Source code for XRStools.xrs_prediction

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
# Filename:

# The XRStools software package for XRS spectroscopy
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# This file is part of the XRStools XRS spectroscopy package developed at
# the ESRF by the DEC and Software group.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__author__ = "Christoph J. Sahle - ESRF"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"

from . import xrs_utilities
import numpy as np
import math
import shelve
import os
import pylab
import h5py

from scipy import interpolate, signal, integrate, constants, optimize
from re import findall
# from pylab import *
import pylab
from optparse import OptionParser

__metaclass__ = type # new style classes

installation_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]def cla(): pass
[docs]class detector: """ Class to describe detector related things. All default values are meant for the ESRF MAXIPIX detector. """ def __init__(self, energy=9.68, thickness=500, material='Si', pixel_size=[256,768]): = np.array(energy) # analyzer energy [keV] self.thickness = np.array(thickness) # thickness of the active material [microns] self.material = material # detector active material self.efficiency = []
[docs] def set_energy(self,energy): = energy
[docs] def get_energy(self): if np.any( return else: print( 'No energy set, please set an enegy first!') return
[docs] def set_thickness(self,thickness): self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def get_thickness(self): if np.any(self.thickness): return self.thickness else: print( 'No thickness set, please set a thickness first!')
[docs] def set_material(self,material): if isinstance(material,str): self.material = material.upper() else: print( 'material must be passed as a string. Default is \'Si\'!')
[docs] def get_material(self): if any(self.material): return self.material else: print( 'No material set, please set the material first!')
[docs] def set_size(self,size): if np.shape(np.array(size)) == (2,): self.size = np.array(size) else: print( 'size must be passed as a 2x0 numpy array or list of two entries.')
[docs] def get_size(self): if np.any(self.size): return self.size else: print( 'No size has been set')
[docs] def get_efficiency(self,energy=None): """ calculates the detector efficiency at the given energy (simply given by the absorption of the detector active material). """ if not energy: energy = thickness = self.thickness*1e-4 # conversion to cm (needed for mpr routine) material = self.material murho,rhov,mv = xrs_utilities.mpr(energy,material) return 1.0 - np.exp(-thickness*murho)
[docs]class analyzer: """ Class to describe things related to the analyzer crystal used. Default values are for a Si(660) crystal. """ def __init__(self,material='Si', hkl=[6,6,0], mask_d=60.0, bend_r=1.0, energy_resolution = 0.5, diced=False, thickness=500.0, database_dir=installation_dir): self.material = material # analyzer material self.hkl = np.array(hkl) # [hkl] indices of reflection used (shape (3,) numpy array) self.mask_d = mask_d # analyzer mask diameter in [mm] self.bend_r = bend_r # bending radius of the crystal [mm] self.diced = diced # boolean (True or False) if a diced crystal is used or not (defalt is False) self.thickness = thickness # thickness of the analyzer crystal self.energy_resolution = energy_resolution # energy resolution [eV] self.energy_of_refl_calculation = None # energy(dspace(hkl,material)) !!! check this again !!! may be obsolete or misleading self.database_dir = database_dir # path to a folder, where once calculated reflectivities are stored to spead up second time usage # output self.solid_angle = [] # solid angle of the analyzers self.efficiency = [] # factor, to be calculated self.reflectivity = [] # analyzer reflectivity (to be calculated) self.deviation_meV = [] # x-axis for reflectivity [meV] self.deviation_arcsec = [] # x-axis for reflectivity [arc seconds]
[docs] def set_material(self,material): if isinstance(material,str): self.material = material.upper() else: print( 'material must be passed as a string. Default is \'Si\'!')
[docs] def get_material(self): if self.material: return self.material else: print( 'No material set, please set the material first!')
[docs] def set_hkl(self,hkl): if np.shape(np.array(hkl)) == (3,): self.hkl = np.array(hkl)
[docs] def get_hkl(self): if np.any(self.hkl): return self.hkl else: print( 'No hkl set, please set a hkl first!')
[docs] def set_mask_d(self,mask_d): if isinstance(mask_d,int) or isinstance(mask_d,float): self.mask_d = np.array(mask_d) else: print( 'mask_d (analyzer mask diameter in mm) must be passed as either integer or float!')
