_h[1],boxLength) <= Rohcut: vec1 = getDistVectorPbc(mol2_h[1],mol2_o[0],boxLength) vec2 = getDistVectorPbc(mol1_o[0],mol2_o[0],boxLength) if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec1)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)))) <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1.0 return hb_donor, hb_accept
[docs]def countHbonds(mol1,mol2, Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0): hb_donor = 0 hb_accept = 0 # get the coordinates Aoooh = np.radians(Aoooh) mol1_o = mol1.getCoordinates_name('O') mol1_h = mol1.getCoordinates_name('H') mol2_o = mol2.getCoordinates_name('O') mol2_h = mol2.getCoordinates_name('H') # check O-O distance if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0] - mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0] - mol1_o[0]) <= Roocut: # check Roocut is met # check for donor H-bonds if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0] - mol1_h[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0] - mol1_h[0]) <= Rohcut: # check Rohcut, first H vec1 = mol1_h[0]-mol1_o[0] vec2 = mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0] if np.arccos((,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2)))) <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1 if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0] - mol1_h[1]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0] - mol1_h[1]) <= Rohcut: # check Rohcut, second H vec1 = mol1_h[1]-mol1_o[0] vec2 = mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0] if np.arccos((,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2)))) <= Aoooh: hb_donor += 1 # check for acceptor H-bonds if np.linalg.norm(mol2_h[0] - mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_h[0] - mol1_o[0]) <= Rohcut: # check Rohcut, first H vec1 = mol1_o[0]-mol2_o[0] vec2 = mol2_h[0]-mol2_o[0] if np.arccos((,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2)))) <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1 if np.linalg.norm(mol2_h[1] - mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_h[1] - mol1_o[0]) <= Rohcut: # check Rohcut, socond H vec1 = mol1_o[0]-mol2_o[0] vec2 = mol2_h[1]-mol2_o[0] if np.arccos((,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2)))) <= Aoooh: hb_accept += 1 return hb_donor, hb_accept
[docs]def countHbonds_orig(mol1,mol2, Roocut=3.6, Rohcut=2.4, Aoooh=30.0): mol1_o = mol1.getCoordinates_name('O') mol1_h = mol1.getCoordinates_name('H') mol2_o = mol2.getCoordinates_name('O') mol2_h = mol2.getCoordinates_name('H') hbnoD1 = 0 if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) <= Roocut: if np.linalg.norm(mol2_h[0] - mol1_o[0]) <= Rohcut: vec1 = mol2_h[0]-mol2_o[0] vec2 = mol1_o[0]-mol2_o[0] if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)))) <= Aoooh: hbnoD1 += 1 hbnoD2 = 0 if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) <= Roocut: if np.linalg.norm(mol2_h[1]-mol1_o[0]) <= Rohcut: vec1 = mol2_h[1]-mol2_o[0] vec2 = mol1_o[0]-mol2_o[0] if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec2)*np.linalg.norm(vec1)))) <= Aoooh: hbnoD2 += 1 hbnoA1 = 0 if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) <= Roocut: if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_h[0]) <= Rohcut: vec1 = mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0] vec2 = mol1_h[0]-mol1_o[0] if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2)))) <= Aoooh: hbnoA1 += 1 hbnoA2 = 0 if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) > 0.0 and np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0]) <= Roocut: if np.linalg.norm(mol2_o[0]-mol1_h[1]) <= Rohcut: vec1 = mol2_o[0]-mol1_o[0] vec2 = mol1_h[1]-mol1_o[0] if np.degrees(np.arccos(,vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2)))) <= Aoooh: hbnoA2 += 1 dbonds = hbnoD1 + hbnoD2 abonds = hbnoA1 + hbnoA2 return dbonds, abonds
[docs]def getTetraParameter(o_atoms,boxLength=None): """ according to NATURE, VOL 409, 18 JANUARY 2001 """ tetra_params = [] for atom1 in o_atoms: NN_dists = [] NN_atoms = [] for atom2 in o_atoms: NN_dists.append(np.linalg.norm(atom1.coordinates - atom2.coordinates)) order = np.argsort(NN_dists) for ii in order[1:5]: NN_atoms.append(o_atoms[ii]) tetra_param = 0 for j in range(0,3): for k in range(j+1,4): vec1 = getDistVectorPbc(atom1,NN_atoms[j],boxLength) vec2 = getDistVectorPbc(atom1,NN_atoms[k],boxLength) psi = np.arccos(,vec2)/np.linalg.norm(vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec2)) tetra_param += (np.cos(psi) + 1./3.)**2 tetra_params.append(1-3./8.*tetra_param) return tetra_params
[docs]def repair_h2o_molecules_pbc(h2o_mols,boxLength): new_mols = [] for mol in h2o_mols: o_atom = mol.get_atoms_by_name('O')[0] h_atoms = mol.get_atoms_by_name('H') new_mol = [o_atom] for h_atom in h_atoms: cpAtom = deepcopy(h_atom) xdist = o_atom.coordinates[0] - cpAtom.coordinates[0] ydist = o_atom.coordinates[1] - cpAtom.coordinates[1] zdist = o_atom.coordinates[2] - cpAtom.coordinates[2] cpAtom.translateSelf([boxLength*round(xdist/boxLength),boxLength*round(ydist/boxLength),boxLength*round(zdist/boxLength)]) new_mol.append(cpAtom) new_mols.append(xyzMolecule(new_mol)) return new_mols
[docs]def find_H2O_molecules(o_atoms,h_atoms,boxLength=None): h2o_molecules = [] if not boxLength: warnings.warn('No box length provided, will not take PBC into account!') for o_atom in o_atoms: ho_dists = [] for h_atom in h_atoms: ho_dists.append(np.linalg.norm(o_atom.coordinates - h_atom.coordinates)) order = np.argsort(ho_dists) if np.linalg.norm(o_atom.coordinates - h_atoms[order[0]].getCoordinates()) <= 1.5 and np.linalg.norm(o_atom.coordinates - h_atoms[order[1]].getCoordinates()) <= 1.5: h2o_molecules.append(xyzMolecule([o_atom,h_atoms[order[0]],h_atoms[order[1]]])) return h2o_molecules else: for o_atom in o_atoms: ho_dists = [] for h_atom in h_atoms: ho_dists.append(getDistancePbc(o_atom,h_atom,boxLength)) order = np.argsort(ho_dists) h2o_molecules.append(xyzMolecule([o_atom,h_atoms[order[0]],h_atoms[order[1]]])) return h2o_molecules