[docs] def get_mask_d(self): if np.any(self.mask_d): return self.mask_d else: print( 'No mask_d has been set')
[docs] def set_bend_r(self,bend_r): if isinstance(bend_r,int) or isinstance(bend_r,float): self.bend_r = np.array(bend_r) else: print( 'bend_r (analyzer bending radius in m) must be passed as integer or float!')
[docs] def get_bend_r(self): if np.any(self.bend_r): return self.bend_r else: print( 'No bend_r has been set')
[docs] def set_diced(self,diced): if diced == True or diced == False: self.diced = diced else: print( 'diced must be either True or False')
[docs] def get_diced(self): if self.diced: return self.diced else: print( 'diced has not been set')
[docs] def set_thickness(self,thickness): self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def get_thickness(self): if np.any(self.thickness): return self.thickness else: print( 'No thickness set, please set a thickness first!') return
[docs] def get_energy_resolution(self): return self.energy_resolution
[docs] def get_energy_resolution_keV(self): return self.energy_resolution*1.0e-3
[docs] def get_solid_angle(self): det_area = 2.0*np.pi*(self.mask_d/2)**2.0 sample_det_distance = self.bend_r*1.0e3/2 return det_area/(4.0*np.pi*sample_det_distance**2.0)
[docs] def get_reflectivity(self,energy,dev = np.arange(-50.0,150.0,1.0), alpha = 0.0): """ Calculates the reflectivity curve for a given analyzer crystal. Checks in the directory self.database_dir, if desired reflectivity curve has been calculated before. IN: energy = energy at which the reflectivity is to be calculated in [keV] dev = deviation parameter for which the curve is to be calculated alpha = deviation angle from exact Bragg angle [deg] """ hkl = self.get_hkl() material = self.get_material() bend_r = self.get_bend_r() # print energy, hkl, material, bend_r, type(dev), type(alpha) try: raise # try opening reflectivity from file filename = self.database_dir + material + '_' + 'hkl' + str(hkl) + '_'+ str(energy) + 'keV' + '.dat' database = self.reflectivity = database['reflectivity'] self.deviation_meV = database['deviation_meV'] self.deviation_arcsec = database['deviation_arcsec'] self.energy_of_refl_calculation = database['energy_of_refl_calculation'] except: # if no file exists, calculate reflectivity from scratch #print ('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>', energy, hkl, material, bend_r, dev, alpha) reflectivity, e_scale, dev, e0 = xrs_utilities.taupgen(energy,hkl,material, bend_r,dev,alpha) self.reflectivity = reflectivity self.deviation_meV = e_scale self.deviation_arcsec = dev self.energy_of_refl_calculation = e0 # save reflectivity for next time use # filename = self.database_dir + material + '_' + 'hkl' + str(hkl) + '_'+ str(energy) + 'keV' + '.dat' filename = material + '_' + 'hkl' + str(hkl) + '_'+ str(energy) + 'keV' + '.dat'
# database = # database['reflectivity'] = reflectivity # database['deviation_meV'] = e_scale # database['deviation_arcsec'] = dev # database['energy_of_refl_calculation'] = e0
[docs] def plot_reflectivity(self,mode='energy'): """ Generates and opens a plot of the calculated reflectivity curve. mode = keyword for which x-axis is to be used, can be 'energy' or 'angle' """ cla() dev_energy = self.deviation_meV dev_arcsec = self.deviation_arcsec reflectivity = self.reflectivity hkl = self.get_hkl() E0 = self.energy_of_refl_calculation if mode == 'energy': pylab.plot(dev_energy,reflectivity) pylab.xlabel(['deviation from Bragg angle [meV]']) pylab.ylabel(['reflectivity [arb. units]']) titlestring = 'Takagi-Taupin curve for the ' + str(hkl) + ' reflection at %.2f' %E0 + ' keV.' pylab.title(titlestring) elif mode == 'angle': pylab.plot(dev_arcsec,reflectivity) pylab.xlabel(['deviation from Bragg angle [arcsec]']) pylab.ylabel(['reflectivity [arb. units]']) titlestring = 'Takagi-Taupin curve for the ' + str(hkl) + ' reflection at %.2f' %E0 + ' keV.' pylab.title(titlestring) else: print( 'mode unknown, please select either \'energy\' or \'angle\'.') return