[docs]def find_H2O_molecules_PBC_arb( o_atoms, h_atoms, lattice, lattice_inv, OH_cutoff=1.5 ): h2o_molecules = [] for o_atom in o_atoms: ho_dists = [] for h_atom in h_atoms: ho_dists.append(getDistancePBC_arb(o_atom, h_atom, lattice, lattice_inv)) inds = np.where(np.array(ho_dists) <= OH_cutoff)[0] molecule = [] molecule.append(o_atom) for ind in inds: molecule.append(h_atoms[ind]) h2o_molecules.append(xyzMolecule(molecule)) return h2o_molecules
[docs]def writeXYZfile(filename,numberOfAtoms, title, list_of_xyzAtoms): # create file xyz = open(filename,'w+') # write number of atoms xyz.write(str(numberOfAtoms) + ' \n') # write title if not title: title = 'None' xyz.write(title + ' \n') # write coordinates for atom in list_of_xyzAtoms: xyz.write('%4s %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f \n' % (, atom.x_coord, atom.y_coord, atom.z_coord)) xyz.close()
[docs]def writeXYZtrajectory(filename,boxes): # create file xyz = open(filename,'w+') cou = 0 for box in boxes: xyz.write(str(len(box.xyzAtoms)) + ' \n') xyz.write('Step: ' + str(cou) + ' , boxLength = ' + str(box.boxLength) + ' \n') for atom in box.xyzAtoms: xyz.write('%6.4s %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f \n' % (, atom.x_coord, atom.y_coord, atom.z_coord)) cou += 1 xyz.close()
[docs]def writeRelXYZfile(filename, n_atoms, boxLength, title, xyzAtoms, inclAtomNames=True): # create file xyz = open(filename,'w+') # write number of atoms xyz.write(str(n_atoms) + ' \n') # write title if not title: title = 'None' xyz.write(title + ' \n') # write coordinates for atom in xyzAtoms: if inclAtomNames: xyz.write('%4s %8f %8f %8f \n' % (, atom.x_coord/boxLength, atom.y_coord/boxLength, atom.z_coord/boxLength)) else: xyz.write('%8f %8f %8f \n' % (atom.x_coord/boxLength, atom.y_coord/boxLength, atom.z_coord/boxLength)) xyz.close()
[docs]def count_OO_neighbors(list_of_o_atoms,Roocut,boxLength=None): noo = [] if not boxLength: warnings.warn('No box length provided, will not take PBC into account!') for atom1 in list_of_o_atoms: dists = [] for atom2 in list_of_o_atoms: dists.append(np.linalg.norm(atom1.coordinates - atom2.coordinates)) noo.append(len(np.where(np.logical_and(np.sort(np.array(dists))>0.0, np.sort(np.array(dists))<=Roocut))[0])) return noo else: for atom1 in list_of_o_atoms: dists = [] for atom2 in list_of_o_atoms: dists.append(getDistancePbc(atom1,atom2,boxLength)) noo.append(len(np.where(np.logical_and(np.sort(np.array(dists))>0.0, np.sort(np.array(dists))<=Roocut))[0])) return noo
[docs]def count_OO_neighbors_pbc(list_of_o_atoms,Roocut,boxLength,numbershells=1): noo = [] vectors = [] for l in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): for m in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): for n in range(-numbershells,numbershells+1): vectors.append(np.array([l, m, n])) pbc_atoms = [] for vector in vectors: for atom in list_of_o_atoms: cpAtom = deepcopy(atom) cpAtom.translateSelf(vector*boxLength) pbc_atoms.append(cpAtom) for atom1 in list_of_o_atoms: dists = [] for atom2 in pbc_atoms: dists.append(np.linalg.norm(atom1.coordinates - atom2.coordinates)) sdists = np.sort(np.array(dists)) noo.append(len(np.where(np.logical_and(sdists>0.0, sdists<=Roocut))[0])) return noo
[docs]def boxParser(filename): """**parseXYZfile** Reads an xyz-style file. """ atoms = [] coordinates = [] xyz = open(filename) n_atoms = int(xyz.readline()) title = xyz.readline() for line in xyz: if len(line.split())==4: atom,x,y,z = line.split()[0:4] atoms.append(atom) coordinates.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) else: pass xyz.close() xyzAtoms = [] for ii in range(n_atoms): xyzAtoms.append(xyzAtom(atoms[ii],coordinates[ii],ii)) return xyzBox(xyzAtoms)
[docs]def keithBoxParser(cell_fname, coord_fname): """ **keithBoxParser** Reads structure files from Keith's SiO2 simulations. """ # lattice in Angstr. lattice = np.loadtxt(cell_fname)*A2AU_factor absCoords = [] atoms = [] xyz = open(coord_fname) for line in xyz: atom,x,y,z = line.split()[0:4] atoms.append(atom) absCoords.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) xyz.close() xyzAtoms = [] relAtoms = [] for ii in range(len(atoms)): xyzAtoms.append(xyzAtom( atoms[ii], np.array(absCoords[ii])*A2AU_factor, ii)) relAtoms.append(xyzAtom( atoms[ii],[ii]),np.linalg.inv(lattice)) , ii)) box = xyzBox(xyzAtoms) box.lattice = lattice box.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice) box.relAtoms = relAtoms return box
[docs]def axsfTrajParser(filename): """ **axsfTrajParser** """ boxes = [] boxLength = None alat = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] title = None # open the file xyz = open(filename) counter = 0 line = xyz.readline() while line: if 'ANIMSTEPS' in line: numBoxes = int(line.split()[-1]) if 'CRYSTAL' in line: line = xyz.readline() for ii in range(3): latt = xyz.readline().split() alat[ii] = [float(latt[0]), float(latt[1]), float(latt[2])] if 'PRIMCOORD' in line: title = line.strip() line = xyz.readline() n_atoms = int(line.split()[0]) xyzAtoms = [] atoms = [] coordinates = [] # read in coordinates for ii in range(n_atoms): line = xyz.readline() atoms.append(xrs_utilities.element(int(line.split()[0]))) x = float(line.split()[1]) y = float(line.split()[2]) z = float(line.split()[3]) coordinates.append([x,y,z]) xyzAtoms.append(xyzAtom(atoms[ii],coordinates[ii],ii)) boxes.append(xyzBox(xyzAtoms,np.amax(alat),title)) line = xyz.readline() return boxes
[docs]def writeWFN1waterInput(fname,box,headerfile,exatomNo=0): """ **writeWFN1input** Writes an input for cp.x by Quantum espresso for electronic wave function minimization. """ header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('CELL_PARAMETERS cubic \n') A2Bfac = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10 inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (box.boxLength/A2Bfac, 0.0, 0.0)) inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (0.0, box.boxLength/A2Bfac, 0.0)) inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (0.0, 0.0, box.boxLength/A2Bfac)) inputf.write('ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal \n') for atom,ii in zip(box.xyzAtoms,list(range(len(box.xyzAtoms)))): if ii == exatomNo: if == 'O': inputf.write('%4s %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % ('Ox', atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) else: print('Not writing Ox, since chosen atom is not an oxygen atom.') inputf.write('%4s %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (, atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) else: inputf.write('%4s %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (, atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) inputf.close() header.close()
[docs]def writeMD1Input(fname,box,headerfile,exatomNo=0): """ **writeWFN1input** Writes an input for cp.x by Quantum espresso for electronic wave function minimization. """ header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('CELL_PARAMETERS cubic \n') A2Bfac = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10 inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (box.boxLength/A2Bfac, 0.0, 0.0)) inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (0.0, box.boxLength/A2Bfac, 0.0)) inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (0.0, 0.0, box.boxLength/A2Bfac)) inputf.write('ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal \n') for atom,ii in zip(box.xyzAtoms,list(range(len(box.xyzAtoms)))): if ii == exatomNo: if == 'O': inputf.write('%4s %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % ('C', atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) else: print('Not writing Ox, since chosen atom is not an oxygen atom.') inputf.write('%4s %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (, atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) else: inputf.write('%4s %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % (, atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) inputf.close() header.close()
[docs]def writeOCEAN_XESInput(fname,box,headerfile,exatomNo=0): """ **writeOCEAN_XESInput** Writes an input for ONEAN XES calculation for 17 molecule water boxes. """ header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('xred { \n') for atom,ii in zip(box.xyzAtoms,list(range(len(box.xyzAtoms)))): inputf.write('%20.16f %20.16f %20.16f \n' % ( atom.x_coord/box.boxLength, atom.y_coord/box.boxLength, atom.z_coord/box.boxLength)) inputf.write('} \n')
[docs]def groBoxParser(filename,nanoMeter=True): """ **groBoxParser** Parses an gromacs GRO-style file for the xyzBox class. """ atoms = [] coordinates = [] boxLength = None if nanoMeter: scale = 10.0 else: scale = 1.0 xyz = open(filename) title = xyz.readline() n_atoms = int(xyz.readline()) for line in xyz: if len(line.split()) == 9: name = line.split()[1][0] x = float(line.split()[3])*scale y = float(line.split()[4])*scale z = float(line.split()[5])*scale atoms.append(name) coordinates.append([x, y, z]) elif len(line.split()) == 8: name = line.split()[1][0] x = float(line.split()[2])*scale y = float(line.split()[3])*scale z = float(line.split()[4])*scale atoms.append(name) coordinates.append([x, y, z]) elif line[0] == '#': pass elif len(line.split()) == 3: boxLength = float(line.split()[0])*scale else: print('Something is fishy!') xyz.close() AllxyzAtoms = [] for ii in range(n_atoms): AllxyzAtoms.append(xyzAtom(atoms[ii],coordinates[ii],ii)) return xyzBox(AllxyzAtoms,boxLength=boxLength)
[docs]def xyzTrajecParser( filename, boxLength, firstBox=0, lastBox=-1 ): """Parses a Trajectory of xyz-files. Args: filename (str): Filename of the xyz Trajectory file. Returns: A list of xzyBoxes. """ boxes = [] # read the file xyz = open(filename) n_atoms = int(xyz.readline()) title = xyz.readline() # headerlines headerlines = 2 lines_per_box = n_atoms + headerlines # reopen file and start from scratch xyz.close() xyz = open(filename) counter = 0 startLine = lines_per_box*firstBox if lastBox < 0: endLine = np.inf else: endLine = lines_per_box*(lastBox+1) for line in xyz: if counter >=startLine and counter<=endLine: if counter%lines_per_box == 0: # new box n_atoms = int(line) atoms = [] coordinates = [] cou = 0 if counter%lines_per_box == 1: title = line if counter%lines_per_box in list(range(lines_per_box))[2::]: atom,x,y,z = line.split()[0:4] #print(atom,x,y,z) atoms.append(xyzAtom(atom,[float(x), float(y), float(z)],cou)) #coordinates.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) cou += 1 if counter%lines_per_box == lines_per_box-1: boxes.append(xyzBox(atoms,boxLength=boxLength)) counter += 1 return boxes
[docs]def vaspBoxParser(filename): """ **groTrajecParser** Parses an gromacs GRO-style file for the xyzBox class. """ all_lines = open(filename).readlines() atom_kinds = [ii for ii in all_lines[5].split()] num_atom_kind = len(atom_kinds) num_atoms = np.array([int(ii) for ii in all_lines[6].split()]) headerlines = 2 box_latt_lines = 3 headerlines2 = 3 linesPerBox = headerlines + box_latt_lines + headerlines2 + np.sum(num_atoms) cell1 = np.array([float(ii) for ii in all_lines[2].split()]) cell2 = np.array([float(ii) for ii in all_lines[3].split()]) cell3 = np.array([float(ii) for ii in all_lines[4].split()]) cell = np.array([cell1, cell2, cell3]) coordinates = [] atoms = [] coor_start = headerlines + box_latt_lines + headerlines2 coor_stop = headerlines + box_latt_lines + headerlines2+np.sum(num_atoms) cou = 0 for zz,kind in enumerate(atom_kinds): for ind in range(num_atoms[zz]): # print(ind, kind, cou) rel_coords = np.array([float(ii) for ii in all_lines[coor_start+cou].split()]) abs_coords = atoms.append(xyzAtom(kind, abs_coords, cou )) cou += 1 box = xyzBox(atoms,boxLength=0.0) box.lattice = np.array([cell1, cell2, cell3]).T box.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(box.lattice) return box