[docs] def get_efficiency(self,energy=None): """ Calculates the efficiency of the analyzer crystal based on the calculated reflectivity curve. The efficiency is calculated by averaging over the energy resolution set upon class initialization. energy = energy (in [keV]) for wich the efficiency is to be calculated """ if not energy: energy = self.energy_of_refl_calculation # print type(energy) energy_resolution = self.energy_resolution * 1.0e3 # resolution in meV if not np.any(self.reflectivity): self.get_reflectivity(energy) dev_energy = self.deviation_meV reflectivity = self.reflectivity # average over the FWHM of the reflectivity curve for an estimate of the efficiency fwhm, x0 = xrs_utilities.fwhm(dev_energy,reflectivity) inds = np.where(np.logical_and(dev_energy>=x0-fwhm/2.0,dev_energy<=x0+fwhm/2.0))[0] self.efficiency = np.mean(reflectivity[inds]) self.energy_resolution_meV = energy_resolution return self.efficiency
[docs]class sample: """ Class to describe a sample. """ def __init__(self,chem_formulas,concentrations,densities,angle_tth,sample_thickness,angle_in=None,angle_out=None,shape='sphere',molar_masses=None): self.chem_formulas = chem_formulas # list of strings of chemical sum formulas self.concentrations = concentrations # list of concentrations, should contain values between 0.0 and 1.0 self.densities = densities # list of densities of the constituents [g/cm^3] self.molar_masses = molar_masses # list of molar masses of all constituents self.shape = shape # keyword, can be 'slab' or 'sphere' self.tth = angle_tth # scattering angle [deg] self.alpha = angle_in # incident beam angle in [deg] relative to sample surface normal self.beta = angle_out # beam exit angle in [deg] relatice to sample surface normal (negative for transmission geometry) self.thickness = sample_thickness # sample thickness/diameter in [cm] self.energy1 = [] self.energy2 = []
[docs] def get_formulas(self): return self.chem_formulas
[docs] def get_concentrations(self): return self.concentrations
[docs] def get_densities(self): return self.densities
[docs] def get_average_densities(self): return np.sum(self.densities)/len(self.densities)
[docs] def get_shape(self): return self.shape
[docs] def get_tth(self): return self.tth
[docs] def get_thickness(self): return self.thickness
[docs] def get_molar_masses(self): return self.molar_masses
[docs] def get_energy1(self): return self.energy1
[docs] def get_energy2(self): return self.energy2
[docs] def get_alpha(self): if self.alpha: return self.alpha else: print( 'alpha has not been set!')
[docs] def get_beta(self): if self.beta: return self.beta else: print( 'beta has not been set!')
[docs] def get_murho(self,energy1,energy2=None): """ Calculates the total photoelectric absorption coefficient of the sample for the two energies given. Returns only one array, if only one energy axis is defined. energy1 = numpy array of energies in [keV] energy2 = numpy array of energies in [keV] (defalt is None, i.e. only one mu is returned) """ self.energy1 = energy1 self.energy2 = energy2 energy = energy1 formulas = self.get_formulas() concentrations = self.get_concentrations() E0 = energy2 rho_formu = self.get_densities() if energy2: return xrs_utilities.mpr_compds(energy,formulas,concentrations,E0,rho_formu) # returns mu_in and mu_out else: E0 = energy[-1] mu_tot_in, mu_tot_out = xrs_utilities.mpr_compds(energy,formulas,concentrations,E0,rho_formu) return mu_tot_in # returns only mu_in
[docs] def get_absorption_correction(self,energy1,energy2,thickness=None): """ Calculates the absorption correction factor for the sample to be multiplied with experimental data to correct for absorption effects. energy1 = numpy array of energies in [keV] for which the factor is to be calculated energy2 = numpy array of energies in [keV] for which the factor is to be calculated """ alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta tth = self.tth if not thickness: thickness = self.thickness mu_tot_in, mu_tot_out = self.get_murho(energy1,energy2) if isinstance(tth,list): self.shape == 'sphere' # list of tth only for sphere geometry ac = (mu_tot_in + mu_tot_out)/(1.0 - np.exp(-mu_tot_in*thickness -mu_tot_out*thickness)) else: if self.shape == 'slab' and alpha and beta: if tth: if self.beta<0: # transmission geometry test_tth = alpha-beta else: # reflection geometry test_tth = 180.0 - (alpha+beta) if tth == test_tth: pass else: print( 'the alpha and beta values set are not congruent to the tth value set!') absorption_correction_factor = abscorr2(mu_tot_in,mu_tot_out,alpha,beta,thickness) elif self.shape == 'sphere': ac = (mu_tot_in + mu_tot_out)/(1.0 - np.exp(-mu_tot_in*thickness -mu_tot_out*thickness)) #1.0/np.exp(-thickness*mu_tot_in -thickness*mu_tot_out) # spherical sample just add up in and outgoing absorption else: print( 'please provide either shape=\'sphere\' (default) or \'slab\' and alpha and beta!') return ac
[docs] def plot_inv_absorption(self,energy1,energy2,range_of_thickness = np.arange(0.0,0.5,0.01)): """ Generates a figure which plots 1/Abscorr for the sample as a function of different thicknesses. This is usefull for finding optimum sample thicknesses for an experiment. energy1 = energy in [keV] at the desired edge energy2 = energy in [keV] at the elastic range_of_thickness = numpy array of sample thicknesses in [cm] !!! right now all samples are treates as if spherical !!! """ ac_range = np.zeros_like(range_of_thickness) for ii in range(len(ac_range)): ac_range[ii] = self.get_absorption_correction(energy1,energy2,range_of_thickness[ii]) cla() pylab.plot(range_of_thickness,1/ac_range) pylab.xlabel('sample thickness [cm]') pylab.ylabel('1/(absorption correction factor) [arb. units]')
[docs]class thomson: """ Class to take care of the Thomson scattering cross section. """ def __init__(self,omega_1,omega_2,tth,scattering_plane='vertical',polarization=0.99): self.omega_1 = omega_1 # numpy array of primary energy in [keV] self.omega_2 = omega_2 # analyzer energy in [keV] self.tth = tth # scattering angle in [deg] self.scattering_plane = scattering_plane # keyword to indicate scattering plane relative to lab frame ('vertical' or 'horizontal') self.polarization = polarization # degree of polarization (close to 1.0 for undulator radiation) self.r0 = constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0]*1e2 # classical electron radius in [cm]
[docs] def get_thomson_factor(self): """ Calculates the Thomson scattering factor. """ # mutiple tth values in a list if isinstance(self.tth,list): thomson = np.zeros((self.omega_1.shape[0], len(self.tth))) if self.scattering_plane == 'vertical': for ii in range(len(self.tth)): thomson[:,ii] = self.polarization * 1.0 * self.omega_2/self.omega_1 * self.r0**2.0 elif self.scattering_plane == 'horizontal': for ii in range(len(self.tth)): thomson[:,ii] = self.polarization * np.cos(np.radians(self.tth[ii]))**2.0 * self.omega_2/self.omega_1 * self.r0**2.0 else: print( 'the scattering plane can only be \'vertical\' or \'horizontal\'.') return # just one tth value else: tth = [self.tth] thomson = np.zeros((self.omega_1.shape[0], len(tth))) if self.scattering_plane == 'vertical': thomson[:,0] = self.omega_2/self.omega_1 * self.r0**2.0 * self.polarization elif self.scattering_plane == 'horizontal': thomson[:,0] = self.omega_2/self.omega_1 * self.r0**2.0 * self.polarization * np.cos(np.radians(tth[0]))**2.0 else: print( 'the scattering plane can only be \'vertical\' or \'horizontal\'.') return return thomson
[docs]class beam: """ Class to describe incident beam related things. """ def __init__(self,i0_intensity,beam_height,beam_width,divergence=None): self.i0_intensity = i0_intensity # number of incident photons [1/sec] self.beam_height = beam_height # in micron self.beam_width = beam_width # in micron self.divergence = divergence # in milli-rad
[docs] def get_i0_intensity(self): return self.i0_intensity
[docs] def get_beam_height(self): return self.beam_height
[docs] def get_beam_height_cm(self): return self.beam_height * 1.0e-4
[docs] def get_beam_width(self): return self.beam_height
[docs] def get_beam_width_cm(self): return self.beam_width * 1.0e-4
[docs] def get_divergence(self): return self.divergence
[docs] def get_beam_cross_section_area(self): """ Calculates the beam cross section area. """ return self.beam_height * self.beam_width # in [microns^2]