[docs]def vaspTrajecParser(filename, min_boxes=0, max_boxes=1000): """ **groTrajecParser** Parses an gromacs GRO-style file for the xyzBox class. """ boxes = [] atoms = [] coordinates = [] all_lines = open(filename).readlines() atom_kinds = [ii for ii in all_lines[5].split()] num_atom_kind = len(atom_kinds) num_atoms = np.array([int(ii) for ii in all_lines[6].split()]) headerlines = 2 box_latt_lines = 3 headerlines2 = 3 linesPerBox = headerlines + box_latt_lines + headerlines2 + np.sum(num_atoms) del(all_lines) xyz = open(filename) counter = 0 for line in xyz: if counter//linesPerBox>= min_boxes: if counter%linesPerBox == 0: #print('hehe1') # write a new box if there is something to write if len(coordinates) > 0: coorcou = 0 for ii_kind in range(num_atom_kind): for jj_num in range(num_atoms[ii_kind]): atoms.append(xyzAtom( ([atom_kinds[ii_kind]]*num_atoms[ii_kind])[jj_num] ,coordinates[coorcou],counter)) coorcou += 1 box = xyzBox(atoms,boxLength=0.0) box.lattice = np.array([cell1, cell2, cell3]).T box.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(box.lattice) boxes.append(box) # if first box, start here else: pass # new box title = line.strip() atoms = [] coordinates = [] atom_type_counter = np.zeros_like(num_atoms) if counter/linesPerBox >= max_boxes: return boxes if counter%linesPerBox == 1: title2 = line.strip() if counter%linesPerBox == 2: cell1 = np.array([float(ii) for ii in line.split()]) if counter%linesPerBox == 3: cell2 = np.array([float(ii) for ii in line.split()]) if counter%linesPerBox == 4: cell3 = np.array([float(ii) for ii in line.split()]) if counter%linesPerBox == 5: atom_kinds = [ii for ii in line.split()] if counter%linesPerBox == 6: num_atoms = np.array([int(ii) for ii in line.split()]) if counter%linesPerBox == 7: title3 = line.strip() if not counter%linesPerBox in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: #print(counter, line.split()) cell = np.array([cell1, cell2, cell3]) rel_coords = np.array([float(ii) for ii in line.split()]) abs_coords = coordinates.append(abs_coords) counter += 1 return boxes
[docs]def groTrajecParser(filename,nanoMeter=True): """ **groTrajecParser** Parses an gromacs GRO-style file for the xyzBox class. """ boxes = [] atoms = [] coordinates = [] residuals = [] boxLength = None if nanoMeter: scale = 10.0 else: scale = 1.0 # read the header xyz = open(filename) title = xyz.readline() n_atoms = int(xyz.readline()) xyz.close() # how many lines per box headerlines = 2 taillines = 1 linesPerBox = headerlines + n_atoms + taillines # read the rest xyz = open(filename) counter = 0 for line in xyz: if counter%linesPerBox == 0: # new box title = line atoms = [] coordinates = [] if counter%linesPerBox == 1: n_atoms = int(line) if counter in list(range(linesPerBox))[2::]: if len(line.split()) == 9: atoms.append(line.split()[1][0]) x = float(line.split()[3])*scale y = float(line.split()[4])*scale z = float(line.split()[5])*scale coordinates.append([x, y, z]) residuals.append(line.split()[0]) elif len(line.split()) == 8: atoms.append(line.split()[1][0]) x = float(line.split()[2])*scale y = float(line.split()[3])*scale z = float(line.split()[4])*scale coordinates.append([x, y, z]) residuals.append(line.split()[0]) elif len(line.split()) == 6: atoms.append(line.split()[1][0]) x = float(line.split()[3])*scale y = float(line.split()[4])*scale z = float(line.split()[5])*scale coordinates.append([x, y, z]) residuals.append(line.split()[0]) elif len(line.split()) == 5: atoms.append(line.split()[1][0]) x = float(line.split()[2])*scale y = float(line.split()[3])*scale z = float(line.split()[4])*scale coordinates.append([x, y, z]) residuals.append(line.split()[0]) if counter > 1 and counter%(linesPerBox-1) == 0: boxLength = float(line.split()[0])*scale AllxyzAtoms = [] # print('>>>>>>>>> n_atoms ', n_atoms) # print('>>>>>>>>> atoms ',len(atoms)) for ii in range(n_atoms): atom = xyzAtom(atoms[ii],coordinates[ii],ii) atom.residual = residuals[ii] AllxyzAtoms.append(atom) boxes.append(xyzBox(AllxyzAtoms,boxLength=boxLength)) counter = -1 counter += 1 return boxes
[docs]def changeOHBondLength(h2oMol, fraction, boxLength=None, oName='O', hName='H'): o_atom = h2oMol.get_atoms_by_name(oName) h_atom = h2oMol.get_atoms_by_name(hName) # get OH bond-vectors ohVectors = [] if not boxLength: warnings.warn('No box length provided, will not take PBC into account!') for atom in h_atom: ohVectors.append(getDistVector(atom,o_atom[0])) else: for atom in h_atom: ohVectors.append(getDistVectorPbc(atom,o_atom[0],boxLength)) # get new OH bond vectors new_ohVectors = [] for vector in ohVectors: new_ohVectors.append( vector*fraction) # make new molecule newmol =[deepcopy(o_atom[0])] for vector in new_ohVectors: newmol.append(xyzAtom(hName,o_atom[0].getCoordinates()+vector,1)) return xyzMolecule(newmol)
[docs]def parseXYZfile(filename): """**parseXYZfile** Reads an xyz-style file. """ atoms = [] coordinates = [] xyz = open(filename) n_atoms = int(xyz.readline()) title = xyz.readline() for line in xyz: atom,x,y,z = line.split() atoms.append(atom) coordinates.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) xyz.close() return n_atoms, title, atoms, coordinates
[docs]def alterGROatomNames(filename,oldName, newName): import re with open(filename, "r") as sources: lines = sources.readlines() with open(filename, "w") as sources: for line in lines: sources.write(re.sub(r'%s'%oldName, '%s'%newName, line))
[docs]def writeFDMNESinput_file(xyzAtoms,fname,Filout,Range,Radius,Edge,NRIXS,Absorber,Green=False,SCF=False): """ **writeFDMNESinput_file** Writes an input file to be used for FDMNES. """ # create file inp = open(fname,'w+') # write some header line inp.write('! Fdmnes indata file \n') inp.write('\n') # Filout inp.write(' Filout \n') inp.write(' ' + Filout + ' \n') inp.write('\n') # Range inp.write(' Range \n') inp.write(' ') for rr in [str(ii) for ii in Range]: inp.write(rr + ' ') inp.write(' \n') inp.write('\n') # Radius inp.write(' Radius \n') inp.write(' ' + str(Radius) + ' \n') inp.write('\n') # Edge inp.write(' Edge \n') inp.write(' ' + Edge + ' \n') inp.write('\n') # Green if Green: inp.write(' Green \n') inp.write('\n') # SCF if SCF: inp.write(' SCF \n') inp.write('\n') # NRIXS if NRIXS: inp.write(' NRIXS \n') inp.write(' ') for nn in [str(ii) for ii in NRIXS]: inp.write(nn + ' ') inp.write(' \n') inp.write('\n') # Absorber inp.write(' Absorber \n') inp.write(' ' + str(Absorber) + ' \n') inp.write('\n') # molecule inp.write(' molecule \n') inp.write(' 1.0 1.0 1.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 \n') # Atoms for atom in xyzAtoms: inp.write('%4d %10f %10f %10f \n' % (xrs_utilities.element(, atom.x_coord, atom.y_coord, atom.z_coord)) inp.write('\n') # Convolution inp.write(' Convolution \n') inp.write('\n') # End inp.write(' End \n') inp.write('\n')
[docs]def writeOCEANinput(fname,headerfile,xyzBox,exatom,edge,subshell): """ **writeOCEANinput** """ # write everything that is in the header header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('\n') # write the cell const = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10 inputf.write('acell { %10.8f %10.8f %10.8f } \n'%(xyzBox.boxLength/const, xyzBox.boxLength/const, xyzBox.boxLength/const)) inputf.write('\n') # write natoms inputf.write('natom %d \n' %len(xyzBox.xyzAtoms)) inputf.write('\n') # write typat inputf.write('typat { \n') for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: if == 'H': inputf.write('%d ' %1) if == 'O': inputf.write('%d ' %2) if == 'N': inputf.write('%d ' %3) if == 'C': inputf.write('%d ' %4) if == 'Cl': inputf.write('%d ' %3) if == 'Na': inputf.write('%d ' %4) inputf.write('\n') inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write nedges ind = 0 for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: if == exatom: ind += 1 inputf.write('nedges %d \n' %ind) inputf.write('\n') # write edges inputf.write('edges { \n') ind = 1 for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: if == exatom: inputf.write('%d %d %d \n' %(ind,edge,subshell)) ind += 1 inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write coordinates inputf.write('xred { \n') for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: inputf.write('%16f %16f %16f \n' % (atom.x_coord/xyzBox.boxLength, atom.y_coord/xyzBox.boxLength, atom.z_coord/xyzBox.boxLength)) inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') inputf.close()
[docs]def writeOCEANinput_new(fname,headerfile,xyzBox,exatom,edge,subshell): """ **writeOCEANinput** """ # write everything that is in the header header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('\n') # write the cell const = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10 inputf.write('acell { %10.8f %10.8f %10.8f } \n'%(xyzBox.boxLength/const, xyzBox.boxLength/const, xyzBox.boxLength/const)) inputf.write('\n') # write natoms inputf.write('natom %d \n' %len(xyzBox.xyzAtoms)) inputf.write('\n') # write typat inputf.write('typat { \n') all_atom_kinds = [] for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: if not in all_atom_kinds: all_atom_kinds.append( inputf.write('%d '%(all_atom_kinds.index( # if == 'H': # inputf.write('%d ' %1) # if == 'O': # inputf.write('%d ' %2) # if == 'N': # inputf.write('%d ' %6) # if == 'C': # inputf.write('%d ' %5) # if == 'Cl': # inputf.write('%d ' %3) # if == 'Na': # inputf.write('%d ' %4) inputf.write('\n') inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write nedges #ind = 0 #for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: # if == exatom: # ind += 1 #inputf.write('nedges %d \n' %ind) #inputf.write('\n') # write edges inputf.write('edges { \n') #ind = 1 #for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: # if == exatom: inputf.write('%d %d %d \n' %(-xrs_utilities.element(exatom),edge,subshell)) # ind += 1 inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write coordinates inputf.write('xred { \n') for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: inputf.write('%16f %16f %16f \n' % (atom.x_coord/xyzBox.boxLength, atom.y_coord/xyzBox.boxLength, atom.z_coord/xyzBox.boxLength)) inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') inputf.close()
[docs]def writeOCEANinput_arb(fname, headerfile, xyzBox, exatom, edge,subshell): """ **writeOCEANinput** """ # write everything that is in the header header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('\n') # write the cell const = constants.physical_constants['atomic unit of length'][0]*10**10 inputf.write('acell { 1.0 1.0 1.0 }' ) inputf.write('\n') # write rprim inputf.write('rprim { \n') inputf.write('%10.8f %10.8f %10.8f \n'%(xyzBox.lattice[0,0]/const, xyzBox.lattice[0,1]/const, xyzBox.lattice[0,2]/const)) inputf.write('%10.8f %10.8f %10.8f \n'%(xyzBox.lattice[1,0]/const, xyzBox.lattice[1,1]/const, xyzBox.lattice[1,2]/const)) inputf.write('%10.8f %10.8f %10.8f \n'%(xyzBox.lattice[2,0]/const, xyzBox.lattice[2,1]/const, xyzBox.lattice[2,2]/const)) inputf.write('}') inputf.write('\n') # write natoms inputf.write('natom %d \n' %len(xyzBox.xyzAtoms)) inputf.write('\n') # write typat inputf.write('typat { \n') all_atom_kinds = [] for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: if not in all_atom_kinds: all_atom_kinds.append( inputf.write('%d '%(all_atom_kinds.index( #inputf.write('typat { \n') #for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: # if == 'H': # inputf.write('%d ' %4) # if == 'O': # inputf.write('%d ' %1) # if == 'N': # inputf.write('%d ' %2) # if == 'C': # inputf.write('%d ' %3) # if == 'Cl': # inputf.write('%d ' %5) # if == 'Na': # inputf.write('%d ' %3) inputf.write('\n') inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write ntypat inputf.write('ntypat %d \n' %len(all_atom_kinds)) inputf.write('\n') # inputf.write('znucl { ' ) for ii in all_atom_kinds: inputf.write(' %d '%xrs_utilities.element(ii)) inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write nedges #ind = 0 #for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: # if == exatom: # ind += 1 #inputf.write('nedges %d \n' %ind) #inputf.write('\n') # write edges inputf.write('edges { \n') #ind = 1 #for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: # if == exatom: inputf.write('%d %d %d \n' %(-xrs_utilities.element(exatom),edge,subshell)) # ind += 1 inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') # write coordinates inputf.write('xred { \n') for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: coords =,atom.coordinates) inputf.write('%16f %16f %16f \n' % (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2])) inputf.write('} \n') inputf.write('\n') inputf.close()