[docs]class compton_profiles: """ Class to hold construct HF Compton profiles for an object of the sample class. """ def __init__(self,sample_obj,eloss_range=np.arange(0.0,1000.0,0.1),E0=9.7): self.chem_formulas = sample_obj.get_formulas() self.concentrations = sample_obj.get_concentrations() self.densities = sample_obj.get_densities() self.mean_density = 0.0 if len(self.densities)>1: for ii in range(len(self.densities)): self.mean_density += self.densities[ii]*self.concentrations[ii] else: self.mean_density = self.densities self.E0 = E0 # elastic line energy in [keV] self.eloss_range = eloss_range # desired energy loss range in [eV] self.sample_shape = sample_obj.get_shape() self.tth = sample_obj.get_tth() self.thickness = sample_obj.get_thickness() self.ac_factor = sample_obj.get_absorption_correction(E0+eloss_range,E0) # output if isinstance(self.tth,list): self.J = np.zeros((len(self.eloss_range),len(self.tth))) self.C = np.zeros((len(self.eloss_range),len(self.tth))) self.V = np.zeros((len(self.eloss_range),len(self.tth))) self.q = np.zeros((len(self.eloss_range),len(self.tth))) else: self.J = np.array([]) self.C = np.array([]) self.V = np.array([]) self.q = np.array([])
[docs] def get_E0(self): return self.E0
[docs] def get_energy_in_keV(self): return self.eloss_range/1e3 + self.E0
[docs] def get_tth(self): return self.tth
[docs] def calc_pure_HF_profiles(self): if isinstance(self.tth,list): for tth,ii in zip(self.tth,list(range(len(self.tth)))): eloss,J,C,V,q = xrs_utilities.makeprofile_compds(self.chem_formulas,concentrations=self.concentrations,E0=self.E0,tth=tth) self.J[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,J) self.C[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,C) self.V[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,V) self.q[:,ii] = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,q) else: eloss,J,C,V,q = xrs_utilities.makeprofile_compds(self.chem_formulas,concentrations=self.concentrations,E0=self.E0,tth=self.tth) self.J = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,J) self.C = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,C) self.V = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,V) self.q = np.interp(self.eloss_range,eloss,q)
[docs] def calc_HF_profiles(self): if isinstance(self.tth,list): if not np.any(self.J) and not np.any(self.C) and not np.any(self.V) and not np.any(self.q): self.calc_pure_HF_profiles() for tth,ii in zip(self.tth,list(range(len(self.tth)))): self.J[:,ii] = self.J[:,ii]/self.ac_factor*self.mean_density self.C[:,ii] = self.C[:,ii]/self.ac_factor*self.mean_density self.V[:,ii] = self.V[:,ii]/self.ac_factor*self.mean_density else: if not np.any(self.J) and not np.any(self.C) and not np.any(self.V) and not np.any(self.q): self.calc_pure_HF_profiles() # calculate uncorrected profiles self.J = self.J/self.ac_factor*self.mean_density self.C = self.C/self.ac_factor*self.mean_density self.V = self.V/self.ac_factor*self.mean_density
[docs] def get_HF_profiles(self): if not np.any(self.J) and not np.any(self.C) and not np.any(self.V) and not np.any(self.q): self.calc_HF_profiles() # calculate uncorrected profiles return self.eloss_range, self.J, self.C, self.V, self.q
[docs] def plot_HF_profile(self): if not np.any(self.J) and not np.any(self.C) and not np.any(self.V) and not np.any(self.q): self.calc_HF_profiles() cla() pylab.plot(self.eloss_range,self.J) pylab.plot(self.eloss_range,self.C) pylab.plot(self.eloss_range,self.V) pylab.xlabel('energy loss [eV]') pylab.ylabel('intensity [1/eV]') pylab.title('sample absorption corrected HF Compton profile')