[docs]def writeOCEANinput_full(fname,xyzBox,exatom,edge,subshell): """ Writes a complete OCEAN input file. Args: * fname (str): Filename for the input file to be written. * xyzBox (xyzBox): Instance of the xyzBox class to be converted into an OCEAN input file. * exatom (str): Atomic symbol for the excited atom. * edge (int): Integer defining which shell to excite (e.g. 0 for K-shell, 1 for L, etc.). * subshell (int): Integer defining which sub-shell to excite ( e.g. 0 for s, 1 for p, etc.). """ # some pre-defined input parameters std_input = {} std_input['control'] = 'control 0 \n' std_input['core'] = 'core 28 \n' std_input['para_prefix'] = 'para_prefix{ mpirun -machinefile ../nodelist -n 28} \n' std_input['dft'] = 'dft { obf } \n' std_input['trace_tol'] = 'trace_tol{ 1.0d-10 } \n' std_input['core_off'] = 'core_offset 130 \n' std_input['ngkpt'] = 'ngkpt{ 1 1 1 } \n' std_input['paw.nkpt'] = 'paw.nkpt{ 1 1 1 } \n' std_input['nkpt'] = 'nkpt{ 2 2 2 } \n' std_input['obkpt'] = 'obkpt{ 1 1 1 } \n' std_input['ham_kpoints'] = 'ham_kpoints{ 2 2 2 } \n' std_input['nbands'] = 'nbands 1600 \n' std_input['paw.nbands'] = 'paw.nbands 1600 \n' std_input['obf.nbands'] = 'obf.nbands 1000 \n' std_input['rprim'] = 'rprim { \n 1 0 0 \n 0 1 0 \n 0 0 1 \n } \n' std_input['ppdir'] = 'ppdir { \n \'/users/sahle/pseudos\' \n } \n' std_input['ecut'] = 'ecut 70 \n' std_input['toldfe'] = 'toldfe 1.0d-8 \n' std_input['toldfr'] = 'tolwfr 1.0d-16 \n' std_input['nstep'] = 'nstep 600 \n' std_input['mixing'] = 'mixing 0.1 \n' std_input['diemac'] = 'diemac 2.0 \n' std_input['atomic_paw'] = 'paw.fill {8 o.fill } \n' +'paw.opts {8 o.opts } \n' std_input['paw.shells'] = 'paw.shells { 4.5 } \n' std_input['cnbse.rad'] = 'cnbse.rad { 4.5 } \n' std_input['cnbse.broaden'] = 'cnbse.broaden { 0.05 } \n' std_input['scfac'] = 'scfac 1.0 \n' std_input['cks.normal'] = 'cks.normal { .true. } \n' std_input['xas'] = 'cnbse.mode { xas } \n' std_input['cnbse.ways'] = 'cnbse.ways { 3 } \n' std_input['cnbse.xmesh'] = 'cnbse.xmesh{ 24 24 24 } \n' # open the filename f = open(fname,'w') # start with printing all standard input parameters for key in std_input: f.write(std_input[key]) # write the cell parameters in atomic units bl = xyzBox.boxLength/0.52917721092 f.write( 'acell { ' + str(bl) + ' ' + str(bl) + ' ' + str(bl) + '}\n' ) # write number of types of atoms unique_atoms = [] for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: if not in unique_atoms: unique_atoms.append( f.write( 'ntypat ' + str(len(unique_atoms)) + ' \n' ) # write znucl znucl_str = 'znucl { ' for ii in range(len(unique_atoms)): znucl_str = znucl_str + str(xrs_utilities.element(unique_atoms[ii])) + ' ' f.write( znucl_str + '}\n' ) # write pp_list f.write( 'pp_list { \n \n } \n' ) # write number of atoms in calculation f.write( 'natom ' + str(len(xyzBox.xyzAtoms)) + '\n' ) # write typat typat_str = 'typat { ' list_of_unique_atomic_numbers = [xrs_utilities.element(ii) for ii in unique_atoms] for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: ind = int(np.where(np.array(list_of_unique_atomic_numbers) == xrs_utilities.element([0] +1) typat_str = typat_str + str(ind) + ' ' f.write( typat_str + '}\n' ) # write nedges (number of edges to be calculated) excited_inds = list(np.where(np.array([ for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms]) == exatom)[0]) f.write( 'nedges ' + str(len(excited_inds)) + ' \n' ) # write edges excited_inds = list(np.where(np.array([ for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms]) == exatom)[0]) edges_str = 'edges { ' for ind in excited_inds: edges_str = edges_str + str(ind+1) +' '+ str(int(edge))+' '+ str(int(subshell))+' '+ '\n'+' ' f.write( edges_str + '}\n' ) # write reduced atomic coordinates xred_str = 'xred { \n' for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: xred_str = xred_str + str(atom.x_coord) +' '+ str(atom.y_coord) +' '+ str(atom.z_coord) + ' \n' f.write( xred_str + '}\n' )
[docs]def parsePwscfFile(fname): """ **parsePwscfFile** Parses a PWSCF file and returns a xyzBox object. Args: fname (str): Absolute filename of OCEAN input file. Returns: xyzBox object """ nat = 0 ntyp = 0 celldm = 0 infile = open(fname) while True: line = infile.readline() if not line: break if '&SYSTEM' in line: system_read = True while system_read: line = infile.readline() if 'nat' in line: nat = int(line.split()[-1]) if 'ntyp' in line: ntyp = int(line.split()[-1]) if 'celldm' in line: celldm = float(line.split()[-1]) if nat>0 and ntyp>0 and celldm>0: system_read = False if 'CELL_PARAMETERS' in line: rprim1 = infile.readline() rprim2 = infile.readline() rprim3 = infile.readline() lattice = np.array([[rprim1.split()[0], rprim1.split()[1], rprim1.split()[2]], [rprim2.split()[0], rprim2.split()[1], rprim2.split()[2]], [rprim3.split()[0], rprim3.split()[1], rprim3.split()[2]] ] ,dtype=float) # lattice = np.array([[rprim1.split()[0], rprim2.split()[0], rprim3.split()[0]], # [rprim1.split()[1], rprim2.split()[1], rprim3.split()[1]], # [rprim1.split()[2], rprim2.split()[2], rprim3.split()[2]] ] ,dtype=float) if 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' in line: xred = [] atomType = [] for ii in range(nat): line = infile.readline() atomType.append(str(line.split()[0])) xred.append(np.array( [line.split()[1], line.split()[2], line.split()[3] ],dtype=float )) lattice[:,0] *= celldm * A2AU_factor lattice[:,1] *= celldm * A2AU_factor lattice[:,2] *= celldm * A2AU_factor xabs = [, xred[ii]) for ii in range(len(xred))] xyzAtoms = [] for ii in range(len(xabs)): xyzAtoms.append( xyzAtom(atomType[ii],[xabs[ii][0], xabs[ii][1], xabs[ii][2]], ii) ) box = xyzBox( xyzAtoms ) box.lattice = lattice box.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice) box.relAtoms = xred return box
[docs]def writePWinuptFile( fname, box, param_dict ): """ **writePWinuptFile** """ # define standard default values params = {} # control block params['control'] = {} params['control']['calculation'] = '\'scf\'' params['control']['prefix'] = '\'scratch\'' params['control']['pseudo_dir'] = '\'./\'' params['control']['outdir'] = '\'./\'' params['control']['tstress'] = '.false.' params['control']['tprnfor'] = '.false.' params['control']['wf_collect'] = '.true.' params['control']['verbosity'] = '\'high\'' # system block params['system'] = {} params['system']['ibrav'] = 0 params['system']['nat'] = len(box.xyzAtoms) params['system']['ntyp'] = len( set( [ for atom in box.xyzAtoms]) ) params['system']['noncolin'] = '.false.' params['system']['lspinorb'] = '.false.' params['system']['ecutwfc'] = 60 params['system']['occupations'] = '\'fixed\'' params['system']['smearing'] = '\'gaussian\'' params['system']['degauss'] = 0.02 params['system']['nspin'] = 1 params['system']['tot_charge'] = 0.0 params['system']['nosym'] = '.true.' params['system']['noinv'] = '.true.' # electrons block params['electrons'] = {} params['electrons']['conv_thr'] = 1.0e-7 params['electrons']['mixing_beta'] = 0.2 params['electrons']['electron_maxstep'] = 600 params['electrons']['startingwfc'] = '\'atomic+random\'' params['electrons']['diagonalization'] = '\'david\'' # ions block params['ions'] = {} # k-points params['k_points'] = {} params['k_points']['option'] = 'AUTOMATIC' params['k_points']['points'] = '1 1 1' params['k_points']['offset'] = '0 0 0' # atomic species params['atomic_species'] = {} params['atomic_species']['O'] = [15.9994, '08-o.lda.fhi.UPF'] # overwrite those defined in the "param_dict" if len(param_dict)>0: for key1 in param_dict: for key2 in param_dict[key1]: params[key1][key2] = param_dict[key1][key2] else: print('no parameters defined, using default.') # cell parameters params['cell_parameters'] = {} params['cell_parameters']['option'] = 'angstrom' params['cell_parameters']['lattice'] = box.lattice # atomic positions params['atomic_positions'] = {} params['atomic_positions']['option'] = 'crystal' params['atomic_positions']['atom_names'] = [ for atom in box.xyzAtoms] params['atomic_positions']['atom_coords'] = [,atom.coordinates) for atom in box.xyzAtoms] # write the input blocks f = open( fname, 'w+' ) # control f.write('&control \n') for key in params['control'].keys(): if type(params['control'][key]) == str: f.write(' %15s = %s \n'%(key, params['control'][key])) else: f.write(' %15s = %s \n'%(key, params['control'][key])) f.write('/ \n') # system f.write('&system \n') for key in params['system'].keys(): f.write(' %15s = %s \n'%(key, params['system'][key])) f.write('/ \n') # electrons f.write('&electrons \n') for key in params['electrons'].keys(): f.write(' %15s = %s \n'%(key, params['electrons'][key])) f.write('/ \n') # ions f.write('&ions \n') for key in params['ions'].keys(): f.write(' %15s = %s \n'%(key, params['ions'][key])) f.write('/ \n') # atomic species f.write('ATOMIC_SPECIES \n') for key in params['atomic_species'].keys(): f.write('%3s %10f %s \n'%(key, params['atomic_species'][key][0], params['atomic_species'][key][1])) # cell parameters f.write('CELL_PARAMETERS %s \n'%params['cell_parameters']['option']) latt = params['cell_parameters']['lattice'] for ii in range(3): f.write('%10f %10f %10f \n'%(latt[ii,0], latt[ii,1], latt[ii,2] )) # atomic positions f.write('ATOMIC_POSITIONS %s \n'%params['atomic_positions']['option']) for ii in range(len(params['atomic_positions']['atom_names'])): name = params['atomic_positions']['atom_names'][ii] posx = params['atomic_positions']['atom_coords'][ii][0] posy = params['atomic_positions']['atom_coords'][ii][1] posz = params['atomic_positions']['atom_coords'][ii][2] f.write('%5s %10f %10f %10f \n'%( name, posx, posy, posz )) # kpoints f.write('K_POINTS %s \n'%params['k_points']['option']) f.write('%s %s \n'%( params['k_points']['points'], params['k_points']['offset'] )) f.close()
[docs]def parseVaspFile(fname): """ **parseVaspFile** Parses a VASPS file and returns a xyzBox object. Args: fname (str): Absolute filename of VASP file. Returns: xyzBox object """ nat = 0 ntyp = 0 celldm = 0 headerLines = 1 scalingLines = 1 cellLines = 3 elementLines = 1 atomNumLines = 1 headerLines2 = 1 AllLines = open(fname).readlines() cou = 0 # parse scale scale = float(AllLines[headerLines].split()[0]) # parse box lattice = np.zeros((3,3)) for ii in range(3): lattice[ii,:] = [ float(AllLines[headerLines+scalingLines+ii].split()[jj]) for jj in range(3) ] # scale the lattice lattice *= scale # parse the element types elements = AllLines[headerLines+scalingLines+cellLines].split() ntyp = len(elements) # parse the number of atoms line = AllLines[headerLines+scalingLines+cellLines+elementLines].split() ntypat = [ int(ii) for ii in line ] nat = np.sum(ntypat) # parse relative positions xred = [] atomType = [] for ii in range(nat): lineNum = headerLines+scalingLines+cellLines+elementLines+atomNumLines+headerLines2+ii line = AllLines[lineNum].split() xred.append( np.array( [line[0], line[1], line[2] ],dtype=float ) ) for ii in range(len(ntypat)): for jj in range(ntypat[ii]): atomType.append(elements[ii]) # get absolute atom positions xabs = [, xred[ii]) for ii in range(len(xred))] # create the box xyzAtoms = [] for ii in range(len(xabs)): xyzAtoms.append( xyzAtom( atomType[ii], [xabs[ii][0], xabs[ii][1], xabs[ii][2]], ii) ) box = xyzBox( xyzAtoms ) box.lattice = lattice box.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice) box.relAtoms = xred return box