[docs]class absolute_cross_section: """ Class to calculate an expected cross section in absolute counts using objects of the 'beam', 'sample', 'analyzer', 'detector', 'thomson', and 'compton_profile' classes. """ def __init__(self,beam_obj, sample_obj, analyzer_obj, detector_obj, thomson_obj, compton_profile_obj): self.eloss,self.J,self.C,self.V,self.q = compton_profile_obj.get_HF_profiles() self.thomson = thomson_obj.get_thomson_factor() self.I0 = beam_obj.get_i0_intensity() self.beam_h = beam_obj.get_beam_width_cm() self.beam_v = beam_obj.get_beam_height_cm() self.sample_tth = sample_obj.get_tth() self.sample_densities = sample_obj.get_densities() self.sample_molar_masses = sample_obj.get_molar_masses() self.sample_formulas = sample_obj.get_formulas() self.sample_thickness = sample_obj.get_thickness() self.sample_concentrations = sample_obj.get_concentrations() self.sample_abs_in = sample_obj.get_murho(compton_profile_obj.get_energy_in_keV()) self.det_efficiency = detector_obj.get_efficiency(compton_profile_obj.get_E0()) self.ana_efficiency = analyzer_obj.get_efficiency(compton_profile_obj.get_E0()) self.ana_solid_angle = analyzer_obj.get_solid_angle() self.ana_energy_resolution = analyzer_obj.get_energy_resolution() self.energy_in_keV = compton_profile_obj.get_energy_in_keV() # output self.absolute_counts = []
[docs] def calc_num_scatterers(self): """ Calculates number of scatterers/atoms using beam size, sample thickness, sample densites, sample molar masses (so far does not differentiate between target atoms and random sample atoms) """ sample_volume = self.beam_h * self.beam_v * self.sample_thickness sample_weight = np.zeros(len(self.sample_densities)) sample_amount = np.zeros(len(self.sample_densities)) for ii in range(len(self.sample_densities)): sample_weight[ii] += self.sample_densities[ii] * sample_volume * self.sample_concentrations[ii] sample_amount[ii] += sample_weight[ii] * self.sample_molar_masses[ii] return np.sum(sample_amount)*constants.physical_constants['Avogadro constant'][0]
[docs] def calc_abs_cross_section(self): num_of_scatterers = self.calc_num_scatterers() if isinstance(self.sample_tth, list): self.absolute_counts = np.zeros_like(self.J) for ii in range(len(self.sample_tth)): self.absolute_counts[:,ii] = self.I0 * self.thomson[:,ii] * self.J[:,ii] * self.ana_solid_angle * self.ana_energy_resolution * num_of_scatterers * self.sample_thickness * self.sample_abs_in * self.ana_efficiency * self.det_efficiency else: self.absolute_counts = self.I0 * self.thomson[:,0] * self.J * self.ana_solid_angle * self.ana_energy_resolution * num_of_scatterers * self.sample_thickness * self.sample_abs_in * self.ana_efficiency * self.det_efficiency
[docs] def plot_abs_cross_section(self): if not np.any(self.absolute_counts): self.calc_abs_cross_section() cla() pylab.plot(self.eloss,self.absolute_counts) pylab.xlabel('energy loss') pylab.ylabel('absolute counts [1/sec]')
[docs] def save_txt(self, file_name, header=''): data = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),self.absolute_counts.shape[1]+1)) data[:,0] = self.eloss data[:,1::] = self.absolute_counts np.savetxt(file_name, data, header=header)
[docs] def save_hdf5( self, fname, group_name="sample1" ): """ **save_hdf5** Save the results in an HDF5 file. Note: HDF5 files are strange for overwriting files. Args: fname (str): Path and filename for the HDF5 file. """ if isinstance(fname, h5py.Group): f=fname else: f = h5py.File(fname, "w") h5_group = f.require_group(group_name) # absolute counts for plotting if( len(self.absolute_counts.shape)==1): self.absolute_counts = np.array([self.absolute_counts] ).T data = np.zeros((len(self.eloss),self.absolute_counts.shape[1]+1)) data[:,0] = self.eloss data[:,1::] = self.absolute_counts h5_group["abs_counts"] = data # # for attr in ['eloss', 'J', 'C', 'V', 'q', 'thomson', 'I0', 'beam_h', 'beam_v', 'sample_tth', # 'sample_densities', 'sample_molar_masses', 'sample_formulas', 'sample_thickness', # 'sample_concentrations', 'sample_abs_in', 'det_efficiency', 'ana_efficiency', # 'ana_solid_angle', 'ana_energy_resolution', 'energy_in_keV' ]: # h5_group[attr] = eval( 'self.' + attr ) f.flush() f.close()