[docs]def parseOCEANinputFile(fname): """ **parseOCEANinputFile** Parses an OCEAN input file and returns lattice vectors, atom names, and relative atom positions. Args: * fname (str): Absolute filename of OCEAN input file. * atoms (list): List of elemental symbols in the same order as they appear in the input file. Returns: * lattice (np.array): Array of lattice vectors. * rel_coords (np.array): Array of relative atomic coordinates. * oceaatoms (list): List of atomic names. """ infile = open(fname) while True: line = infile.readline() if not line: break if 'acell' in line: acell = np.array( [line.split()[2], line.split()[3], line.split()[4]] ,dtype=float ) if 'rprim' in line: rprim1 = infile.readline() rprim2 = infile.readline() rprim3 = infile.readline() lattice = np.array([[rprim1.split()[0], rprim1.split()[1], rprim1.split()[2]], [rprim2.split()[0], rprim2.split()[1], rprim2.split()[2]], [rprim3.split()[0], rprim3.split()[1], rprim3.split()[2]] ] ,dtype=float) if 'xred' in line: xred = [] if len(line.split())==1 or len(line.split())==2: line = infile.readline() elif len(line.split())== 5: xred.append(np.array( [line.split()[-3], line.split()[-2], line.split()[-1] ],dtype=float )) line = infile.readline() while True: if not '}' in line: xred.append(np.array( [line.split()[0], line.split()[1], line.split()[2] ],dtype=float )) line =infile.readline() elif not line.split()[0]=='}' and line.split()[-1] == '}': xred.append(np.array( [line.split()[0], line.split()[1], line.split()[2] ],dtype=float )) break elif line.split()[0]=='}' and line.split()[-1] == '}': break else: print('>>>>>> check your OCEAN input file!') if 'ntypat' in line: ntypat = line.split()[-1] if 'znucl' in line and not line.strip().startswith('#'): t1 = [ii for ii in line.split()[1:] if ii!='{'] znucl = np.array([ii for ii in t1 if ii!='}'], dtype=int) if 'typat' in line and 'ntypat' not in line: typat = [] if len(line.split())==1 or len(line.split())==2: line = infile.readline() elif len(line.split())> 2: print(line) # line_list = line.split() # try: # line_list.remove('typat') # except: # pass # try: # line_list.remove('{') # except: # pass # try: # line_list.remove('}') # except: # pass typat.append(np.array( [line.split()[ii] for ii in range(len(line.split())) ],dtype=int )) #typat = np.asarray(line_list, dtype=int) line = infile.readline() break while True: if not '}' in line: typat.append(np.array( [line.split()[ii] for ii in range(len(line.split())) ],dtype=int )) line =infile.readline() elif not line.split()[0]=='}' and line.split()[-1] == '}': typat.append(np.array( [line.split()[ii] for ii in range(len(line.split())-1) ],dtype=int )) break elif line.split()[0]=='}' and line.split()[-1] == '}': break else: print('>>>>>> check your OCEAN input file!') typat=typat[0] lattice[:,0] *= acell[0] * A2AU_factor lattice[:,1] *= acell[1] * A2AU_factor lattice[:,2] *= acell[2] * A2AU_factor atoms_name = [xrs_utilities.element(int(znucl[ii])) for ii in range(len(znucl))] atoms = [] #print('>>>>>>>> ' , typat ) #print('========', atoms_name) for at in typat: atoms.append(atoms_name[at-1]) xabs = [, xred[ii]) for ii in range(len(xred))] xyzAtoms = [] for ii in range(len(xabs)): xyzAtoms.append( xyzAtom(atoms[ii],[xabs[ii][0], xabs[ii][1], xabs[ii][2]], ii) ) box = xyzBox( xyzAtoms ) box.lattice = lattice.T box.lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice.T) box.relAtoms = xred return box
[docs]def translateOcean2FDMNES_p1(ocean_in, fdmnes_out, header_file): # parse the OCEAN input box = parseOCEANinputFile( ocean_in ) # read the header header = open(header_file) inputf = open(fdmnes_out,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('\n') # unit cell lengths a = np.linalg.norm(box.lattice[0,:])#/0.52917721092 b = np.linalg.norm(box.lattice[1,:])#/0.52917721092 c = np.linalg.norm(box.lattice[2,:])#/0.52917721092 # unit cell angles alpha = xrs_utilities.vangle(box.lattice[1,:], box.lattice[2,:]) beta = xrs_utilities.vangle(box.lattice[0,:], box.lattice[2,:]) gamma = xrs_utilities.vangle(box.lattice[0,:], box.lattice[1,:]) # write the cell size and angles # write the atom numbers and relative coordinates inputf.write(' %10.8f %10.8f %10.8f %8.6f %8.6f %8.6f \n'%(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma)) for ii in range(len(box.xyzAtoms)): name = xrs_utilities.element(box.xyzAtoms[ii].name) xyz =,box.xyzAtoms[ii].getCoordinates()) inputf.write( '%4d %10.8f %10.8f %10.8f \n'%(name, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2] ) ) inputf.write('\n') inputf.write(' Convolution \n') inputf.write('\n') inputf.write(' End \n') inputf.write('\n')
[docs]def sorter(elem): return elem.dist_to_center
[docs]def writeFEFFinput_arb(fname, headerfile, xyzBox, exatom, edge): """ **writeFEFFinput_arb** """ # write everything that is in the header header = open(headerfile) inputf = open(fname,'w+') for line in header: inputf.write(line) inputf.write('\n') # find some numbers numat = len([ for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms]) numex = len(xyzBox.get_atoms_by_name(exatom)) tags = list( set([ for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms])) pots = np.arange(len(tags)) + 1 exatom_ind = tags.index(exatom) + 1 # write ATOMS inputf.write('ATOMS \n') inputf.write(' * x y z ipot tag distance \n') cen_atom = xyzBox.xyzAtoms[0] dists = [] for atom in xyzBox.xyzAtoms: atom.dist_to_center = np.linalg.norm(atom.coordinates - cen_atom.coordinates) dists.append(atom.dist_to_center) inds = np.argsort(dists) for ind in inds: atom = xyzBox.xyzAtoms[ind] name = tag = tags.index(name)+1 coords = atom.coordinates dist = atom.dist_to_center if ind == 0: tag = 0 inputf.write('%16f %16f %16f %d %s %5f\n' % (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], tag, name, dist)) if dist>0.0: inputf.write('%16f %16f %16f %d %s %5f\n' % (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], tag, name, dist)) inputf.write('END \n') inputf.write('\n') inputf.close()