[docs]def input_file_parser(filename): """ Parses an input file, which has a structure like the example input file ('prediction.inp') provided in the examples/ folder. (Python lists and numpy arrays have to be profived without white spaces in their definitions, e.g. 'hkl = [6,6,0]' instead of 'hkl = [6, 6, 0]') """ try: lines = open(filename,'r').readlines() #f = open(filename,'r') except IOError: print( 'No input file ' + filename + ' found.') return input_parameters = {} # dictionary of input parameters section_names = ['detector','analyzer','sample','thomson','beam','compton_profiles'] for name in section_names: input_parameters[name] = {} # cempty list for all sections, fill them up from file, add defaults for missing values # parse all given parameters lineindex = 0 while lineindex < len(lines): line = lines[lineindex] if line[0:4] == '####': thekey = line.split()[1] lineindex += 1 while lines[lineindex][0:4] != '####' and lineindex < len(lines): if not lines[lineindex] == '\n': input_parameters[thekey][lines[lineindex].split()[0]] = eval(lines[lineindex].split()[2]) lineindex += 1 else: lineindex += 1 if lineindex == len(lines): break return input_parameters, section_names
[docs]def get_all_input(filename = 'prediction.inp'): """ Adds default values if input is missing in the input-file and a default value exists for the missing one. """ # parse the input file input_parameters, section_names = input_file_parser(filename) # create something for all possible inputs all_input = {} for name in section_names: all_input[name] = {} # detector all_input['detector']['energy'] = 9.7 # analyzer energy in keV all_input['detector']['thickness'] = 500.0 # detector thickness all_input['detector']['material'] = 'Si' # detector material all_input['detector']['pixel_size']= [256,768] #detector pixel size # analyzer all_input['analyzer']['material'] = 'Si' # analyzer crystal material all_input['analyzer']['hkl'] = [6,6,0] # analyzer crystal reflection all_input['analyzer']['mask_d'] = 60.0 # analyzer mask diameter in mm all_input['analyzer']['bend_r'] = 1.0 # analyzer bending radius in m all_input['analyzer']['energy_resolution'] = 0.5 # resolution in eV all_input['analyzer']['diced'] = False # keyword, if bent or diced analyzer is used all_input['analyzer']['thickness'] = 500.0 # analyzer bending radius in m all_input['analyzer']['database_dir'] = installation_dir # directory to tabulated chi tables (for calculation of reflectivities) # sample all_input['sample']['chem_formulas'] = [] all_input['sample']['concentrations'] = [] all_input['sample']['densities'] = [] all_input['sample']['angle_tth'] = [] all_input['sample']['sample_thickness'] = [] all_input['sample']['angle_in'] = None # up to now, only spherical samples possible !!! all_input['sample']['angle_out'] = None # same here all_input['sample']['shape'] = 'sphere' # sample shape, right now, only this works, should be 'slab' or 'sphere' in the future all_input['sample']['molar_masses'] = None # this is needed for the estimation of number of scatterers. should be mandatory, acutally # thomson all_input['thomson']['omega_1'] = [] all_input['thomson']['omega_2'] = [] all_input['thomson']['tth'] = [] all_input['thomson']['scattering_plane'] = 'vertical' # 'vertical' or 'horizontal', for polarization purposes all_input['thomson']['polarization'] = 0.99 # polarization factor # beam all_input['beam']['i0_intensity'] = [] all_input['beam']['beam_height'] = [] all_input['beam']['beam_width'] = [] all_input['beam']['divergence'] = None # this is just a dummy parameter # compton_profiles all_input['compton_profiles']['eloss_range'] = np.arange(0.0,1000.0,0.1) # energy range in eV all_input['compton_profiles']['E0'] = 9.7 # analyzer energy in keV # if present, replace all_input variable by values provided in the input file: for key in input_parameters: for key2 in input_parameters[key]: all_input[key][key2] = input_parameters[key][key2] return all_input
[docs]def run(filename='prediction.inp'): """ Function to create a spectrum prediction from input parameters provided in the input file filename. Generates a figure with the result. """ # parse all input parameters inp = get_all_input(filename) # create all the instances beam_obj = beam(inp['beam']['i0_intensity'],inp['beam']['beam_height'],inp['beam']['beam_width'], inp['beam']['divergence']) sample_obj = sample(inp['sample']['chem_formulas'],inp['sample']['concentrations'],inp['sample']['densities'], inp['sample']['angle_tth'],inp['sample']['sample_thickness'],inp['sample']['angle_in'], inp['sample']['angle_out'],inp['sample']['shape'],inp['sample']['molar_masses']) analyzer_obj = analyzer(inp['analyzer']['material'],inp['analyzer']['hkl'],inp['analyzer']['mask_d'], inp['analyzer']['bend_r'],inp['analyzer']['energy_resolution'], inp['analyzer']['diced'], inp['analyzer']['thickness'],inp['analyzer']['database_dir']) detector_obj = detector(inp['detector']['energy'],inp['detector']['thickness'],inp['detector']['material'],inp['detector']['pixel_size']) compton_profile_obj = compton_profiles(sample_obj,inp['compton_profiles']['eloss_range'],inp['compton_profiles']['E0']) thomson_obj = thomson(compton_profile_obj.get_energy_in_keV(),compton_profile_obj.get_E0(),compton_profile_obj.get_tth()) abs_cross_section_obj = absolute_cross_section(beam_obj, sample_obj, analyzer_obj, detector_obj, thomson_obj, compton_profile_obj) abs_cross_section_obj.plot_abs_cross_section()
import sys if(sys.argv[0][-12:]!="sphinx-build"): # parse input arguments, i.e. input file parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",help="read input from FILE", metavar="FILE") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': run(options.filename)
[docs]def main(): run(options.filename)
####################################################### # plot q vs. matrix elements #######################################################
[docs]class radial_wave_function: def __init__(self): self.element = None self.Z = None self.n = None self.l = None self.s = None self.hydrogen_like = False self.spin_polarized = False self.R_nl_numeric = np.array([]) self.r = np.array([])
[docs] def load_from_sympy( self, Z, n, l ): try: from sympy.physics.hydrogen import R_nl from sympy import var except: print('Did not find sympy module, will end here.') return var("rr ZZ") R_nl_function = R_nl(n, l, rr, ZZ) r = np.logspace(1e-6, 2., 1000)-1.0 R_nl_numeric = np.zeros_like(r) for ii in range(r.shape[0]): R_nl_numeric[ii] = R_nl(n, l, rr, ZZ).evalf(subs={rr: r[ii] , ZZ:Z}) self.r = r self.R_nl_numeric = R_nl_numeric self.n = n self.l = l self.Z = Z self.element = xrs_utilities.element(Z) self.hydrogen_like = True self.spin_polarized = False
[docs] def load_from_PP( self, Z, n, l, path='/home/christoph/programs/atomic_wavefunctions/', spin_polarized=False ): l_str = ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h'][l] fname_up = path + xrs_utilities.element(Z).lower() + '/' + 'ae/wf-'+str(n)+l_str+'_up' fname_dn = path + xrs_utilities.element(Z).lower() + '/' + 'ae/wf-'+str(n)+l_str+'_dn' # wfcn in form u(r) = R(r)/r # for checking norm: calculate dr r^2 u(r) u*(r) raw_up = np.loadtxt(fname_up) raw_dn = np.loadtxt(fname_dn)
[docs]class matrix_element: def __init__( self, R1, R2 ): self.wfn1 = R1.R_nl_numeric self.wfn2 = R2.R_nl_numeric self.k = np.array([]) self.r = np.linspace(0.0, 15.0, 1000) self.Mel = np.array([]) self.q = np.array([])
[docs] def compute( self, k ): """ **compute** Calculates the matrix elements for a given k or range of k. """ all_k = [] if not isinstance(k,list): all_k.append(k) else: all_k = k self.k = np.array(all_k) self.q = np.zeros_like(self.r) self.Mel = np.zeros((len(self.r),len(k))) for ii in range(len(k)): self.q, self.Mel[:,ii] = xrs_utilities.compute_matrix_elements( self.wfn1, self.wfn2, all_k[ii], self.r )
[docs] def write_H5( self, filename ): """ **write_H5** Creates an HDF5 file to store the matrix elements. Args: * fname (str) : Full path and filename for the HDF5 file to be created. """ if np.any(self.q): # check if file already exists if os.path.isfile( filename ): os.remove( filename ) f = h5py.File( fname, "w" ) f.require_group( "matrix_elements" ) f["matrix_elements"]["r"] = self.r f["matrix_elements"]["q"] = self.q f["matrix_elements"]["M"] = self.Mel f.close() else: print('There are no matrix elements to save.')
[docs] def write_ascii( self, filename ): """ **write_ascii** Creates an ascii-file and writes matrix elements. Args: * fname (str) : Full path and filename for the ascii file to be created. """ if np.any(self.q): # check if file already exists if os.path.isfile( filename ): os.remove( filename ) the_data = np.zerso((len(self.q), len(k+1))) the_data[:,0] = self.q for ii in range(len(self.k)): the_data[:,ii+1] = self.Mel[:,ii] np.savetxt( filename, the_data )